GU 44: Quantum Advanced Mechanics

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Tunso, Jan 8, 2015.

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  1. same Johnny Dedicated Player

    Both Mental and Gadgets can do the same, Psychic Resonance and Battle Display refund power used, but the top of the tops might actually be Light. You can chain combos infinitely and not activate powers... Just for the laughs, I've had a Necro run where I did 5million+ damage and had 25k power in. Except for the rare moments when I was activating something in my loadout, my power bar did not move at all.
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  2. same Johnny Dedicated Player

    This is what I was describing earlier, it just seems to not trigger the AM.
  3. Hemmy Committed Player

    I've also seen that the AM doesn't work with my loadout if I don't use at least 2 or more powers after using time bomb. It doesn't refund power and doesn't increase damage. At least not to the point of any notability. I have however had consistent activation of the AM when using my full loadout which consists of 5 or 6 powers rotating. I could be totally wrong but in my experience the AM not activating seems to be linked to the use of less than 2 powers after activating gravity bomb.

    edit: just had what was described in that the AM didn't activate even after using two powers after gravity bomb. Can someone please explain what this is being caused by?
  4. Hemmy Committed Player

    I had no idea that was the case for those powers. I was aware of HL's AM and it's uses but I have always maintained it was a little and sometime a lot over powered in raids and even alerts where the risk of interrupt to a dps is minimal with a good tank. I've also seen something similar in Quantum's Am in that interupt seems to be the only limiting factor however even this is often totally fine and workable as the damage carries over for a few seconds and if you have the timing down properly then you can easily resume the rotation from where you left off.
  5. Black Jaq Devoted Player

    I still get results from Time Bomb magnification using 1 or 2 powers. It's nice because if we get stunned or have to block, it's not a total waste.
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  6. KillTheSilence New Player

    Please reconsider the damage timebomb is doing in PvP. It's hitting like EMP when it was released. I understand power spammers want to do damage, but this is a little out of hand. We already have to deal with wolf and HL. HL/Wolf AM and shield's melee WM combos need to be rebalanced. (at least for pvp)
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  7. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    Did some testing on a theory I had today and it turned out to be true. Warp Barrage's delayed damage allows you to get four Time attacks into the Time Bomb rather than three.

    After setting up my PI using Tachyon Burst clipped with Warped Reality I then used Warp Barrage and then started my Time Bomb rotation. Complete rotation is above each picture with resulting damage.

    TBurst/WR>WB>TBomb>TS>WB>TBlast = 56k damage from the Time Bomb explosion.

    TBurst/WR>TBomb>WB>TBlast>TS = 35k damage from Time Bomb explosion.
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  8. Remander Steadfast Player

    Wow, Jafin. Nice catch.
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  9. same Johnny Dedicated Player

    I had the same idea last night and tried it out, got some crazy numbers (got some hits for 70k+...), but it was so inconsistent, I assumed it was high critical hits. BUT! If you were able to reproduce it systematically, then that can be an issue and an unfair advantage over the other similar AMs, where you use 3 powers to buff the final damage.

    Might be the selling point we needed to have WB do instant damage and trigger with WM :p
  10. BigBabyGeezuz Dedicated Player

    I like that we have so many options for loadouts as evidenced by all the video and posts on here. Thumbs up!
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  11. Absolix Loyal Player

    EMP still does the same damage. When it was released on live, getting the power return from Battle Display was not properly making making players vulnerable to interrupt in PvP. That was corrected and Gadgets is one of the most balanced powers in PvP.

    There are some concerns, specifically surrounding Quantum Tunnelling, for Quantum in PvP, but it will be easier to get an accurate picture of it once some of the bugs affecting it are resolved.
  12. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    Ah yes sorry I did actually forget to mention that these were the highest numbers I achieved with each rotation. The four attacks into Time Bomb ranged from about 40k up to this 56k, but my three attacks into Time Bomb ranged from 20k up to 35k. It was very rare that any of my four attacks into Time Bomb were close to the three attacks into Time Bomb numbers, and even when they were that low I put that down to my timing being off. It was a definite strain on my fingers so even if this made it to Live I personally wouldn't be able to keep that kind of damage up throughout an instance.

    Also something that has to be noted is that you cannot do it two times in a row due to the cooldowns. You would have to do WB>TBomb>TBlast>WB>TS and then do a regular run of TBomb>TBlast>WB>TS and then you can go back into starting with WB.
    It also means you would have to take time out of your rotation to reapply the PI using Tachyon Burst, Distortion Wave or Anomaly since a PI applicator is not built into the Time Bomb rotation that I used.
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  13. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    Oh and I've also been noticing that Time Bomb sometimes just forgets to add in all the extra damage and just hits for the amount that it would if you did no attacks at all while the Time Bomb was active.
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  14. same Johnny Dedicated Player

    Um... I actually misunderstood your rotation and I'm getting on test again to check it out. I didn't realise you were using WB twice in the same rotation. What I was doing was WB > TBomb > DWave > TBlast > TShift, but let me try to do your rotation.

    And as for not being able to keep it up in a raid... Do you use a controller? I did my loadout so that all the powers for the AM are available on L2 press. So I just keep a finger on L2 and can keep going cross, circle, triangle, square. With your rotation, it might be easier than my rotation. Testing it now.
  15. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    Yeah I was Warp Barrage twice because if I started off with that then you wouldn't get the bonus damage from the PI since you're applying the PI after you activate Time Bomb. I was starting off with the PI, then doing Warp Barrage and then started my Time Bomb rotation.

    And yeah I use a PS3 controller to play, but I guess since I've been playing video games for over 20 years (now I feel old) my hands tend to get strained from time to time since I have a controller in my hands for several hours every day. I put Tachyon Burst on X and Warped Reality on circle because that's just the layout my hand is used to for clipping since I usually clip Singularity with Temporal Extortion when I'm trolling. It probably would be easier if I put all the AM powers on the L2 press and put my two clippers on the R2.
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  16. same Johnny Dedicated Player

    I was able to do your rotation continuously, the cooldowns did not stop it. Yes, there is a split second where WB was on cooldown, I'd say less than a second is lost, but you have to wait for TBomb to explode any way and you gain from hitting a constant 40k-50k.

    So, just to try to get it fixed, rotation was WB > TBomb > DWave > WB > TS > (wait for TB to explode) WB > TBomb > DWave > WB > TS...

    We can actually squeeze in a 4th power to add damage and that is most likely not intended. The easiest solution might be getting rid of the delayed damage in Warp Barrage, that way we can't start our rotations with that.

    Also, there is an issue with the Time Bomb sometimes not doing the extreme damage it is supposed to do, several people are reporting it, no idea how it happens.

    PS: Excellent catch, Jafin.
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  17. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    While I feel like that would be the most likely solution I kind of feel like it would take away from the aesthetic of the ability. I've always like the concept that we're throwing bolts of energy into the future. :(

    And thank you, I've finally been useful on Test! :p
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  18. same Johnny Dedicated Player

    I was just able to reproduce a second "exploit" that Black Jaq has been pointing out.

    When Time Bomb explodes, it actually registers two ticks of damage, the first one is, I assume, the damage from the Time Bomb itself and the second is the amplified damage. Not sure if that's intentional or not, having the two ticks, but I am able to buff the first tick with WM, despite the description of the power saying it's WM excluded.



    Done on the new 3 sparring targets, dual wield into explosive shot (what else...). There's an obvious buff to the first ticks.

    Also, how weird that the AM is hitting all 3 of them for the exact same damage?! is that a bug to the combat log? The numbers go up from the dummies too fast for me to see them all...
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  19. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    It's not a bug in the combat log, I've seen the same numbers pop up above their heads but since I don't usually DPS I wasn't sure if all attacks split equally on finishers or not. One thing I find interesting is that it hit two sparring targets for "normal" damage of 31975 and then hit the third one for the same amount yet it was a crit.

    The crit consistencies are definitely off with Time Bomb also. I've got normal its of 30k only to use the same rotation and get a "crit" of 19k.
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  20. Black Jaq Devoted Player

    I also sent a PM to Tunso too.
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