Grant 50k Prestige Minimum To All Leagues For Today's Fiasco

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Kid Sorbet, Jul 23, 2014.

  1. Kid Sorbet New Player

    You're right, they're probably skewing the numbers down a bit. The Prestige grant should probably be quite a bit higher.
  2. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    I will say that while 50K is a high number, I dont think it would kill them to throw us a bone.

    A lot of us were very excited about jumping into the game and getting as much prestige as humanly possible before reset tonight, only to find that not only was there extended downtime, but the servers went down again shortly after that, then the mics went out, then leagues just stopped working in the LEAGUE hall update. Now, unless the prestige somehow carried over through the whole leagueless fiasco, we will have to wait a whole other week to get a league hall.

    At the rate we were going, we would have had roughly 50K prestige tonight alone, but when everything cut out we were at 17. I'm usually not one to ask for extra stuff, but I've been wanting this league hall since they announced the ideas on the old forums.
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  3. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    They also have around a thousand members .
  4. Ninja'd Dedicated Player

    Really? Reset day is tomorrow you know.
  5. Kid Sorbet New Player

    Right, which is the whole premise of the thread.

    People were spamming content tonight to get as much as possible before reset.

    50k minimum.
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  6. the solowing Unwavering Player

    and i will quote you

    SoE owes you nothing
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  7. Zeikial Committed Player

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  8. FEARtheSPUR Well-Known Player

    easy unless the cap is very low. Before we started even raiding we were at 20k when everything crashed. I wouldnt be hard at all IMO.
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  9. Mister Brees New Player

    I would actually prefer it if they reset tomorrow and then did another reset on Friday.
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  10. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    It's possible that what prestige we got today was lost with all the league problems.
  11. SkullGang Devoted Player

    Leagues going missing ? :eek:
  12. Tre Day New Player

    If they do, I wouldn't mind.
    If they don't, I would admit to being a little shocked, but I'm not going to riot or anything.
    All I would be concerned witht is getting the system fixed so it's back to being usable.
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  13. FEARtheSPUR Well-Known Player

    that would suck because i was using replays..... SMH
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  14. Gassius_Spray Loyal Player

    Good God almighty, Good God almighty they broke it!!!! As God is my witness League Hall update is broken in half.
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  15. Greenman New Player

    I'll admit... I had a good laugh after seeing 50k as a demand.
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  16. MetalMario Loyal Player

    Lol the game really owes you for the free update you got. Might as well demand station cash too.
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  17. Kid Sorbet New Player

    I know, it should have been quite a bit more but I decided to low ball it.
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  18. RitzyDitzy New Player

    I don't think they should give anything. In life nothing goes perfectly, move on.
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  19. Draco8573 New Player

    maybe not 50k but some sort of compensation would be nice. i had planned to try to rake in a good amount of prestige for tonight. I mean i know by my lonesome i couldnt get 50 k but i do know three other leaguemates are on right now. maybe we could have got 5 k or something by the end of tonight.
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  20. Kid Sorbet New Player

    They need to do something.