Dev Discussion GU 47: CR Differential Adjustment Update

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Tunso, May 6, 2015.

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  1. GodNema Well-Known Player

    Three words to wrap this update up: Worst Update Ever.
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  2. Rok Var Well-Known Player

    I'm a CR 116 now. I was all excited about the dlc and didn't do any lower content really until today. Imagine my surprise when 106 adds and bosses seemed to take just as long, maybe longer than the 119+ adds and bosses that I've been fighting. My first thought was that my gear was broken but nope. Then I realized that the grind I was looking forward to this weekend to get my CR up would leave me with only 5 missions to do if I went up one more level. Now my weekend is shot, I'm bummed and bored. Would work on sp but I'm not confident it matters anymore. The content seems to be leveling with me somehow, which make acheivement kind of a waste of time.
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  3. Dragon Power Well-Known Player

    Amen to that.

    Amen to that.

    This update is fascist.

    I want to know who is responsible for the ideas in this update and who let it slip by. I want names, now. Why on earth would you want these changes? The gating of mark achievement is too controlling and this CR differential thing is obnoxious. This update is making the game harder in a counter intuitive way and making my character's progression, moot. You, the devs, are trying to pyschologically mess with my mind in order to punish power levelers and that's no fun. And you are removing the basic idea of the game, an MMO with RPG-like progression/leveling and making it moot. Where is the sense in making my character's progression irrelevant since now a lower level mob can kill me in a few hits and lower level sub bosses can still one shot me? Not too mention how much sense that lacks from a story point of view. Do some missions on Strykers Island as 100+ CR and you will see how dumb this update is.

    Basically, what this update does is try to control me by saying that my kind of people, a 100+ CR, should only be in lower level content for either feats or a style, either for me or a team mate, but good luck trying to do that because your time will most likely be wasted due to unnecessary deaths. I get no mark reward as an insult, which removes an element of risk/reward. Trying to limit my options and rewards takes the fun away as well as my freedom. And the point where you take my freedom away is the point where I start to strongly consider taking my time and money away from you, the devs and hosts of this game. Don't let this update stay people, complain until you bleed, and more.
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  4. HarryHell Well-Known Player

    Just wondering, pre gu47 were you in strykers to get marks? Post gu47 do you have problems in strykers? If you do get 1-shot in strykers its a bug at cr 100+.
    I havent found any content w/o bugs harder post gu 47, except maybe 1 tier below, in fact most is easier, a t4 instance for a t6 player is very easy, and almost all mobs get 1-shot.

    Also 2 tiers below, means to full tiers below, if you just started t7, you are not supposed to be able to solo last part of t5
  5. HarryHell Well-Known Player

    My only worry about gu47 and newest episode is that top tier content, specially everything but raids, and iconics and legends pve seem to easy
  6. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    This is more related to Prestige than CR, but it's come up due to the CR differential change and Stat leveling or whatever we are calling it in GU47.

    Since things have been 'leveled' off now, and a T5 or even T4 (Prime/Gates) Raid is tough as or tougher than T6/T7 Raids, why do we not receive full prestige at lower levels? I still have to run Nexus and Seeds of Rot to get feats, so I will attempt to run these once a week at least on my CR 113 Villan. First off, getting into a pug group for either of these now potentially takes an hour or more (Seeds didn't pop for 2 hours last night so I signed out) just to get in. Once in, due to the increased difficulty, the run itself could take an hour ore end up in a complete fail and disband. Assuming it finishes, you will get no marks and unless it's your first run of the week, you will get no loot(again assuming you even need any of the loot like styles). On top of that you will get reduced prestige for your now 2-3 hour effort. Admittedly this is much worse on the villans side as there are so few players there and you have reduced the pool of players wanting to play the lower content to 'on Tier' newbies with no veterans wanting to PUG in. Heroes side is a bit better, but the point remains that there is a lot of risk(spending all my time on a dead end run) with little to no reward now.

    Since the stat changes were supposed to make things 'challenging' at all levels (some might say impossible), why not reward with the 1 thing that is still open to be rewarded for anyone....prestige.

    This is by far not the worst thing wrong with the update, but it's just another layer in the crap sandwich we are being asked to take a bite of.

    Unless this is all to sell more replays....Nah...that cant be.

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  7. DC Reaper Well-Known Player

    Doesn't that make the more precision based powers weaker than the newer or improved might based powers superior? Will we see the precision buffs increased on powers like rage or celestial's anoint?
  8. Southbeatz Well-Known Player

    One problem is the CR seems higher than it should be on some instances. I was helping someone today with Arkham T3 alert which is supposed to be cor CR53 players yet the mobs were CR80. Players at CR53 probably would take a few hours to get through an alert full of CR80 mobs. I run some T5 ops and it's somewhat of a pain sometimes unless the group is good then run some T6 content and it's easy as can be, so much so that my healer barely even has to bother healing in T6 but in T5 has to work extra hard to keep people alive.

    Then you have it where you can begin T4 content at CR70 so by time your CR is around what the mobs are in the T3 alert you'll already be halfway to T5. This should be adjusted as soon as possible. I was leveling yet another alt and after seeing how bad some of T3 is after GU47, I've almost decided to put the leveling and gearing on hold on my recent alt because it would just be an annoying chore more so than challenging fun to get through some instances i've done countless times in past years.

    Far as the design for cutting off when marks are earned ending up providing more limited content that is relevant to a person's CR, well this could be a money grab. I won't say it is or is not because I don't know but look at it this way. We can't earn marks from lower tier content but some of us might want style feats on an alt, okay so we can use replay badges to obtain feats on alts without having to do the feats over again. If we could still earn marks from lower tier content then we could just run the content and spend marks on older styles but instead our real option is to buy replay badges to obtain these feats from.

    While some of GU47 I felt was good, I have to admit that a lot of GU47 is moronic and just simply not good for the game in general. Maybe the devs will adjust some of it over time, who knows.
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  9. Fatboy New Player

    Sorry but... Why do you want kill us?!?

    After GU47 I have tried the Alert: Tier5 Trigon's Prison... and I failed!!!
    My cr is 115. My hit had 3500 - 10500 crit but the mobs feel nothing! What?!? WHAT?!?
    When my cr was 95 that alert was very simply and now I have problem, BIG problem.
    What have you done?!? Why?
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  10. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    Tunso, there is a major issue with the Gotham University tier 1 duo. The first encounter with Necro Magent Gruhn is impossible to complete at tier (or even at tier 3). See the video below:

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  11. same Johnny Dedicated Player

    As posted here:

    As I still need one piece of Steelworker style (where's that chest...), I've been farming the Oolong Siege Bot bounty on a daily basis, even after GU47 went live. But I noticed a problem yesterday, as in the Bot was killing me in just a couple of hits. Nothing had changed about what I was doing, and, again, I had no issues even after GU 47 with the bounty, I was perfectly capable of soloing it at CR114.

    I ran a couple of tests today and found out there HAS TO be a bug concerning the CR differential thing. The only thing that changed in me in the last 2 days was my CR. My DPS CR is now 119, controller is still 115. At CR 119, I was completely destroyed by the Bot, in 3 or 4 hits. After I wiped, I thought of checking this and switched to my controller build. It took a long time (as I wasn't doing that much damage), but I never even came close to dying.

    As a final experience, I switched a couple of pieces to old gear, lowering my DPS CR to 116. I was able to kill the Bot in less than a minute, taking very little damage. I then travelled to Arkham Island and can confirm that both bounties are bugged like that.

    TL;DR: Home Turf Bounties are bugged. Fighting them with a CR above 116 causes them to deal severe damage.
  12. L T Devoted Player

    In the Circe Iconic solo, summoned pets are CR30, and do no damage.
  13. Sbel Devoted Player

    That's interesting.

    I wonder if that bug is widespread? That might explain why the difficulty reports are so inconsistent.

    Player 1: "I took a 100+ team in and it was easy."
    Player 2: "I took a 117+ team in and it was brutal, it must be broken."
    Player 1: "You all must really suck."
  14. PVP360 New Player know...that was really well stated..I am going to take this over to another post..

    Content Levels with Toon....That makes no sense at all...I thought when you leveled and improved you became stronger than previous content...
  15. PVP360 New Player

  16. Ichiro Loyal Player

    Just curious if T5 has been adjusted yet. Went into A&B and watched a whole group of ppl at level die like flies. Even bringing a few of us at 120 didn't help. I got up to 2 million on bleez and atrocitous the first run before being killed and they still weren't dead.
  17. same Johnny Dedicated Player

    You know, I hadn't thought of that and you could be right. After the update hit live, I saw all these threads of players complaining they weren't able to finish or solo old content, so I tried it out and ended up disregarding the complaints as "shenanigans" because I was having zero issues with it. But now, with a higher CR... not so sure.

    The example I gave is dead obvious and pretty easy to confirm. It was really unsettling, after the first wipe (a matter of seconds), I just started thinking I had slacked off or something, but was destroyed a second and a third time and realised something must be off. Hopefully, Tunso will take a look at it and maybe check anywhere else people are reporting issues with.

    Off the top of my head, the first version of the CR differential thing went the opposite way, as in you would take more damage if you outgeared the NPC (if I remember correctly). It was only after the community's reaction that it was changed. I wonder if along the changes there was a mistake inputting the Tier ranges, meaning the current system (destroy content you outgear) is in order from CRwhatever to 116 and the original system (you get destroyed by content you outgear) is in effect above 117...
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  18. Plataclysm New Player

    A big issue i'm seeing is people in t4 and t5 that are at the intended cr are completely destroyed. Example being Prime, Gates, Dox, Nexus, Vengeance and Dawn. Its almost impossible to get through the T4 and t5 raids with a team of people that are at the appropriate cr for that raid.
  19. Hector Danger Well-Known Player

    The T1, Gotham University duo, USPS villain side is insanely OP. Couldn't get past the first boss lol. My new toon is 40cr with 44sp. The other guy was 36cr, we were both getting destroyed in seconds.
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  20. Ash Inferno Well-Known Player

    Not to mention queue times over there are horrendous.
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