Hardlight Powers OP?

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by CaptainCeasar, Apr 16, 2013.

  1. chillaCroc New Player

    I don't use bow, so I don't know.
  2. UltraElite Dedicated Player

    is that bow clip on par with the other popular clippable weapons?
  3. Zpirit Dedicated Player

    I have no problem with it, or the arrow throw or whatever twas called.
  4. CaptainCeasar New Player

    Ultraelite your a 89cr fire dps whos been playing since 2011.. I assume u have well over 100 sp... Yet any raid we play togeather ill be well over 100k damge on u, cliping or not cliping on your part is really up to u but will have no difference on the scoreboard... Dont u think its unfair your toon was born over 2 years ago yet mine was made last month... Cmon man! Ur a "community rep" u should let them know that this is truley unfair and should be look at so all powers are born equal... Btw learn to clip with the bow.. It hasnt change in 2 years.. U should already know how to clip with it by now.
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  5. UltraElite Dedicated Player

    really i guess ill have to give it another try

    i usually use the tap tap hold triangle, ill try out trickshot instead and clip it to see how it compares...

    do u know what u usually hit for?
  6. KiLL ORDER New Player

    go away
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  7. Zpirit Dedicated Player

    In dps? Well over 1k if u have enough sp to fully spec into your role.
  8. 13igtyme Devoted Player

    Am I the only one who think's he's pretending to have a HL toon so it can get nerfed and he could act like it was not his fault.
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  9. Meta Flare New Player

    nope not at all.

    either that or he just started this to try and brag.

    what i read was "dude i am the best player ever, i use HL and i am unbeatable, dont believe me lets fight"

    just stop OP. this is almost worse than the nerf cry babies.
  10. CaptainCeasar New Player

    Nerf, nerf, nerf, if the devs think that this will solve the problem then u have a problem with the devs.... I dont want this to happen but i have no control of this... I just want the powers to be balance and currently they are not balanced...
  11. 13igtyme Devoted Player

    That just sealed it. He's secretly trying to get it nerfed.
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  12. CaptainCeasar New Player

    Shhh dont tell anyone
  13. UltraElite Dedicated Player

    i know i know

    i know how to clip, i just dont.... (preference, "play ur way")


    Ran a raid with all DPS who didnt clip i was #1, then i ran with all DPS who clipped and i was #3
    nothing on my part changed in statistics really between the two runs

    kind of hit me then, got to get on the Clipping bandwagon...
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  14. UltraElite Dedicated Player

    doesnt staffs clip move crit for like 3,000 or did i read/remember that wrong?
  15. CaptainCeasar New Player

    Nothing change in the 2 raids? So it was the same tank, the same trollers, the same healers, the same raid? The same dps u ran with 1st just choosed not to clip... I find this hard to believe... Its not just about clipping... It defintly adds an extra boost.. But hardlight clipping is defintly oped compared to the rest of the powers...
  16. Zpirit Dedicated Player

    with buffs, but it has to be charged up, trickshot is instant
  17. CaptainCeasar New Player

    Maybe ultraelite u should read less and play/test more... If u cant remember correctly or cant find it on the forums maybe u should make a thread about it... Stop using this thread to learn how to clip... Go play the game.. Uve been playing for 2 years already... Thx
  18. UltraElite Dedicated Player

    gotcha thanks!
  19. UltraElite Dedicated Player

    im at work earning money more than im on the game, internet and computer at work lets me have plenty of time for the forums (hence reading)

    i thought Clipping was a sub-topic of this thread?

    I dont pretend to know everything, even after playing this game for 2 years, which is why i still use the forums.... plus information.....when u have a continuously updating game, being on the forums is crucial to get the information
    But it does seem like HL is the favor of the month

    wats interesting, almost every YR Quarter it seems a different power is OP.

    Like every Power gets a chance to be OP! atleast its better than 1 power always being OP
    Almost every power (sorry earth and any other i forgot) has been tweeked due to OPness
  20. YodaDog New Player

    Yea dude dont worry about the OP... He thinks he knows stuff that he doesnt... It happens..

    Clipping the Bow: Your money moves to clip are Flurry Shot and Finishing Volley. Any weapon combo can be clipped, but the combos with longer animations are the only one's that will effectively grant you enough "bonus time" and allow you to squeeze in noticeably more damage per second on a consistent basis. I recommend practicing on a dummy, preferable one in your lair if you gots one. There was a great guide on clipping around here on this forum too, I think.. Hope that helped..
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