Hardlight Powers OP?

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by CaptainCeasar, Apr 16, 2013.

  1. CaptainCeasar New Player

    Can anyone explain why hardlight powers are so overly powered compared to any other power set? I have a 55sp hardlight power toon who still has yet to be out dpsed by these "beast" 160sp sorcery, fire, electirc, gadget players.... If u want to challenege me to an instance to see what i mean please send me a tell in game anytime... My toon name is "captainlittleceasar" im not saying im better because i do have 1 of those 160 sp nature toon and always get beat by hardlight... I dont understand the "balance" of this game sometimes... Let the trolling begin.
  2. Radium Devoted Player

    You started it.
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  3. Little Sister New Player

    It's balanced because most HL DPSs are terrible : )
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  4. chillaCroc New Player

    You only say that cause he's HL.
  5. YodaDog New Player

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  6. Wilder Midnight New Player

    i don't think they're op in that just having means you're going to blow everything away. i think they work faster than other powers allowing for more dps than anything else so if you know what youre doing you can burn half of whats in your way before everyone else can fire off their 60% damage buff power... but thats just from my observations.
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  7. recespieces31 New Player

    What is no for a 1,000 Alex
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  8. Little Sister New Player

    L MAO I really like this response I'm going to steal it : P
  9. UltraElite Dedicated Player

    i remember a time when FIRE was the first on that list......
  10. Zpirit Dedicated Player

    It is not that hard light is op in anyway, but that most other powers need some serious work put into fixing them and making them more viable. I am sick of these types of threads which lead to nerfing or breaking a powerset because some lazy player wants to get the top score without putting in the work or the devs continuously nerfing good powers making them half or less than half as good as they use to be. Hard light, gadgets and ice ATM are the most balanced powers in game IMO. It is the other powers that really need to be brought UP into line with them.
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  11. YodaDog New Player

    lol, same.. classic stuff, villian. I'll give you that one.
  12. CaptainCeasar New Player

    This is not a nerf hardlight thread... I love the way it is... Im not trolling either i just want to know why clipping was such a focus on one power and not the others....
  13. Lwee New Player

  14. UltraElite Dedicated Player

    i hate clipping and refuse to do it.

    My DPS suffers, but my fun level increases
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  15. MARK2099 New Player

    I guess by the last sentence this is just a trolling post, because is not you are going to start a war who gonna turn ugly before mods close this one lol.
  16. chillaCroc New Player

    Whats so bad about clipping?
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  17. CaptainCeasar New Player

    A war? A war between who? If u cannot comment on the topic please go away
  18. Zpirit Dedicated Player

    May not have been intended to lead to a nerf but that is where these threads always end up leading to.
  19. UltraElite Dedicated Player

    i use the bow....

    what weapon attack is there to clip thats on par with other more "Clippable" weapons?
  20. Zpirit Dedicated Player

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