give us hard raids already

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by xskateXX, Sep 6, 2014.

  1. Zylo Committed Player

    I dont want Hard 1-shot annoying raids.

    what I want is fun enjoyable raids that have randomness built into them that playing them isint the same raid you just did last time. kindove what FoS1 was when it sends you diffrent path ways or fighting a diffrent bosses that you're not going to expect.

    thats what I want.
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  2. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    The content is meant to be repeated. That is how the reward drops work. If the majority of players can't successfully complete the content on a on gong basis, they will not progress.

    Please enjoy survival mode - that content is place in the game for the challenge that you see. One complete... one reward.
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  3. Tre Day New Player


    This is pretty much one of the biggest reasons why content can't be challenging.

    I take these conquests on new content from day 1 with a fair amount of skepticism, honestly. The amount of exposure to said content, along with the amount of familiarity between group members, play a lot in what could be considered a 'challenge'.

    As much as there is good about YT videos and whatnot educating the player-base on the game, there's that flipside that waters down even the most the daunting of challenges.
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  4. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    Well when groups start running with less then 5-6 dps we might get more challenging raids now it's just "PEW PEW " and " Look at my awesome burn I'm at the top of the chart ". Honestly they was someone bragging on the message boards about running the t6 raids with 7 dps and they still couldn't get the speed feat . It's really sad what this game has become.
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  5. DC-Doll New Player

    Alot of games and game companies set restrictions on what can and what can't be posted on youtube using copyright laws.
  6. winter13 New Player

    That's just what the game needs...more raids that only 10-12% of the population could beat (pre-nerf) :rolleyes:
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  7. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    I'm well aware of how reward drops work.

    I'm not asking for every raid to be melt-your-face-off difficult, but there should be one that fits that description in every large content DLC pack they release. One that is accessible to everyone and one that people need to get geared for by using the easier raid along with alerts/duos/challenges/etc.

    Currently, you can walk into any raid and faceroll it. Completely dismantle it. There isn't even anything resembling a challenge in any raid in HoP. God forbid we get a raid that people can't beat on day 1. The world would end if that happened.
  8. xskateXX Well-Known Player

    yes but do you remember how they did it?
    they bugged it out
    they went with 7 flyers and 1 tank all of them was flying so they could not get damage and they just spammed rotation for 48minues
    after the devs saw it they took it out
    after that it took a month to finish
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  9. Seismicfesr Dedicated Player

    Why do ppl think Paradox was so hard? (Yes it was hard) But what I mean is it was hard for the wrong reasons; Cheap one shots, Magic balls you couldn't see, enrage timers, magical damage that would ground you and possibly kill you, AOE's you couldn't see, the tyrant rolling around with no rhyme or reason, bs mechanics like jailing the tank, or jailing you while your picking someone up, Warriors ball magically curving 14 inches to the left to follow you or my favorite warrior shooting 4 staring balls at that dead guy killing anyone who tries to pick up their team mate
  10. Seismicfesr Dedicated Player

    One Piece glitches that ****
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  11. xskateXX Well-Known Player

    thats not solve the problem
    getting gear isnt hard
    the raids are so easy that we can do it after day one
  12. Seismicfesr Dedicated Player

    Honestly after 4 years ppl know how to play the game of course it aint going to be uber hard, they only way they could make it uber hard for veterans is by making stuff unfair, is that what you want? If your skilled at the game and have experience your going to be able to over come whatever they throw at you unless they just flat out cheat
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  13. Fatal Phantom New Player

    It sounds like you couldn't get past the ps3 limitations and discover what the mechanics actually were like the rest of us did. Besides not being to fully render enemy animations, all that changed was the tyrants roll sequences.
  14. Chaos Evolution Devoted Player

    Lol nice signature
  15. Tre Day New Player

    Now see, I'm with you except for the parts about jailing the tank (I mean, what better way to up the difficulty than to jail the ONE TANK in a raid when the group could've brought two; I don't think that would be intended though) and jailing someone who's going to pick up a downed player (again, I don't think it's the Devs' intention, but still, would still up the difficulty). One-shots...meh, I would only call them cheap if it's one those over-the-top 'one-shots' (i.e. the insane '999999' ones); I'm good with one of those 'one-shots' that just happened because you weren't blocking and/or not 'high-geared' enough. All that other stuff, I'm guessing rendering issues, so that's not really anything intended by the Devs in terms of making those raids 'difficult'. I like the Tyrant rolling around with no clear rhyme or reason; there would be no fun or 'challenge' if you knew where they were going, unless they did all throughout the whole instance. Now THAT would be annoying. :p

    Eh, I don't know what one could be considered 'difficulty' because it's become so easy to label everything that's not in a player's favor as being 'cheap', with merit or not. (Not directed at you, Seismicfesr; general observation.)
  16. Seismicfesr Dedicated Player

    FOS 2 now that was real challenge, you needed team work, and stragety
  17. DC-Doll New Player

    They're gonna have pvp raids? /Goodbye Dcuo
  18. Seismicfesr Dedicated Player

    Also the one shots are over the top even in full T6 gear at a 179sp those damn balls kill you lol, and the fact that tyrant will curve them like it the movie Wanted lol.
  19. DC-Doll New Player

    Thank you :D
  20. Seismicfesr Dedicated Player

    Hey haven't had the chance to ask how happy you are to have Time Traveler on the Vendor