Hairstyles Update & Additions

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Horrorshow, Sep 28, 2014.

  1. Kuno Loyal Player

    At this points devs have heard us about the customization, new hairstyles, new skins...
    I agree is all a sad excuse. There are already tons of nasty bugged styles, clipping, wrong textures, color selection and geometry mess.
    I wish they could dedicate more man work to the visuals. The current art team lacks player perspective, imagination and will to give the comunity what we want/demand.
    For example, how long been till females got high heels boots? Since Split Personality years ago, all they got is a port from males, some times deformed and out of proportion.
    I think is just lazyness.
    City of Heroes art team did wonders with costumes, hairstyles, auras, path auras, power color customization, animation customization with an old *** engine.
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  2. Kuno Loyal Player

    Wish we have a dev update regarding new hairstyles one day...
  3. Toshknight Loyal Player

    no man... even in the begining they planned ahead for the game to go big... like i said before we'll never have better customization , like for instance being able to choose just hair.. then choose your beard, /factial hair. among LOTS of other things the ps3 cannot handle... its done well until this point dealing with dcuo. im not hating on playstation i i LOVE it actually. , i have a ps3. buying a ps4 soon but... i just believe all mmos should be on pc's cause the skys the limit... and with the ps4, being close to a pc atm it can handle the updates this game needs. in swg the slide bar customization , from nose width, legnth. eye size.... mouth size... ALL kinds of ****, but it just cant happen on the ps3 console..i really wish they could add more hair styles... i know they did a memory over hall to the ps3 recently , so that they could add more powers. but recycling animations.... all kinds of stuff is cause of ps3. bottom line. its just the facts
  4. Toshknight Loyal Player

    i just wish theyd let the ps3 players move there toons to ps4... thats just wierd. they cant
  5. Rasta Committed Player

    Sad that the styles in Amazon Fury Part 1 weren't added to the marketplace. They did a really good job with the hair and clothing in that DLC
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  6. Toshknight Loyal Player

    if you read what i posted i said i love playstaion and have a ps3. and will probobly buy a ps4
  7. X-zero Loyal Player

    The reason why something isn't in the game isn't always because PS3 can't handle it. The reason sometime is they just don't want to do because it is more trouble then it is worth.

    Some other reasons they might give:
    1. There is the it will clip through other styles reason.
    2. They would have to adjust face and head piece to work around the new hair styles reason .
    3. The team doesn't have the spare resources to put some people to work on it reason.
    4. The it wouldn't be that profitable reason.

    Some of the counterpoints I would make:
    1.Hair already clips through other styles. And that does seem to stop being from using the long hair style.
    2.Most of the new face and head style don't even work well with the current hair as is. So this really should stop new hair being added. Easy way make a head option that override face and hair and call it a wig. It could prevent having to readjust face and head styles to fit the new hair.
    3. After seeing how well cosmetic items are doing right now. Wouldn't it make sense to make more available.
    4. See reason #3

    I definitely would love more hair options in this game. Come on developers my characters are tired of wearing masks because they don't want to get laughed at for having such outdated looking hair
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  8. CHUD Loyal Player

    +5 for this thread.

    This is what I'd like to see down the road.
    1. More female hairstyles.
    2. Female armor styles that doesn't make them a stripper. Something like a vest or sleeveless armor.
    3. Arm bracers. Men and women styles.
    4. Head styles that doesn't cover up long hair.
    5. Trench coat variations.
    6. Possible 4th color option.
    7. The ability to turn off the power ring glow. I feel like a moving target sometimes. That and my cat loves to paw the screen when seeing my character run by with a rage ring.
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  9. wulff420 New Player

    lol awe you have a cat that does that thats cute lol

    also big ups on what you said rock on i want too see all that i want to see more custo period. but you forgot to mention more long haired male styles too.

    and i dont understand how ps3 cant handle individual hair/facial hair cuz wrestling games on ps2 after ps3 came out had some very indeepth custom options to compete with ps3 and keep ps2 people happy. multi layer face paints, facial hairs, tattoos, logos 3 space names the game had preset names that the announcers would call out it had loads of custo stuff way back in ps2 so i dunno

    but eitherway i love the game and keep playing would love to see more coh level of custo but coh is gone and dc really is the best and only good hero game around
  10. John Brawler Committed Player

    first, no they didn't. since the game launched the customization options have not changed, they made the game with ps3 in mind, they limited the body types, hairstyles, and costumes, and only add new styles to lockboxes, marketplace, and dlc content, we've gotten 4 or 5 new skins since the game launched, we have gotten no new hairstyles since launch, ps3's only "crutch" (with the way this game was made in the first place) is that they're just now, (starting barely half a year ago) reaching the memory cap of ps3's ram. if they wanted to add more hairstyles they could have added them at any time, and since there's many unused hairstyles in the game that can be adjusted to fit the limited character models it is far from impossible with the current memory restrictions, and for someone who supposedly "loves" the ps3 you sure don't seem like it for several reasons.

    1. you mention all mmos should be on pc because "the sky's the limit" however while pc is improved much faster then consoles the game itself is limited by the technology available during release until expansions and changes to the entire game's systems are implemented to accommodate the changes.

    2. every thread about customization, be it new body types, weapons, hair styles ect. you show up with the simple "blame ps3" response.

    3. and this is more a sign of your ignorance about the ps3 and move to ps4:

    your character is linked to your psn account, the ps3 and ps4 can both access the same psn account, same account means same characters, same characters means your character did infact move to ps4, the majority of my league are on ps4 and using the same toons from when they played on the ps3.

    also your so called "facts" are not facts, they are speculations you have based on what you want vs what we've gotten so far and false promises made time and time again only to be proven false when the devs make excuses.

    finally, if the ps3 is the reason we can't get hairstyles, then why is it that when the devs finally responded they blamed clipping? they wouldn't use that excuse if they had a viable, "not enough memory" problem.

    here, let me list off things that are actually ps3's fault due to memory problems.

    1. limited options for powers due to inability to make and add new animations.
    2. no "new" body types that aren't in the game already because adding them say it with me now "takes memory"
    3. no new weapons because weapon animations like power animations once again "takes memory"
    4. limited options on physical areas in new dlcs because guess what? memory.

    there are a couple more, but the bottom line is, barring complete and total reworking of the ui and game engine which isn't happening period for atleast a couple years, the only things that we aren't getting at the moment that is the ps3's fault are memory related.
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  11. Toshknight Loyal Player

    again... like i said i have a ps3 and love it.... your points are valid. on my thoughts with this game and the ps3. but, i didnt know you could play your characters from ps3 on the ps4 ... or did you just say thats possible... and your words "ignorance" to the ps3. is invalid. everything you stated about the faults. i knew about....and yes they are reworking the ui , to free up memory , and among other thing. i hope it works out... i have respect for the ps3 players as much as the pc players. its just with consoles you cant update the hardware. without making a new console IE ps4, which is great. anyway ... wasnt trying to pick a fight... just want this game to be at its full potential. cause this game is amazing. and it will get even better , and will last for years to come, its going on 4 years nearly being out. and its just the begining.....

    IMO... you have mmos like Wow... SWG, which are and in swgs case was the Best mmo ever created , as in sandbox style. and IMO swg was one LONG beta test while it was out... they took the Decorating, from swg / Everquest 2. and put it into DC universe. and its perfect... they took the NGE combat from swg... fast pace , ranged... tweaked it and made it perfect for this game... the player base style was ripped right from Eq 2 the instance style housing,,, its great. and the league halls are amazing, i only mentioned wow cause its very succesful and is a solid mmo and has done all the right things without needing a player station cash type market to survive.

    anyway ending,,, DCUO is probobly in the top 3 best MMOS out rght now. Star wars the old republic... turned out to be a bust... the leveling sytem was Great... in fact i dont even look at it as a MMO its almost like a single player game...but just online... after you level ... BAHHH I hate it... i cant even talk about it.., the game is beautiful but... end game pvp is garbage. and i canceld my swtor account. and am now playing dcuo full time and SWG Bloodfin emu...
  12. Kuno Loyal Player

    I really hope they come with a solution because it gets so boring having to use the same limited options for hair.
    Tired of the poor excuses they dont know how to add it and it sucks that new hairstyles would clip with tons of styles.
    Even if we cant match it with head styles would be ok, only mask and face styles I would call it a win.