Test Discussion GU 50: Electricity Advanced Mechanic Improvements

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Tunso, Jun 24, 2015.

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  1. Tunso Developer

    Please use this thread to share any feedback and report any issues with the Electricity Advanced Mechanic Improvements. Highlights include increasing damage over time in Damage role and improving Power regeneration mechanics.

    Update notes:

    Electrogenesis: Increased damage over time in Damage role.
    Voltaic Bolt: Increased damage over time in Damage role.
    • Increased damage over time in Damage role.
    • Increased the damage radius to 12.5m

    Power Refund Mechanics:
    • Power regeneration mechanics have been improved for Electricity in Damage role.
    • These now apply a regen effect rather than restoring power instantly.
    • Power regeneration mechanics become active for 12 seconds any time you add an Electro-Charge or activate Electrocute.
    • There is no longer a strict power order activation requirement. Powers may be activated in any order.
    • In addition to the original powers, Wired also triggers the Power regeneration effect.
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  2. Veritech Loyal Player

    I like the sound of these, can't wait to test!
    If the regen is like the gadgets improvement, this will alleviate much of the power troubles elec has.
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  3. BumblingB I got better.

    For someone.
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  4. Black Jaq Devoted Player

    I would guess that because E Burst is now mid range, the intent is to set E Burst and E-gen and rotate the other 4 with weapon attacks.

    When VB crits, it crits big.

    E burst max range now:
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  5. generalzod Committed Player

    First quick update still a lot of testing regen is great ! The output using electro burst to get the dots up fast I'm only getting 20k To 24 k ! But back to testing ! Ice is Burt and getting 31 with easy rotation
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  6. Mystere Well-Known Player

    Yeah I am not noticing much of an increase in elec, nature or HL
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  7. generalzod Committed Player

    The crit chances are not hit low % some people are guessing Tunso forgot to up the crit chances % ??? I don't know but it noting like the big turnaround for ice fire and gadgets ! And once more low damage plus you have to build dots up to get to that low damage ! Someone did say hard light melee was hitting around 28 k
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  8. Ciphey Well-Known Player

    ~20k on test server using basic rotation. It does not seem like there was a truly noticeable increase. I will test the same loadout repeatedly on test server vs Live tomorrow, but the numbers seem similar and do not seem as high as they should be and as high as other powersets.
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  9. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    I barley notice a difference in damage, the dot damage needs to be picked up more for both electric and nature.
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  10. Electrizzaro Loyal Player

    Just got done with a bit of testing 20 mins worth....best dps I got on the 1 min parser was
    22316/s - 1398943 total - 676 hits (7912 max) - 292 (43.2%) crits - 3 targets
    That was the best one. Rotation was the same I use on live currently which is a complete power spam no weapon attacks at all.
    Loadout is Arc, Egen, Ecute, VB, Wired, SW
    Rotation is
    Egen>Arc>Ecute>VB>SW>clipped>SW>Arc>VB>SW>Arc>VB>SW>Arc>VB>SW and repeat.
    You have just enough time to get the first part of the rotation down the 3 Arc>VB>SW, after the third one Ecute is off cooldown and by the time you get back through Egen>Arc>Ecute>VB wired is off cool down also.

    I hope my rotation is clear. I know the goal is about 30k dps but from what I have seen so far it is not there. I also know that the order no longer matters so maybe there is a way to squeeze out some extra dps that I have not found yet. Not sure where it may be...VB and Arc were pretty much on constant cooldown.

    Home Turf Mods were the standard- Max Damage for hands, Blast for weapon, Core for Chest. Mods were Might power for yellow, Might health for blue and Might for reds...all 7's Cr 126

    The power regen seemed ok but tbh I need to test that part without anything giving me power to tell how it is compared to live.
  11. kid cleric Level 30

    As a long time electric player I am very excited about the changes.
  12. Penryn The Gadgeteer

    On 30 second parses, I'm seeing 23471/s to 26713/s on the 8 sparring target group. That is at CR 126 with 10054 Might, Max Damage, Penetrating Strikes, and the League Hall proficiencies.

    This is what I'm using:
    Weapon: Dual Wield
    1. Electroburst->Electrogenesis->Arc Lightning->Electrocute->Voltaic Bolt->Wired

    After that, I start doing Dual Wield Explosive Shot. I go on a 3 count for refreshing Voltaic Bolt. If it looks like I have to refresh Electrocute on the third combo, I'll refresh Voltaic Bolt on the second combo and reset my internal timer. Clip Electrocute or Voltaic Bolt with Wired where appropriate.

    If other people know a better rotation to use, let me know. As is, it feels like Electricity could use a bit more of a boost. Electricity's numbers are below what was I getting with Fire, Ice, and Gadgets in GU 49.
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  13. Lt Skymaster Dedicated Player

    Have you tried with less might a little more precision and clipping solar flame? I got good results with that just recently, your weapon attacks will complement the dots. If you don't spec for WM with HB you'll actually get a really good damage from Solar Flame.
  14. generalzod Committed Player

    Are you you sing trinkets , soda and supply drops , most people bare I talk to with none of that is getting 20 to 23 k I've gotten 24k 1 time And I've tried for atlest 2 hours
  15. Streven Dedicated Player

    Without trinkets, sodas, supply drops, and not speccing SP all that carefully I was averaging around 20k dps on three targets.
  16. Penryn The Gadgeteer

    I don't use trinkets, supply drops, sodas, or anything else like that to boost my stats. Using gimmicks like that will give you bad data.

    If I just stick to using the AM without any weapon attacks, I was averaging about 20k/s on 8 targets.

    Using the same rotation with HB Solar Flare clipping replacing Dual Wield Explosive Shot, I was seeing 22k/s to 24k/s. That is with a balanced set of mods. Perhaps there is a rotation that better suits HB Solar Flare clipping.
  17. Serj Committed Player

    why pen strikes? dummies have no defence since gu47
    core strength will give you more milage.
  18. Electrizzaro Loyal Player

    Pen Strikes will give you inflated numbers use Core strength instead.
  19. Penryn The Gadgeteer

    Swapping in Core Strength, I see the same damage range on 8 targets: 23730/s to 26877/s.

    I've been using the same mod setup for 3 GUs now. I like to maintain consistency when I'm doing this powerset testing.
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  20. Electrizzaro Loyal Player

    Got done doing some testing with Eburst...it removes the ability to have SW in my loadout and the damage loss is huge. Best I got was 17k dps. Also the cooldown is fast but it does not stack the dot with itself. With Egen you can cast it on electrified enemy and VB to get the dot stack. You can do that again when it is off cooldown. Eburst does NOT work that way. You MUST use egen to stack the dot or wait a while and cast again....which defeats the purpose. Eburst is the Close range option...risk reward thing right....but if you cannot set up your dot faster with out using egen then it is pointless. You SHOULD be able to cast Arc>Eburst>Vb>Arc>Eburst>VB and have Max dot...not how it works currently.

    Also if there was a way to get SW into the AM that would be SPECTACULAR!! Specifically since removing it in favor of Eburst is such a huge dps lose. The damage is still much too low compared to where it is supposed to be to be competitive.
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