GU47 Brings in Compulsory Stat Clamping - This will ruin DC Universe!!!!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Iconic Simulation, Apr 11, 2015.

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  1. Iconic Simulation YouTuber

    You can think what you must but im going to say this probably the 30th time that ive said to the few PS players that cant grasp the idea of a low population >sigh<... here I go...again

    Im on a low population server to where the new players that come in are very small numbers... the plan that the want would only work for a server that supports a lot more ppl. Because of lack of players I will group up with a few lowbies eager to join me for a raid. Because of such low numbers some are already at a substancial lvl but NEVER been on a raid due to the fact that there isn't enough ppl that que old content anymore or they have been on a raid because a fellow villain like me also came along and dpsed with a pug group. I personally enough helping them and fighting the raid for myself in a more personal matter. I have the right to do this because I have the stats and equipment which is the only thing required and that's why walkins were made in the first place if smaller more powerful groups wanted to be made. If I got the power im gonna flaunt it and use it- and the devs want to control that. You can be the one in the hamster cage but ill be the one outside of it. So I really wonder if you Taz have any critical thought ...nuff said
  2. Scarlet Rise Loyal Player

    I imagine this topic is Deja Vu for many players. Cry wolf too many times about DCUO breaking and some people may lose interest on the topic.

    Around a year ago this kind topic broke out (and this was when this whole issue was getting underway). I questioned if DCUO was going to fail. Obviously, it did not.

    DCUO is like the Rocky Balboa of console games. Its going to keep on trying whether you believe in it or not. Their will most likely be enough players to keep it going when it is going through its rough patches. That is one reason why it is so much more helpful to not make comments that suggest DCUO will ultimately fail.

    Bottom Line: Based on history, it is highly doubtful DCUO will end any time soon.
  3. 12AngelOfLife21 Loyal Player

    lol Really? Dude, what I gave you is the truth. People DO learn their roles by seeing someone curb stomp something and emulating that person. I've had people ask me for help on game mechanics because I curb stomped stuff. They became great players as a result. The fact that you actually think players will remain when they find certain content too difficult and can't have high cr players actually help them through said difficult content just shows that you have no critical thought whatsoever lol. You might want to take a course on critical thinking there bub.
  4. Solmes202 Loyal Player

    That's your opinion. You are entitled to it. in my opinion a lot of players are just unhappy that they can't one shot their way through the game anymore.
  5. Alekimsior New Player

    I've read posts from well-established players complaining that they were on alts and saw high CR players carrying them around. I've read just an equal amount of posts of players, myself included, where running lower content got the thanks for helping them out. I guess that the forums represent only a minority of the real game community, but because we speak a lot of nonsense, we get to affect the game for everyone.

    Reminiscing my gaming experience, I started playing around June, I think, and I was a champ at tier hopping. Not because I was carried, but because I searched for resources to level up, as soon as possible (dcuobloguide). The only real times I felt I was carried around was the first time I completed Paradox, at tier, after several failed pug runs, I was actually in a group of players with high gear, that were able to complete the content, or didn't disband the instance after the first few wipes.

    Also, had a similar experience running Assault & Battery. I still remember how frustrating it was to be at tier and not able to get past the first bosses. Don't recall if I finally suceeded beating the place, because there was an overgeared player or not. What I can say, is that throughout my experience, going back to revisit older content actually helped my progress and that of others, too. Have you ever seen higher CR players run FOS, and say "let's aim for the Scorpion feat?". Maybe for all the players in the group it was unthinkable or even they were unaware of such a feat, but by the intervention of a more seasoned player, the feat is complete and everyone progresses. Win/win.

    Seriously, looking back, I still remember when reaching HoP CR, with about 70 SP, I'd still get praises from people for good trolling, of course, I'd stay away from places like Lockdown and Artifacts, because of severe performance issues and bad experiences. Roll in a few months forward, WoTL2, I saw myself working on SP, getting past 100, and in a Zam run, a rage tank that was hemorrhaging power complained that my tick was too low, my reponse: I am working on SP. Guess everyone is a critic (we completed the content, btw, and remember the tank saying, "I'm not saying that you are doing a bad job, just that x amount of power per tick is too low for your CR".

    What helped me get better in the game is fighting my aversion to content that I previously avoided, thanks to meeting the right person that motivated me to expose myself to all Raids. Don't believe I was carried by this person, despite the abysmal gap of skill level between us, I'm pretty sure I contributed to the success of completing content, This is what gave me greater confidence handling the game content, at tier or other challenges.
  6. Sbel Devoted Player

    ...There is a vendor you know. Even if they can't complete a T5 raid, they can do T5 solos, duos, and alerts to buy the gear they need to get to T6.
  7. Iconic Simulation YouTuber

    Scarlet im sorry but ive never seen an update with a scaling system in DCUO before and DCUO has just started stat clamping so looking to the past is no comfort for what outcry and player drop there is to come
  8. 12AngelOfLife21 Loyal Player

    If this change goes live, I give it a year, maybe a year and a half, before they say the servers are going down due to no player interest. At that point, 4 to 6 months it's done. I used to say there's a lot of life in this game and it can last for years. But if what's on test hits live, 2 years and it's gone.
  9. Sionn Committed Player

    That's how I learned way back in Dec 2011. I needed help on my very 1st character trying to beat Mannheim (when he was actually tough), and a level 30 rolled him in a few seconds. I was like wow, and then he told me about clipping. Which I decided I should learn pretty quickly.
  10. Entrophy New Player

    What's the problem exactly? i mean, the feats are there, the styles are there, everything is there, except you dont get FREE MARKS for DOING NOTHING like you used to, i see no other problem whit this whatsoever, i still have tons of those feats to complete and i cannot care less if the runs give me no marks, in fact, as it is now they may as well not give them to me now, its not like i need the 100 triumph from kandaq.

    Then again i ca see how you are pissed about the fact that you are not gonna be able to buy T7 Gear doing T1's, i mean who wants the extra bother of actually having to word for the reward right? or actually letting people learn the game and his class by letting them do the content as intended as opposed to having a 110> Cr plow trough everything.
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  11. Iconic Simulation YouTuber

    lol same here I used to hear DCUO posts about the game dying I didn't listen then..i figured they were talkin out of their hat.. but now I see that they are all somewhat right and im pretty confident that within a year or two player interest will be lost and the game ended...and Entrophy im not Q.Qing over the loss of marks lol
  12. KrilTsuuroth Well-Known Player

    To be honest, I'm perfectly fine with Stat clamping. Even as a 114, i miss the days when FoS, Sub-con, Inner, etc. were legitimately HARD. Yeah people say "Why not just buy T2 gear and run it in that?" That does not stop you from getting into those raids with other 100+ players. I queue up a novice Khandaq(lowest raid possible) and get in with a group with at least 4 100+ players, which of course is more than enough to solo the entire raid if the one section where you NEED three players wasn't there.

    My issue with high level players steamrolling the content, even though I am guilty of doing it, is that these newer players do not get the full experience of the game and their roles. Those of you who played back when the lower raids were top tier should know what I mean. You had to learn your role and do it the right way or you wouldn't get through the content.

    A big problem with DCUO now is that a lot of top tier players don't know what the h*** they're doing. I honestly met 2 114's that said they've never been in any of the T2 raids except Khan. That irks me. Not only did they miss out on experience, they missed out on SP as well. That isn't okay... Yeah they get their marks and gear and don't have to worry about the troubles of running the raid but they are completely stripped of things that help a player become good. Even if someone ran them through and got the feats for them doesn't exactly help them know how to look up a feat and do the feat. Running them through the raid and killing everything in 2 hits doesn't help them learn their role. Simply being a top tier player as far as CR goes does not mean you are a true top tier player, and I'm sure any player that's been around a long time has dealt with clueless people with high CR.

    As of right now the game is backwards, people are learning the game at CR 100+ instead of learning it after they hit 30.

    Now one thing is true about this stat clamp for me personally. One of the biggest reasons why I wanted to gear up and be stronger when raids like FoS were top tier, was so that I could go back into those raids and F s*** up. It hurts a little bit that the grind to become stronger has been somewhat stripped since our stats get dropped and we don't get gear, but in the long run, it might just be great and lower the amount of clueless low sp players. People are getting lazy.

    And ofc, some nostalgia would be nice ;)
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  13. Tom Sawyer New Player

    Please you and every other person running tantrums around here about leaving.....I'll call your bluff. This update has been greatly needed for quit some time and many of you have been spoiled on the matter or skipping content. Running to the top and puffing your chest out. Alot and alot of people wouldn't have a problem with this if they had ran their progress normally. Hence no real reason to run back to get feats. A large portion of the time people are going back to get feats because they skipped to end game. Plain and Simple.

    So if your going to leave, or "stop your sub" or any of these blind threats..........I'll call your bluff. But the lot of ya are addicted to this game. More controversial updates has past such as game update 2 and 36, but you "leavers" are still here. So how about you guys go back to buying countless booster Okay then, ya'll aint going no where.
  14. Proxystar #Perception

    This statement couldn't be more misleading.

    New players are going to reach upper tiers before they've finished all of the tiers even with changes to the gear and combat rating systems.

    There are styles and there are feats in lower tier content that are going to FORCE players back into this lower tiered content to reach achievements and they'll be doing it for next to nothing while having to put up with a perversed difficulty level.

    Let's discuss this for a minute, they're releasing content every month coming soon, so how is the player going to find the time to go back and do lower content to finish up everything while they're also trying to progress within their own tier (T6-7).

    There is only one mark available now too and it's only rewarded through a top tier player running top tier content, but as others have said the lower tier sets of gear cost the same, so if that person wants those styles for example they have to choose, do I buy these styles sacrificing personal progression or do I continue to progress by purchasing new gear so that I can keep up.

    This is clearly in my opinion the devs trying to insert artificial longevity into the game, but it's not the way to do it. It will hurt the community, not help the community; this stat flattening, stat clamping, whatever you want to call it, but its the same thing is not the answer.

    Notwithstanding the above, you too are twisting spytles word, telling someone they don't need to be stat clamped because they can just "choose not to participate" is extroadinarly stupid and quite clearly isn't what Spytle was saying and even if that was Spytles intention he has knowingly mislead the community because the way he has described it in his post is that we won't be forced to play that way. If all along he knew this was happening he should have explained it in a different manner. Because as of right now and until he comes in here to clarify this issue, he has severely mislead the community for 5 months in order to put out a fire, when this issue initially came out with seasonal events.

    He told us not to worry basically that we wouldn't be forced. the community bought it, shame on us really. In my opinion the devs need to give people the option without telling us just "not to play". Another aspect you have to remember is that we all "pay to play" this game the top tiered players have just as much right to play the lower tiered content and given we are stronger we have every right to be able to smash said content if we choose. that right to play has been nerfed through stat flattening and removal of reward.

    I state again, this needs to be an optional thing, it has needed to be all along because that's the better option, if you like stat clamping, that's cool; fine. Others don't. so if it's optional you can stat clamp yourself to your hearts content and others can choose not too. all parties can then be happy.

    Heck even if they still don't reward marks for stomping lower tier content thats fine, just leave us with the right to stomp it take any loot rewards, because that's something we've earned a right to do and we can then move on. It will also still encourage others to help lower players, the way it currently stands the chance of high end players even bothering with lower tiered players is next to zero.

    which is somewhat ironic, given Spytle was also talking about how the community needs to help people more when discussing changes to the kicking system.
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  15. Sionn Committed Player

    Well have fun General Gung Ho Lee. You just better be 1st in line offering to show people through low tier content. I'm sure the dozen of you who think it's great can carry the entire game on your shoulders as everyone else bails, or ignores the low tier stuff. Good luck though.
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  16. Supergirly Dedicated Player

    If you really feel so strongly about it, respec, burn your gear, and run the low content. Never progress, until you are done with it. Oh, and teach, since you think that that is what people want. Teach them that no matter if they are CR 43 or 124, they will still be one shot by that Brainiac bot and that Titanic Trenton is a god.

    Do not tell me that I need to though. You play it your way, and I will play it my way. That is the whole concept of a game. I Role Play more than anything, and I would never force that on anyone else. It is a choice. I would love it if more people did Role Play, but if they don't that is fine. You are basically telling others that they need to never progress in power, ever again.

    if you want stat clamping. Burn your T6 gear, respec and do not spend the points. That is what you are asking for,
  17. Proxystar #Perception

    Looks like these two threads got merged, so I just wanted to post this here again, so that people can more easily see it if they're new to this thread.
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  18. 12AngelOfLife21 Loyal Player

    Exactly. You see someone curb stomp something. You want to be like them and know how they got so good. They take you under their wing and show you how to be as good as them. Makes sense if you actually think about it. Some of these guys refuse to think about it though and want to keep their rose colored glasses and pipe dreams thinking about how this change will magically make people good and strengthen the player base. In truth, players will just become more frustrated and leave. I like most of the changes in the update. I really do. But this indirect stat clamping is enough to kill the game within 2 years.
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  19. E Clip Dedicated Player

    Dunno, I think as others have suggested, maybe a good idea is to have a second currency that can be used to purchase styles, or the best option would be to make stat clamping optional, as it was originally promised by the devs some months ago. Getting no rewards sucks too, but getting full rewards also sucks imo because it would make T7 progression for end game content much faster.
  20. Tom Sawyer New Player

    Just like how game update 3 or game update 36 did huh? It's your opinion, and just that. The lot of you are running around here running tantrums but yet all displaying tunnel vision. All these post are only looking at things one direction, but then that don't surprise me as the lot of you only really worry about yourselves.

    This is a much needed update, and with luck draw in a new crowd. Because nothing is more frustrating than trying to enjoy something but some guy just comes in destroys everything then leaves while you still trying to listen to the story or atleast find out whats going on. This "only about me and my enjoyment" attitude needs to stop with you all.

    So if any of you people are going to threaten, drop subs or the like...........I'll call your bluff because alot of you were suppose to be gone after gu36. You know, the other time the world was about to be end or be in ruin :rolleyes:

    (Destiny needs to hurry and bring its dlc, because jumping back here and reading all this selfish babble- hell one guy even told another to delete his stuff since he agreed with the clamping- then going online and be treated like a third class citizen based on power or cr is migraine inducing)
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