Has everyone stopped queuing?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by OMNILEGION_EU, Aug 6, 2017.

  1. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    They just need to add more rewards for higher tiers to want to do lower content ... that simple
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  2. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    It really is that simple
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  3. thedemonocus Loyal Player

    A long time ago i commented on stat clamping threads and said if you make high cr players not want to go into lower content Qs will take forever and you will have a hard time finding groups for lower content and i said be careful what you wish for you might just get it well it seem you got what you wanted maybe not in the form of stat clamping but the result is the same and high cr's don't want to q low stuff anymore. You made your bed now lay in it,don't affect me cause i don't play anymore but it is nice to get to say i told you so :)
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  4. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    I like that we cant just ignore mechanics anymore on boss battles... or it might take longer if you do...

    I saw a cr 200 get obliterated with Kronas beam... ive mentioned that before on here.... he just never knew that beam like some of the vets know it
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  5. Gimpy Loyal Player

    Keep telling yourself that.

    You're only convincing yourself and the other advocates.
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  6. CaptainBombus Level 30

    IMO the only incentive that would make it worthwhile would be war bonds, ancient coins or whatever your highest mark is at the time you run it. The problem with that is they will then raise the cost of vendor gear to compensate for the increase in marks. So those who rarely run old content would in effect be punished and forced to run old content for the additional marks. It seems like they're painting themselves further and further into a corner.
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  7. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    So you dont think adding more rewards geared towards those who are over geared for the content would make them want to run it....

    A lot of people are complaining about how modding is done right now...how all the materials it takes to make a mod... they could easily have a provisions box that would have those things in there... they could make a new mark so people can by the stuff on the R&D vendor rather then using marks of victory so you can save those for styles in the style vendor gear from the gear vendors that still accept marks of victory... and your base purchases....

    They could add all the styles in the promethium lock boxes as potential style drops in content you are over geared for and keeping those tradeable between toons... lock boxes are in need of an overhaul anyway... they could use new exclusive styles added to it

    There are definitely things they could do to entice higher crs to running that content even if the content takes longer then 2 mins
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  8. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    I think it's true to an extent though. There are many people that don't want to go and spend 40+ minutes in a T2/3/4 raid if the reward they get is insignificant. I had a leaguemate today who said that he went into the Return to the Nexus alert as CR201, with another player of the same CR, and the other two players were around CR105, and it took them 40 minutes to do the alert. I haven't run it myself, so I don't know how balanced/unbalanced it is and can't comment on that. I asked him why he ran it, and he said because he wanted the collection that drops at the end, and thought it would be a quick and easy alert to run. Now, when I say quick and easy that doesn't mean he wanted to go in, sneeze at the enemies and watch them die a quick death, but he wanted it to take a similar amount of time, if not less, than current alerts. The amount of time it took for him to finish the alert was not worth the reward, and has completely put him off running lower content at all now.

    If there was a significant reward, something that matters or can be useful to a high level player, then I believe that would alleviate people of a high CR not wanting to run lower content. High CR players can no longer roflstomp their way through content, but they can speed it up in comparison to a full group of at-tier players. They also still have to abide by mechanics for the most part, which means lower players aren't losing out on the experience of the content through people killing everything before mechanics can be activated.

    What could this reward be? Honestly I don't know, but I do truly believe that if there was something worthwhile in there then it would encourage more people to run the content despite them not being able to stomp all over it in five minutes.
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  9. CaptainBombus Level 30

    It's tricky though. If they add mats as the reward, then mat prices will go down on the broker, and eventually it will be cheaper and easier just to buy them. The same goes for any item available on the broker. If they offer lockbox styles, then that kills Daybreak's promethium key sales. Why would a player buy promethium keys if they can run old content and get the same thing? Keys are also tied in with the membership incentives.

    It's not as easy as it seems.
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  10. Rail New Player

    When you're feeling weak and pathetic running a 20 old dlc from the time before dawn you gotta ask yourself why are you willing to put yourself through that content when the end game content takes less time to sort a group for and actually finish it.
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  11. Gimpy Loyal Player

    They've introduced MOD recovery kits where Olympian and Special Forces mods are returned intact for ready for use.

    So make a new mark essentially forcing activity in content a player has no interest in

    Remove a member perk and give it to the masses

    You really think they are going to take that away from TCs???

    My time spent in game is just as important for my own enjoyment as any other person's.

    Look, the whole argument of "ruining the experience" is actually saying "ruining my enjoyment".

    Those for the "clamp" won, their "enjoyment" is assured.

    Offering "enticements" under the guise of "rewards" to get the high CR back into the content you just got them out of?
    That's only for thier "enjoyment" too.

    The advocates were successful in securing their "own enjoyment" by "limiting the enjoyment of high CRs" and now suggest offering "rewards" to "entice" the high CRs into content the advocates made sure the high CRs could "only enjoy the advocate's way", which for the high CR is "unenjoyable".

    Sounds like reality is starting to set in.

    I'm no longer willing to spend my time in lower tiered content for the enjoyment of others when it takes away my own enjoyment.
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  12. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    I was giving examples.. of things they could do.. those arent the only things they could do there are other ways but someone like you will never be convinced and will always be against any idea brought forth so there is no reason for me to even bother at this point... have fun with your pity party
  13. Winter Sabel Dedicated Player

    Do you like grinding the SS everyday? I know that I and many others do not.
  14. Gimpy Loyal Player

    Rewards to get high CRs back into content the "clamp" advocates got them out of and the high CRs no longer enjoy.

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  15. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    I just ran coast city and ace chemicals ...the two lower levels got the speed feat. In ace chemicals.. then the other group for coast city only one person died and they had gotten separated... it didnt feel too long and it didnt feel difficult... im gonna run some more stuff but so far everything seem normal...other then you arent one shooting stuff...
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  16. Gimpy Loyal Player

    Appears I touched a nerve there. I wasn't demeaning in my post yet you jump right out with a statement intended to do just that.

    Why does a player need "convinced" to come back and play content that has become unenjoyable for them?
    Why do I need to be "convinced" to play with those who weren't interested in my "enjoyment" so they can have fun?
    At my expense?

    The high CR wasn't desired in lower tiered content when it was enjoyable for the high Cr player and now that the high CR players are saying they will not be queueing for lower content because they no longer enjoy it, the "generosity is overflowing" to get those queue times a popping.

    Dove season starts Sept 1st, along with some new content dropping, no reason to play something unenjoyable.

    No pity party here,
    I'm just fine with only playing 30 minutes a day 3-4 days a week.
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  17. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    Actually, I just ran some alerts with at tier groups (me too) and it was a lot of fun. Didn't get the speed feat though (30 min) for smallville, but we got past it fine. I still need to get together a raid at level to see how it is. If the devs adjust the difficulty rating correctly (basically so it feels like US or JFA at endgame) for at tier players, they won't really need end game players anyway. That's a big if though, lol, i know.
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  18. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    Was it a League group??
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  19. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    i just ran smallville as well no one was higher then 47 cr and im not sure if they got the speed feat or not but it was a pretty fast run i just didn't look to see im sure it wasnt 30 mins though

    Also just did prime and the old league of assasins alert.. everyone was still standing at the end of prime and people got the prime numbers feat... then league of assasins it was a breeze
  20. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    All of mine are random queues not sure about his