GU 31 - Some clarification and why it should matter to you

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Spytle, Oct 22, 2013.

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  1. DroidGio New Player

    Well for quite a while i haven't seen an update that would actually reward or be of any delight to veterans, is been all about the new comers, hmm... just a little tip i'm sure you might be familiar with , new comers or "newbies" are only after the next best thing, you might get their money for a bit but i'm sure once they see another game they like they will go running for the hills, on the other side we the "veterans" who grinded every single skill point every single mark every single feat, the ones who stood patiently by soe while the hacking and crash of the servers for way long time, who will even invest on the mother company Sony to upgrade our systems and even then while new outstanding games are schedule to be released , are willing to stand by you even though the only things we looked forward to "the loot or rewards" from the raids have been but gone to hell, I still have to see any updates targeted just for us.. lol anyways i know i might sound like i'm talking off my behind but i'm sure some might find some truth around my blah blah blah
  2. Solid Freeze New Player

    actually this is exactly what I meant. Just in case this didn't come over in the intended way.... CR is a shallow indicator of skill, if at all. One big issue is furthermore, that is does not adjust for your offrole If you are main dps cr100 and your off role is troll, you will still appear with cr100 even though you might be much lower geared. This is definitely sth I would like to see fixed at some point.
  3. MAXILIANO Loyal Player

    First of all I would like to congratulate all the work done. I had never before played either a test server as I played today. I look forward to using the new features on the original server. Loved all the changes!
    I would only suggest an idea that I believe is important for the future of the game:

    1 Change the form of distribution of power points.
    I have already commented on this, but I think here should be the most suitable place. The way in which powers are distributed is very frustrating. The fact that you are required to enable power to be able to unlock the other makes you spend power points to power you will ever use. And since we only have 15 power points, we lose important points and thus can not choose our powers of dreams. I think the fairest way is to release the power through the level. And once released choose what is more interesting. This would give more options and dynamism to the game and the player.:)
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  4. Mortainous New Player

    Now I do feel we need a way to get the powers we would use, but there should also be powers we need to unlock others like hard lights support tree you get the personal shield to get the wall shield.
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  5. MAXILIANO Loyal Player

    The way to unlock powers is widely used in RPG. Only a completely different methodology. Where you evolve to a power unlocks another. Speaking seems the same as used here, but in practice it is not. For us in DC only have 15 points. And this greatly influences. And this is not like a traditional RPG where you'll choose the "path of magic", for example. Or "way of the warrior". Outside we all always have two options. DPS and something else. (where it refers to something the power choose). But with 15 points and still having to spend points to unlock powers, does not remain plenty of choice.:confused:
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  6. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    All while you're getting pounded. Had this happen at strikers. I had to fire up the turret and fend off inmates. Well I do away with the first wave. Then all of a sudden damage tics start flying from me but I see nothing.
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  7. Neph Dedicated Player

    I think this game needs a more dynamic lighting set up, everything seems a bit global illuminated to me:


    versus something like this:

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  8. Neph Dedicated Player

    Not looking for them to change our Iconics into the new 52 versions, I like the classic, but I think with this update they will need to update the NPC texture maps like this one: (not the right blue hue, I like the current one) but I wanted to show the mesh/honeycomb pattern on the map and how it could show a bit of character depth... (I don't like the black sectional lines either)

  9. JokerJIm New Player

    Add Cliping for all Roles.
    Make a Sub. Roll of Controler Battery with only Pot and insta powers.
    Make A nother Sub Roll Controler Have debuff,ect.
    Give the Players A Battery they can get but has to be recharged they can use for poweer.
  10. JokerJIm New Player

    Give Players a DPS Meter on thier toons not just thier score card.
  11. Angus Krozz New Player

    I would like to power bars regenerate faster even in combat. I want them to generate as fast as when a nature user turns into the canine form. DPS can burn more, healers would not have the need of controllers for power to heal. Controllers would only have to give power over time and, they could do more crowd control. Tanks could throw out more power keeping enemies focused on them. I would like it if the devs made tanks extemely hard to kill even for npcs. I don't like the idea that the role is suppose to keep all enemy focus on them and, they are squishy. 1 last thing I would like Dps and healers to to get a buff in dominance. When I play my HL dps who is a brawler. I can put up great numbers but, can't put any enemies on their backs in T2s and up.
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  12. Jax Prime New Player

    The thing about common sense is that its not very common. Though this sort of needed some clarification.
  13. Remorrhaid Active Player

    Wonder how all this'll affect low-level group content.

    Seriously, Gorilla Island and Oolong Island were horrendous group experiences when I first started playin' this game.
  14. MAXILIANO Loyal Player

    Viewing the image of your base I stayed with a doubt: I have not tested it on the test server, but it it is possible now place objects on top of the carpet?:eek: Because the objects in your image are on top of the carpets and that's one of the thing I always wanted to see.:)
  15. Mick Nugget New Player

    Well I haven't "invested" (bwaaaaahaha!) thousands of dollars into this game but Ive blown a few hundo's id guess by now just cuz the game is fun and I didn't mind doing so... either way I doubt if that would make me entitled to personal argument time with the devs like some people seem to be able to do anytime they please. I dunno, maybe theres a certain price level where they listen to what you say, who knows.. hopefully I never get to that price level it might be too steep lol.

    I can understand what they mean when they say they made a ton of fundamental changes to the game, mainly making it ps4 ready already qualifies as "the biggest update since..." I forget the exact quote. No ninja looting, across the board :) gj on that.

    Hey I didn't "invest" a billion bux into the game but can you guys try to find a way to make it less laggy for ps3. I want less graphics and more performance plz...

  16. Iconoblast New Player

    So I'm hoping someone sees/hears this (hopefully Spytle or another Dev). Please please please...develop an open world Coast City and launch the remaining lanterns. The blacks/whites would be amazing well as the reds/purples. Ok...HERE IT IS. The BLUE LANTERN SHOULD BE A TRINKET THAT YOU CAN BUY/EARN AND APPLIED TO THE UNUSED R3 BUTTON. The blue lantern requires the presence of another ring to become activated so whenever you have a lantern in your crew it performs it's chosen power to fit your role. So essentially, a troll that bought it could have a new blue lantern troll power, healer a healer power, dps - dps, and tank - tank power. I mean the trolls already have green and yellow...and in my opinion the black and whites should be healers. So the reds/purples should be tanks. I really think this would open up a whole new aspect of the game. I mean there could be huge lantern battles in the streets/skies, new PVP arenas specifically for lanterns (which BLUE RING TRINKET HOLDERS COULD ENTER BECAUSE OF THEIR RING) would truly be epic. OH!!! AND THE ORANGE LANTERN COULD BE A GREAT IN-GAME VILLIAN!!! Please consider it...thanks!
  17. MacTruck216 New Player

    Both Nexus and Wave are glitched to the point that you can't see any of you allies. Pot doesn't work. Can't see anyone if they go down so you can't go pick them up. Please fix this asap.
  18. HLAssassin Well-Known Player

    1. This doesn't belong in this thread.

    2. They've already stated months ago that they're adding the rest of the emotional spectrum through DLC's.

    3. The trinket sounds horrible.
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