GU 31 - Some clarification and why it should matter to you

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Spytle, Oct 22, 2013.

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  1. Phantasy2013 Dedicated Player

    I am so excited about this response Spytle as I knew you had it in you. I had stated back early this year how devs need to start being honest with players and lord and behold, lol. Tell them like it is because these players need to face some sense of reality and understand that you are a DCUO GOD!!!!!!! But seriously, once something is explained that's it and there have been enough details for us players to absorb until closer to launch. To keep asking question over and over again is childish and someone that suffers from spoiled rotten syndrome. Thank you Spytle and Mepps for always standing strong and tall.
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  2. Phantasy2013 Dedicated Player

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  3. thelostczarnian New Player

    blood sweet and tear? more like redbull and mountain dew lol! they got paid very well for the effort. it wasnt for charity. if they dont put in work they get fired like any other job
  4. Solid Freeze New Player

    For veterans the existence of combat rating shouldn't be an issue. Before cr was introduced ppl were inspecting each other or asking the stats. Now you basically do the same, cuz you don't trust the player that he is telling the truth.

    But in fact, if a raid asks for a cr99 role, and a cr98 responds, the chance is high, that this player will not be taken into the group. There are quite some players out there with a combat rating 98 or even 97, who can be on par with a player who has cr99. Because you don't need skill, but persistence to achieve a certain combat rating (and luck and replay badges). So also unskilled players get eventually there.

    Combat rating has changed how ppl see other players. In fact, in the pre-cr ear, skill points served as a very good indicator for the skill of a player. Nowadays nobody cares about that anymore.

    I see that it servers as a comfortable pre-selection for us. But I honestly belief that at least in the tier 2 or tier 3 stage, it does not really matter much if someone has 1 or 2 levels lower rating. Maybe combat rating could be only visible from tier 5 stage on (for now) or sth like that.
  5. thelostczarnian New Player

    i beat nexus as a cr 92 tank a few times...not even that hard...just saying
  6. supah koopa Well-Known Player

    Spytle needs to calm down lol.

    Hard work and long hours will stress anyone out, but it is part of your job to hold your composure while dealing with customers. telling someone that they may be incapable of understanding something, though it is really funny coming from a dev, might not be the best professional approach to the situation. Haters gone hate bro, just nod your head and smile then talk crap about them with Mepps on the other side of your screen.

    The graphics update does look nice though. Very noticeable in the magic wing and the amphitheater. If you haven't noticed, nerds are drawn to bright moving lighting effects like insects. I'm looking forward to seeing how power animations have changed too and smooth open world loading. As a speedster I've had enough looking up at Metropolis from below the ground.

    Which reminds me.
    PLEASE make super speed more off-road friendly. I'm sick of hitting a small bump and going flying up a wall to do donuts on the ceiling.
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  7. kickthetank New Player

    Not sure if this is what you meant but it sounds like you are saying 98 cr players are unskilled or less skilled than 99 cr players.....
    This is definitely not the case. Having better gear only increases your potential to put out higher numbers, it does not determine actual skill. There is no number or rating system that will ever determine that. The only way is to see the player in action and evaluate them yourself.
  8. Ace1 Dedicated Player

    Is it just me or is it the players who don't understand how this update is good for the game like a 3 year old who keeps asking WHY? WHY?WHY?
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  9. DroidGio New Player

    I'm not trying to bash or talk bad about the decisions made by soe and its developers and maybe i'm wrong , nor i'm saying that change isn't good sometimes, but it all sounds like they are putting back things they took off in the past, is like someone can't really make their minds up of which direction they want the game to go. Honestly all they have to do is listen to players, but really listen, take the good implement that , take the bad and tell us to shove it. For example, your game no matter how great graphics or how much content it has or will have , will die, if your reward system doesn't improve, yes i am talking about the loot system, we the players know what's wrong with it, the idea, great, the way its setup, bad really bad. If i'm a troller I should not be getting any tank or healer loot, and viceversa. Do as you please since this is your design , your game and your creation, and please don't get me wrong, i am a great fun of the dc universe, but when the reward system goes bad only one thing will go even worst, and we all know what will. I thank you devs , mepps and all your team for working really hard every day on maintaining this game and keeping us entertain so far. Sincerely, a DC fan.
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  10. KBrutus New Player

    you were not the only one, I've been playing since 2011 and didn't know what I was doing until this year which I still think I don't know what I'm doing because I'm a fire Tank and loving it but I don't have crazy expert mods and my pve gear is only T2.5, so now i'm currently at cr 60 and pvp gear is only T1 and pvp cr is 80. this is only because I don't have all the dlc and legendary access for I heard it is easier to level up on everything once you become legendary because of the in game currency is unlimited and the fact that I only play once a week and sometimes none at all. I'm still learning about my role and what the best set up are to be a BEAST tanking but I would really enjoy it more is there was something in the game that explains it and break it down for a person like who only play DCUO as his first MMO. But I will upgrade as soon as I get my hand on the ps4 which wont be couple of years after it comes out just to play DCUO.
  11. thelostczarnian New Player

    dude spytle dont get it and he never will that the money that feeds him and houses him comes from out pockets that we work dam hard for. im 35 years old...not some kid with an allowance...i work for my money...physical work at that. but yeah, go ahead and tell us the problems in the game stems from the community that pays your bills and wonder why your game is tanking faster than the titanic. i still remember your personal rant page....
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  12. Doc Holliday New Player

    If you have to explain why something is important, is it really important? Updates and DLCs should explain themselves ie less talk more action.

    How bout fixing some of the major issues with this game to keep the long time paying customers instead of focusing on new F2P members...

    PS3 is your bread and butter, it's time you stop treating us like red headed step kids.
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  13. Faded Killa Level 30

    I guess i'll take a break from the game till the next dlc. Nothing worth sticking around for as of right now. Happy gaming, and devs best of luck saving this game
  14. DawidYaHu Well-Known Player

    Maybe an official YouTube channel dedicated to players helping players get by in DCUO be it tutorials or what have you. Or promote the forums more often because this is where I learned how to be a more effective healer
  15. Spytle Executive Creative Director

    Yes, Doc.

    Some things are worth explaining, and just because people don't understand something right off the bat does not mean it isn't important.

    *edit - I should also mention, as Captain Liberty has reminded me, that we fixed over 2000 issues when we completed the work for game update 31. Many of those were addressing feedback we've gathered over the years from new and veteran players alike. All of them benefit each platform in different ways. True, some might be more interesting to one person than another, depending on who they are and what they like to do in game, but that is a significant investment of time to address many of the issues you may be referring to. On top of that, we still have many more improvements coming based on feedback from PS3 and PC players in the updates to come.
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  16. taylormccc New Player

    Please, if nothing else is fixed, please fix the sound on PS3. Please make sure the PS4 version doesn't have the sound problems. All of these other things do not make much difference to me. The sound adds so much to the game and It is so annoying when the sound drops out, especially when hunting for exobits.
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  17. thelostczarnian New Player

    it does this on pc sometimes too.
  18. thelostczarnian New Player

    the thing that really gets to me is all the things you guys "fixed" that nodoby was asking for yet either ignore or fail to update on fundamental aspects of the game that dont function properly such as yellow rocks that rebuild sc vs all the dang sound issues. this is just one example. i will still check out update 31 and keep an open mind but im not paying my sub or really playing the game till then but for the occasional seasonal (ran it 3 times)
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  19. Spytle Executive Creative Director


    If we could fix your sound issue as easily as we could fix the yellow rocks, we would fix it. Clearly we haven't been able to if you still experience it. It does not mean we should not fix the easy things in the meantime. Thanks for your opinion though, I'll be sure to weigh it with all the others we get, as we always do.
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  20. Remander Steadfast Player

    I'm sorry, but it's the posters on here that are coming off with an attitude. It's like you're baiting Spytle, and honestly, I'm surprised he's remained as composed as he has. The team has to prioritize their work. So, it's not the priority you want. It's not on the timeline you want. That's just too bad. Coming on here and griping about it like a spoiled child isn't likely to get you what you want.
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