Ground Breaking Guide to Earth

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by AIpha, Feb 16, 2013.

  1. Adamwiseguy New Player

    I'm sorry if this question was already asked but which stats do Earth Tanks benefit from the most?
  2. 13igtyme Devoted Player

    Dom and health.
    • Like x 2
  3. Clutch_GT New Player

    I grab all of the Health innates and only the 1st tier Dom innates I skip the second tier. The reason I spec this way is because absorption is a flat 50% it does not scale. The defense boost you get from dom is 1:1 so it's not going to make or break you especially with armor piercing it's pretty much useless for Earth because it takes 71 Def = 1% mitigation and we don't receive a huge defense boost like Ice.
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  4. Cold Lava Active Player

    Just find something interesting while hitting sparing target in WT.
    Cast debris field on first target, then pull second target into the field with earthen grip.
    There will be double ticks on second target for a few ticks.
  5. 13igtyme Devoted Player

    After getting first tier dom and health, I grab the few defense one there are.
  6. kickthetank New Player

    WHy was the first post removed?
  7. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    Alpha must have quit the game i havent even seen him on
  8. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    his profiles even gone so yeah he musta left the game finally after earth being ignored for the most part on all its problems i dont really blame him earth has a lot of wasted potential
  9. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    He got banned from the forums and asked for the guide to be taken down...hes still playing
  10. Clutch_GT New Player

    Seriously? That's pretty lame.
  11. 13igtyme Devoted Player

    That's alpha for you.
  12. Meta Flare New Player

    So is someone going to make a new one?

    Also that is pretty petty.
  13. Dogico Loyal Player

    I guess I'm out of the loop, why would he ask for the guide to be taken down? And why did they ban him? What's a hypotenuse?
  14. 13igtyme Devoted Player

    I might do it but we'll see. Editing text can sometimes be hard and annoying on a tablet.
  15. Lacedog Loyal Player

    I'd ask sage for help. Maybe combine the effort. It comes to a point where these guides are a guideline and you haves to adapt as new content comes out. So a new " guide" might not even be the best idea.
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  16. 13igtyme Devoted Player

    For me it's really going to depend on the next tank power that comes out. I might switch to it and leave earth behind, or maybe I won't like it and go back to earth. I went earth because the fire revamp changed nothing for fire tanking mechanics and I was getting bored leading up to it. So I went earth for the pet, and stayed for the combined damage shift and absorption tanking. Along with the single best shield in the game, gemstone.
  17. Lacedog Loyal Player

    fire didnt need anything tank mechanic wise from the revamp. ice didnt get anything either from that revamp. if youll remember, ice got a huge bump from the update that made shields dominance+restoration. again that wasnt from the revamp, it was from the update that was pretty close to the revamp. i think it was pretty soon after the revamp, when the fire heals scaled a bit different.

    either way, i think a lot of earth tanks, or just tanks in general, are waiting for the new power. to see what the power is, and especially to see the new mechanic.
  18. ExposedCore New Player

    Earth is perfect as is. I think earth tanking is the most exciting role in the game. Almost no room for error and you feel like you actually did something in the end.
  19. 13igtyme Devoted Player

    I know it didn't need anything. I was just waiting for months and was bored with fire. I basically said, "I'll stay fire till the revamp and if doesn't change I'm going earth." so I did.
  20. Lacedog Loyal Player

    yeah thats basically what i did. i switched back in forth a few times, but fires ability to knock stuff down, i know only relevant for trash mobs, is what keeps me with fire. thats for now anyways, until this new tank power comes out and does everything we want earth to do, leaving earthbehind again. just my theory.