GU47 Brings in Compulsory Stat Clamping - This will ruin DC Universe!!!!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Iconic Simulation, Apr 11, 2015.

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  1. hudapak Well-Known Player

    My sight is set on those two titles especially Elder Scrolls Online. If this game actually implements this absurd idea, then it's bye, bye DCUO for me.
  2. Supergirly Dedicated Player

    So we can no longer feel "Super" in any instance, ever again. I enjoy doing the lower content and being powerful. It is like a way to get over the fact that I used to get killed by them in one shot. I do the T6 to get better. I do the T2 for fun.

    So they are taking that away now? I earned my CR 113. I fought for 4 years to get to it. I did not skip content and now I can never go back to that old FoS to show the bad guys that I am better?

    How is this going to be better for anyone?
    Add to that, I get ZERO marks for T2. If I get nothing, then I should be able to solo it... period.

    I play this game for the Role Play, but part of that is being able to do old content, in a laid back manner. I take my league into old alerts and we RP there. We do not want to have to struggle in there. We go there to relax. We will fight for the HoH raids, but not FoS.

    I really hope that this wan a gross oversight and that the devs will fix this one, and not let it slide.
  3. King Smoker Well-Known Player

    im not trying to grind lower content especially if im not going to get any marks. the q's to get into the old content is going to be long for the new players coming to game.
  4. Reaper501 Well-Known Player

    Must be real fun to 1st, Form a raid to do CC bounties and 2nd, wait one hour for Abbra Kaddabra to show, lovely.
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  5. kalel170 New Player

    This doesn't look good for many players that been on dcuo for years. A few of my league members and I already discussed this could be the end of line for our dcuo days. I hope it doesn't come down to this because of the time and money we all invested in the game. But the devs just seem to ignore the community. Good luck fellow heroes and villans
  6. Crimson Mayhem Loyal Player

    This update has me more excited than that new DLC. Right now I don't care at all about that Halls of Power stuff, I'm just waiting for some dev to login tomorrow and make a statement about this mess. No matter their answer, I'm gonna have a blast. Either this all turns out to be some bug and the forums once again blew up for nothing, or this really is intended and the real crapstorm is yet to come.

    I'm ready :D
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  7. lokithoz Committed Player

    Interesting :rolleyes:
    Will the devs justify their actions?
    Will they leave as it is?
    Will the game shut the servers down by the end of july?
    I'm cant wait to see how this turns out
  8. 12AngelOfLife21 Loyal Player

    No, it was NOT an actual problem. You know how many players actually thanked me for curbstomping everything and actually asked me to help them through difficult content by curbstomping through everything? Now, that's no longer possible and it's gonna discourage new players to where they just give up before T3 because they don't have stronger players to help them. The real problem is players like you pointing out problems that don't even actually exist. Now, move along so the devs can fix real issues with the game lol.
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  9. lokithoz Committed Player

  10. AKXC Well-Known Player

    To those who are whining about this you need to atop complaining. You wanted this, now see what you have done. If this gets implemented into the actual game, players will no longer run lower tier content to get feats or styles, it just will not be ran. Devs, this is a horrible idea and if actually implemented the backlash will be insane
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  11. Scarlet Rise Loyal Player

    So the queue is mainly for high tiered players and manual made groups are for new players? I believe that is a bit a backwards.
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  12. Taxman New Player

    To echo the comments and concerns of others: I am not interested in subscribing to a game that effectively precludes me from quickly running content for which I am extremely over-geared.

    Summary of my concerns posted on test feedback (given the difficulty level of T1-T6 content):
    -Quick style runs would be a thing of the past
    -Running lower tier content for feats after gearing up (as suggested by Spytle) would no longer be practical
    -The lack of marks awarded to T7 players running T1-T6 content at a similar difficulty level WILL deter T7 players from running previous content.

    Suggestion IF effective stat clamping is going to remain in the game:
    -Provide marks and CR-relevant loot to players in all content. For example, a 124 CR player could run FOS 2, but instead of getting T3 gear, the player would receive T7 items (since the difficulty would reflect their CR).

    This would provide incentive for T7 players to run T1-6 and drastically increase the amount of content to players. This would reflect some of the content/loot design in a game like D3 where everyone runs the same content, but higher level players run the content at a higher difficulty level (at their discretion in D3) for higher level loot.
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  13. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    I don't know if I was one of the devs I'd try and get out in front of this yea it's the weekend but sometimes when stuff goes sideways you have to get out in front of it explain what's going on. If it's a bug fine five minutes to post it's a bug and a fix is in coming on test Monday if it's planned this way a quick post about why the changes were needed and then say more details Monday then lock the thread.
  14. Itazuki New Player

    I like the idea, whether it's too much or not, I can't say.

    Right now, if you are new to the game, and trying to level up, do the content, and have fun... It just doesn't work. CR 114 players are all over lower game content just one shotting and running through it before you even get to see an add. It makes it extremely boring for new players, or people just trying to level a toon the legit way.

    Not only is the fun factor gone, but the new players don't learn anything the current way it is. Experienced and geared players should be able to still do the content easily, if they are indeed good players. They just now have to rely on the group/raid as well... Like it should be.
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  15. Sionn Committed Player

    LOL, ain't that the truth. There's enough annoying things in this game already. We don't need more annoyances.

    Just give us walk-in spots for every instance, and give me my chance to rain total destruction down upon mine enemy's head as I see fit, or carry a friend through it even. Let the stat flattening never make it to live server.
  16. RTHERMITE Well-Known Player

    I really hope they change this, I enjoy going into ace chemicals, strykers island and arkham asylum and soloing it for the loot, such as cc hood, kick me back and other iconic styles, if they implement these changes, it will be near impossible to get through especially how arkham is and the horrible adds that this alert contains, there is not way that random adds that are cr 56 should destroy a player that is 115 cr, that is just a stupid idea on the devs part, especially when there are no marks for those that above the cr of the instance they want to run.. man I love this game and this might make me stop playing for awhile until they fix it.
  17. eanur Well-Known Player

    Best I can say to you is wait till what the dev's say over the next couple of days or if you have the patience wait till what hits live cause I have my doubts the current build on test will be the same as when it hits live.
  18. Supergirly Dedicated Player

    I agree. I play the lower content to lay back and have fun. I do not want to have to pulling a full raid into a zone that will not reward anyone with anything, but pain. I might remind some of you what DCUO was like when FoS was the top raid. I remember how hard it was to get anyone to run Subconstuct too. It was not easy, and the people that grew up in a week to T5, have no idea how hard it was. Cause people that had beaten it, carried them thru it.

    Say NO to Stat Clamping. If you want to fight tougher mobs, then make your own groups. Do not punish those that already beat it. I will not help anyone, if this is really how it is going to be implemented.
  19. Itazuki New Player

    OR a great idea to let newer and gearing players the chance to actually learn their roles, instead of being carried by CR 100+ players the whole time.

    I for one will still run lower content, it'll be challenging and fun again, I'll also get to help teach players tactics and their roles like it should be.
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  20. AKXC Well-Known Player

    Still, this should not even be implemented in the first place, they should have never put it in the game in the first place (seasonal)
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