GU 43: Mental Advanced Mechanics

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Tunso, Nov 13, 2014.

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  1. Neo Synapse Well-Known Player

    Was actually having the same issue recreating as E Clip. Thanks for the clarification.
  2. kAiSeR007 Dedicated Player

    Yeah, the burst loadout is more powerful and safer to use. The AM is easily interrupted, whereas witht he burst one it really doesn't matter or affect your rotation if you get interrupted or not. For the video you posted before I tried different rotations with the same powers, used 2HD, HB and DW.

    The weapon I felt more comfortable with was DW because it allowed me to, in my opinion, get a good compromise between Mass Lev (dazes enemies) and the powers interacting with it. Menace lasts for 14s and the PI 12, so I clip Mass Lev with Menace so I know when my PI is about to expire, then before Menace is ready again it allows me to use Explosive Shot-Pyro one time (the DoTs last for 12-14 sec if I remember properly so it fits perfectly) and then Explosive Shot-Cyro 3 times. This for AOE, for ST I introduce Thought Bubble.

    For the SC, the only one avilable is Mass Hysteria which needs to get updated, 100% SC is just too much, it doesn't give any flexibility at all. I rather get the duration decreased and make it 50% instead. And then, it would be awesome to get menace interacting with dazed enemies as well, but I doubt that will happen.
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  3. E Clip Dedicated Player

    Yeah thats a very good rotation as well, but Pyro doesnt benefit a whole lot from the WM crit bonus, so you're really better off just using it straight after ML/>Menace and put another WM-Cryo in the rotation. So it would be like this: ML/>Menace -> Pyro -> WM-Cryo x 4 -> WM-ML/>Menace. This rotation also flows perfectly. In my tests this outperforms your rotation by about ~5%, with your rotation im getting between 8k and 8.2k, with mine I get between 8.7k and 8.9k effective dps with 6784 might and 2325 precision (full might modded). Not a big difference by any means, but hey I'll take whatever extra I can get :p I'm just not sure if balanced mods will net me more dmg but thats something I plan to test in the next few days.

    I think every single one here agrees about Menace and Mass Hysteria, its kind of a no brainier if you ask me. You can perhaps go into raids with full SC bar and use MH two times, maybe three times to justify keeping it on the loadout, or you'd just use a robo sidekick since you really dont have anything else to use on the 6th slot. Personally I hate the robo sidekick so I'll most likely run the same loadout as the one in your video.

    Another thing that needs to happen is to swap out the bonuses we get from specializing in the trees. 5% crit damage should be in the Telekinesis tree and the 1% crit chance in the Illusion tree since now we'll be spending more power points in the TK tree.
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  4. kAiSeR007 Dedicated Player

    Nice. I'll take that 5%, everything counts! Thanks for explaining it so detailed.
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  5. Neo Synapse Well-Known Player

    Just to be clear, as far as a menace, I think we're all requesting to add the Dazed PI to it and/or make it a group/self buff but NOT in addition to the procs. I didn't want you thinking we were being greedy :D

    Also, is the wording about the change to telekinetic shield accurate? The part about taking at least 3 hits over a 3 second period. I was told that Qusntum's shield was recently changed FROM that functionality. Just trying to understand the difference.
  6. Neo Synapse Well-Known Player

    From the Light thread: "It hit me just before we left for the holidays that melee weapons and weapon mastery specifically has a crit damage advantage over the Might based Advanced Mechanics so we added a similar crit bonus when using the Might based Advanced Mechanics before we left.

    I hadn't done that for Light's Combo AM though, so I just finished that. You'll get an additional 5% crit damage bonus when this is active if you do not have Weapon Mastery unlocked. I'm presupposing you'll have a melee weapon equipped. I think a lot of Light players do that anyway to take advantage of the better combo counter advantages some melee weapons like Brawling have." - Tunso

    Does this mean this change was made for Mental on test already? Or at least is ready to push (by my understanding of that first paragraph)?
  7. PhantomVision New Player

    Menace dealing additional damage to Terrified and Dazed enemies will be enough imo. No need to make it a Might group buff.

    EDIT: Or just make it to do full damage without any PI (like Intimidation) and only Panic effect can require Terrified enemies to apply. Even better! :D
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  8. Tunso Developer

    No this isn't on test yet, that was just me leaking what was in a future test build since it related to another piece of feedback they had.
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  9. Neo Synapse Well-Known Player

    I'd be happy if Terror didn't panic at all anymore lol. Or at least not "physically".
  10. Byren Well-Known Player

    panic is good for pvp, no?
  11. Neo Synapse Well-Known Player

    I couldn't tell you. I don't PVP really lol.
  12. Karasawa Loyal Player

    No. It bugs people out and stunlocks them.
  13. Karasawa Loyal Player

    Menace with no PI already does the same damage as Intimidation. Menace WITH the PI does 50% more damage, which puts it on par with the burst damage of psychic shock or phantom flames. This makes it the hardest hitting might proc in the game.

    In light of that, I think asking for Menace to work with TWO power interactions is a bit greedy. You need some reason to continue using the Illusion tree after this update afterall.
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  14. Neo Synapse Well-Known Player

    We're asking for it without the proc
  15. E Clip Dedicated Player

    What do you mean it puts it on par with PsySock or PF ? Are you talking about Menace being on par with them, could you clarify please?
  16. DorianM Well-Known Player

    AM MT hitting for 10k and critting for anywhere from 18k to 38k on test right now. Dont know why people would use WM.
  17. PhantomVision New Player

    Nope, without the proc it will be useless for AM.
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  18. Sardik New Player

    You only be able to use "AM" without beeing interrupted with a tank, and sometimes all the Adds will be dead before you set your 3rd resonance power.
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  19. Neo Synapse Well-Known Player

    How would an increased might or critical dmg buff be useless?
  20. Neo Synapse Well-Known Player

    What are your stats btw? And just using the AM straight?
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