Hard light Changes........

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Agent Flores, Dec 15, 2015.

  1. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    What gets me with the whole thing with balancing was what ever happened to balancing between Might and Precision. It like that went away when they announced Mid-Range balancing. They were suppose to finish off baseline melee and range, than get the balancing completed between Might and Precision based on mods, and than do mid range. The balancing between might and precision seems to vanish while mid range took priority.

    If Might and Precision are balanced so they know exactly how 1 point in each impacts the damage potential of powers, I'm good. But I have a feeling that was kinda rush or not fully tested like it should have been. Maybe that occured when I was not as active here and enjoying my Ice OPNESS back in September.
  2. Agent Flores Committed Player

    Awesome feed back guys! Keep it coming! :D
  3. Green Lantern Fadi Loyal Player

    Here's a thought , why not make all powers might ? Since the gear always will have more might , leave prec for weapons only
  4. dr strangeonline Loyal Player

    No that would be a dramatic change. It would completely turn the power upside down.

    Along with the AM/Mid Range/Support Changes the Dev team is going to balance out precision/might scaling, weapon damage, etc. In the end everything should be much closer aligned.

    What I think should happen is that the Clipping AM which has been completely neglected and never really did the appropriate damage post GU 36 should also get updated with the Combo AM/Troll damage AM update(mid range balance). That would allow players to build slightly different and have another option to use in area's where interruption, trash dies quickly, etc happen.

    I'd also comment that the Relentless Prec neck mod should be reduced from 9 hits to 5 hits to be more in line with how many attacks are needed to active its highest boost. Basically giving us our full boost in the same amount of time. Though that technically isn't Light specific.

    Thank you for sharing your idea. I don't think a total overhaul is necessary. It's gonna take time and the Dev team has a lot to do still. We'll eventually see everything come together. A total overhaul of the power isn't necessary in my opinion.
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  5. Absolix Loyal Player

    Again, that is not how the two stats work or how the ratio from gear is.

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  6. Miss Adora Loyal Player

    mainly I would like to see is less knock back from HL combos and balanced with the other powers
  7. Victor99dcuo Well-Known Player

    No hardlight is the only precision based power, and it better stay that way, i like using melee attacks, thats why i choose it, i don't want to spam powers might is not my gameplay style, that noob who started this tread, need to keep his mouth shut before another good power gets ruined.
  8. Emerald Vibe Committed Player

    Increase damage output for HL and nerf the hell out of earth and sorcery, i'm tired of being disrespected by lower levels using those powers talking about i'm out dpsing you. i can't wait for the day those 2 powers get nerfed.
  9. Wiccan026 Loyal Player

    That's inaccurate. The moves are fine, the combo strings are fine, the AM does need tweaking do both up are damage and I would prefer if you could relaunch the activation with inspiration (so you dont have to hit the chain to get the damage started) but the powerset needs tweaking not a complete overhaul.
  10. Telos Usr Dedicated Player

    Not what I said or meant actually. Im talking damage numbers and how they can be changed based on a power that doesnt follow the standard 1234 rotation, im not talking about them changing any powers, how they work or how they chain. Considering they cant just say "lets use Gadgets/Earth/Fire as a baseline and work from there", considering its the only truly infinitely chainable power without using tray powers more than once, that would obviously, logically, mean they'd have to start the dmg number BALANCE from scratch.

    Thats accurate, or as accurate as speculation can be.
  11. Zlohsac Committed Player

    Uhhh what about Earth? Celestial? Ringing any bells?
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