gold sellers vs rng. which avenue do u go?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by lukelucky, Feb 25, 2018.

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  1. lukelucky Devoted Player

  2. Dene Devoted Player

    The game has had RNG in it since day 1 & has had people buying from gold sellers for that time too - people buying from gold sellers is just a reflection of a lazier, impatient & overly entitled player (I want what that player has but I don't want to spend money, wait, or put in the hard yards)

    If people's answer to RNG is to break rules, then that is on them not the devs or the game. This constant "the issue is bigger" is a bs reason ppl are using to justify cheating
    • Like x 4
  3. Harlequin Devoted Player

    Report me.

    Regarding your topic, allowing people to purchase currency with real money and producing that currency from thin air would be pants-on-head stupid and is a terrible idea for a multitude of reasons, most of them spelled out in the thread you jumped out of to create this one.

    There is also a third option you failed to mention in your OP: Follow the rules. Either buy keys and open boxes or farm cash and buy what you want legitimately.

    Regarding the question in your thread title, I choose neither. I don't open capsules (over and above the few keys I earn from the event) and I will never use a gold seller. I prefer not to be a hypocritical *** if I can help it.
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  4. Dene Devoted Player

    I was referring to to your other post - I was putting it in context to your line of thinking, that is all. Don't yell at me, just because I do not agree with you
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  5. lukelucky Devoted Player

    Yet u co.Plaines about breaking the TOS while trolling

    HOWEVER TY for jumping on topic and I appreciate your stance. I tried like crazy to ignore it and play as u do but I simply can't over look how wrong RNG is.
  6. lukelucky Devoted Player

    Caps used because obviously u did not notice this is an entirely different topic but glad to see u did notice but chose to simply troll post after post.

    Any comment on topic?
  7. Harlequin Devoted Player

    Accusing someone of breaking the TOS is a violation in and of itself. Careful.
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  8. Dene Devoted Player

    Made at least 5 actually.. you chose to ignore those and, instead, focus on my reply to someone else...

    "The game has had RNG in it since day 1 & has had people buying from gold sellers for that time too - people buying from gold sellers is just a reflection of a lazier, impatient & overly entitled player (I want what that player has but I don't want to spend money, wait, or put in the hard yards)

    If people's answer to RNG is to break rules, then that is on them not the devs or the game. This constant "the issue is bigger" is a bs reason ppl are using to justify cheating"

    the above quote i recently wrote is my answer
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  9. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Oh I knew something. I knew exactly how it worked. I'll just come right out and tell you that now so you don't have to make assumptions.

    Knowing how something works doesn't mean you participated in it. You can watch a video about how to successfully rob a bank, just cause you know how to do it doesn't mean you want to or you actually do it.
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  10. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    What about accusing someone of accusing someone of breaking the TOS? :D
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  11. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    See now this is where you REALLY lose me. let's start with you claiming how much you LOVE this game and hate the idea that it may wind up shut down for lack of revenue .. and then you turn right around and admit to violating the terms of service you "supposedly" love so much and buying in game cash from a gold spammer because you simply have to have something that is available in a time capsule but you refuse to deal with the RNG in hopes of getting it and you don't have enough in game cash to buy it off the broker WITHOUT cheating.

    Then when Fatal calls you out about that sort of thinking.. you twist it around and pretty much accuse him of if not using the glitch that allowed a pile of players to cheat the time capsule system .. HE must at the very least know how it was done. GUESS what... I know there was a glitch that a group of players used to open god knows how many capsules without spending a cent.. and since it WAS the topic of conversation here for quite a while after it happened I'd venture to say very few that come here don't KNOW about ir.

    I have no need or desire to ever know how they did it.. and frankly it upsets me that Daybreak was lenient and let a number of them off the hook with short bans not permanent ones.

    Ever heard the old phrase the Pot calling the Kettle black? Well dude YOU are the pot. You openly confessed to using gold spammers on at least a few occasions to get enough cash together to buy that very special something YOU wanted. And now here you are trying desperately to shift the blame? The Guilt? whatever to Fatal ... Because a bunch of us are "PICKING" on you for a totally warped idea that its the Dev team and Daybreak's fault you needed to cheat because they won't let you have what you want without paying for it.

    Steve had you pegged and you swear up and down this thread is NOT about wanting to buy in game cash on the forums .... so what the heck else is it about? you openly admit you refuse to use real money to buy time capsules. you open admit you have cheated and broken the rules of the game to buy in game cash off the gold spammers... and you WISH there was some other way this whole terrible situation could be dealt with so players (like you) that simply have to have everything and have it right NOW could get it.... You do everything but carry a banner around broadcasting "SELL ME IN GAME CASH ON THE MARKET"

    Face facts this game has had RNG in one form or another since day 1... I have no clue how long you have played and frankly I could care less but do you remember way back when reward boxes didn't exist? Back when a 4 man team entered an alert or am 8 man team entered a raid and they defeated a boss... and ONE (1) piece of armor popped up as a potential reward. All members of that team then had to click and tell the game if they NEEDED, WANTED, or were happy IGNORING that reward drop. A set of invisible dice were then cast and the player with the highest roll got the armor. ONE team member out of as many as 8 got 1 piece of gear. Oh yeah also back in those days there were junk drops just like now.. and you could do an entire raid and walk out with 2 pieces of junk gear.. As an example a Tank helm and a healer chest piece which did you TROLL absolutely no good at all as far as increasing CR. Then we got the reward boxes.... and even those had RNG.. you could get a piece of Tank gear for your HEALER. heck even the ones we get these days have some element of rng... Tell me you never got a box that gave you a choice between a pair of DPS gloves or a pair of DPS gloves? And you already had that style and the gloves your DPS was wearing were already that high if not a higher DPS?

    Now Time capsules stretch that RNG to the limits but as i mentioned in my other post.. you don't like it. Do like I do and just don't BUY any. Amazingly I have 7 alts all between 220 and 222 without getting a single bit of armor I git from opening a time capsule and my SP is high enough that I kick butt on anything I do.
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  12. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    So it's only on topic if you say it is? What does the other glitch have to do with this topic whatsoever? Maybe you'd care to define exactly what you think this thread should be about?
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  13. Harlequin Devoted Player

    It is now about the obvious superiority of french toast over the abomination known as pancakes. Don't @ me.
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  14. lukelucky Devoted Player

    This thread is for the many I seen admitt to using gold sellers to express them selves AND also those who would never use a gold seller.

    The message completely derailed because guys like you making numerous posts never discussing the topic at hand.

    If trolls stayed out just maybe We could indeed get some sort of gauge on how big this is. A few and it's a select few repeat offenders always seem to do the same no. Sense.
  15. Wiccan026 Loyal Player

    To stay on topic (and kind of prove how silly this thread is) I've chosen to opt out of neither and just be mad at the game itself everytime something doesn't get rolled out in a manner that I would choose to like. To a degree I've even stopped posting about certain subjects because I see the futility of such and I ultimately started to see that I was allowing myself to be part of ridiculousness... silliness I like, not ridiculousness (and yes I see a difference sorry for those who don't :p)

    I have never dreamed of nor would ever use a gold seller and that's for any game (although their are other games that you will just get banned and stay banned so it would be riskier to use it there... from what I've seen you could realistically use it for this game and get a slap on the wrist if anything). Their are a few reasons for not desiring to use them: one I'd rather someone doing something already unsavory to not have access to any of my info, I'd be breaking ToS that I agreed to, I'd also probably feel guilty and would end up spending some money on the game to try to alleviate guilt (just to name a few off the top of my head). In scenario one sure I'd get the item of my desire but it wouldn't be worth the cost I'd pay.

    In the beginning I did participate in the RNG nature because frankly I've never hated Booster Bundles but when the amazonian TC's did their ugly number I started hating it and never really got down with it. I have stabilizer keys and I don't use them... which yes folks should call me silly for not using them but they are just going to get me angry so why bother. In scenario number two I didn't get what I want and it just made me hate the game.

    So I choose the option of pretend it doesn't exist.... which frankly doesn't work out either when push comes to shove because their are so many reasons why I can prattle on about how I hate TC's and so I constantly acknowledge they exist (which means I'm obviously failing at pretending they don't exist, it's a conundrum I know) and so I just get disgusted with the game even more.

    I still choose the last option though, even if it doesn't make sense to some because at least I can live with myself at the end of the day.
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  16. Dene Devoted Player

    I would never use a gold seller

    ok? you got your answer

    Why wouldn't I - Because i don't see the point when i can make in game money myself... it is a cheaters option, therefore would never enter my mind to use

    Your topic is asking people to admit they have used gold sellers, when they do, they will admit they are breaking the rules, do you really think people will admit that? Your post has the opinion that they were forced to do so as there was no other way, when there is def other ways.
    • Like x 2
  17. Mohican378 Dedicated Player

    Want to know what's beyond clear? that you have an M.O. whenever you have an idea, and it doesn't go how you think it will on the forums, or its explained to you why that idea is bad, you start throwing out casual accusations at your detractors, despite having nothing but your "suspicions" to back it up.

    I'll tell you what I told you when you did it to me last time.

    Grow up.

    Learn to loosen your grip on your position and accept that your ideas aren't always great.

    Learn to take criticism, especially when you're pushing crazy ideas like "let's just have DBG sell cash directly. We can't possibly know if that will cause hyper-inflation or not"

    And yes, I'm aware that's not what this thread is about directly.

    I'm also aware that this was a thread that was designed for you to then swoop in and re-up on your idea of selling cash directly through the MP. It simply doesn't take a rocket scientist to see how you came from THAT thread, to immediately create this one, which would inevitably lead back to that point.

    Anyway, this why your threads always get to this point. You offer an idea. People criticize it, usually with strong arguments against, backed up by actual info. you go back and forth for a while, mostly remaining civil, but then, at some point you crack, and you start with the casual accusations.

    It gets old man.

    Like so old, and so fast.

    Oh, and one more thing. You keep saying you NEED. You don't NEED any of this stuff. It's a recreational video game. You don't HAVE to have any of it. Literally nothing about your actual life will be affected by it.

    You WANT.

    That's the word you're looking for. WANT.
    • Like x 5
  18. lukelucky Devoted Player


    I got a real question for you. Prior to booster bundles and time capsules were you a broker guy or did you adapt as times changed? Some players are broker junkies and enjoy the broker as much or more then content.

    I should adapt but I pay to play. I when I am playing don't mess with styles on my toons or any side stuff. Its content and more content for me. I guess I am so against the broker game simply because I did not need to for multiple years.
    I would go so far as to say had I had to I never would of gotten into Dcuo. Simply not my cup of tea. That might put me in the wrong and if so I except that but it's what i enjoy.

    Thanks again for jumping on topic and your opinion. Hope RNG drops something real nice for you
  19. ChillCat Loyal Player

    How DARE you!!! I demand SATISFACTION!!!

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  20. Dene Devoted Player

    Your focus is content... then ignore the stuff that you do not like. I understand TCs have SP but they are not necessary, they are just "nice" to have extra - I have said this b4 - I dislike PVP, I just ignore it, I still have 337 sp. If that is not enough then that is something I will need to live with, same goes with those that have RNG bad luck.

    In the early early days, Before Base Items, BBs & TCs - it was a very diff broker. I farmed, a lot, like every day in certain areas. I would treat collections exactly how I treat BBs & TCs - i'd sell my spares and buy my missing. Sometimes I made money, sometimes I lost. Great example - I got lucky with Superboys but Class A was a real pain.. so i'd sell the spares of Superboy and had to buy Class A - never saw it until a year after I bought it lol

    I am not one of those "broker experts" (I know a few.. i envy their expertise)
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