Great game but.................

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Monkeyboy, May 21, 2013.

  1. Gwalir Loyal Player

    Neither does having sodas that refill our health, or having all superheroes get stronger through their gear.

    For that matter, I bet at this point I've beaten Brainiac more times than the whole Justice League combined. :)
  2. Aiden Warren New Player

    block what?
    well there you go. lol block what?
    where is the predicate to that and the details to game mechanic to block what and do what exactly?
    block is for tanks usually, you mean block and roll? or block and still get 1 shotted?
    block is since day 1 in this game, block is always a block thing to do. lol your late on this.
  3. Aiden Warren New Player

    we need more health.
  4. Deathmark New Player

    The anomalies are tedious because 1- the mechanics are buggy (could we PLEASE remove the 20 secs stun bug before i lose my ****?) and 2- the difficulty is basically random. One day ill get the boss easy just fine, the other they'll kill me despite using a barrel and two soders (well im mainly talking of the hunt, though iull die at the bizarro boss somedays because im stunned and frozen before i can move away to the barrel). Why? Because the attacks and combination of them are so random that one day the boss will do everything right to get me, and the next they won't ever use their high damage or stun attacks. I've been playign this game for a year, i think im skilled enoug for those fights. I shouldn't have to lose because of buggy mechanics and bad luck. And yet it happens. I loved those anomalies the first four days, now i hope we don't see more of them.
  5. Corrupted Ertai New Player

    Because he only knows how to play HIS toon HIS way. He isn't adaptable at all and is probably having a hard time with these things. Look dude, I tried to put it politely. The devs decide what content we get. People asked for this and they got it. Just because you're one of the "I WANT I WANT" players isn't going to get you anywhere. You are asking for fully customizable solo content made playable with your custom toon or a Legends toon of your choice. Not only is that unreasonable, but would make it impossible to create with the right difficulty. One of three things would happen.

    1. Your toon would be overpowered and you whine that it's boring.
    2. Your toon is too weak and you whine it's too hard.
    3. The content automatically adjusts to your toon based on stats and role at the moment you que.

    Numbers 1 and 2 are already happening with every other tier in the game so we don't need or want any more of that. As for number 3......




    Devs have better things to do with their time than to cater to the picky, narcissistic, pessimistic, know-it-alls who want everything their way and make unreasonable requests.
  6. Jason Martin Dedicated Player

    i have no problem playing any toon in legends, they aren't that hard to play same in pve.
  7. Monkeyboy Committed Player

    Weak attempt at humor I see. You're one of those dps that keep mashing keys while being hit, calling for heals. It's simple awareness versus tunnelvisioning. Like I said I ran FR with you, good dps but poor awareness and reaction times.
  8. Aiden Warren New Player

    nice lie, but I actually been trolling and dps a few times, and never did BIA and FR in a pug lol. always with my friends in Mumble and steam. and also, I never chat in group, or use voice chat in game, cus busy voice chatting in mumble lol.
    and nice tho, you have no clue how known dps I am. and I been controlling BIA and FR mostly. ive only dps them a few times. Nice to act this "mature on the net"

    I have yet to actually do anything with random people from watchtower for Pugs lol.

    "Calling for heals" lol being that I play with the same healer each and every time on mumble.