Gimme The Loot: LOOT gets League Hall

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Web, Jul 24, 2014.

  1. houseofcantor New Player

    They cheated, of course. :p
  2. DamsonX New Player

    if you want to pretend it cost us hundreds of dollars or even 100 for that matter, than by all means believe that.

    and i okay you don't have to congratulate anyone.
    In fact i want to be clear that no one has to say any congrats to anyone. you guys can just come in read what you want and enjoy your day. Loot is many things but we don't Loot bully.
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  3. kawe Loyal Player

    Thank you guys for funding the next updates or DLC.

    : >
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  4. DamsonX New Player

    i dont know about funding the whole dlc but maybe it will pay for some more internal testers hopefully =p
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  5. Representative(Platina A) Well-Known Player

    Hahahaha I love these guys. Exactly what I will be saying on villain side after reset to all our wanna-be rivals.
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  6. Proxystar #Perception

    I've done some quick math.

    Assuming you have no alts you're running, and allowing generous numbers at the start for bases and free TD runs since launch

    my calculations have 5 members spending approximately 2761 replay badges each (that's not considering diminishing returns)

    a total of 13,805 replay badges, costing a total of 39.44 packs of 350 badges = approx $394.50US

    I mean since you won't disclose your real figures I'll take this assumption I think it's pretty safe to say the league hall cost you around $400US..
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  7. Web Well-Known Player

    No problem. The devs are adding a feat next DLC called : " If it don't make loot, it don't make sense" : Earn a league Hall
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  8. Marine Death Committed Player

    Congratulations my friend
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  9. kawe Loyal Player

    Yea xD

    Having a League Hall on day 2 or on week 3 doesn't matter aynway, so who cares?
    Either way, the money they've spent helps us all, as the devs can keep feeding the server Hamsters.
  10. Web Well-Known Player

    We aren't a corporation, we don't keep financial records. But your assumptions on what we ran and how we ran it is why we have a hall and you don't.
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  11. DamsonX New Player

    go get em!

    and when you guys get yours give us access to your hall we will do the same.. i'm curious if there is any difference. Plus we need to do our part on testing the Halls for bugs.
  12. Mister Brees New Player

    Unless they used alts and considering they are all probably t6 and were grinding t1 it's a safe bet. It doesn't take very long to get an alt to t1 btw.

    Awesome job Loot. Very jealous.
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  13. Proxystar #Perception

    Why the secrets, and lets not kid ourselves, your statement is so obnoxious it's not funny. the fact you have a hall by your own admission is through your use of replay badges so let's not start playing that game lol
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  14. Eris New Player

    I'm not saying the issue is how expensive it is. I'm saying someone else said that, and I corrected them.
  15. Tank New Player

    Your math is wrong, as well as your assumptions.
    Again: "Competitor Price Match Guarantee"
    You can't say your not jealous, and couldn't care less about it, when at the same time you whipped out your slide rule to try to do math to diminish our accomplishment.

    I am on my phone and format sucks
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  16. DamsonX New Player

    sir i shredded all the receipts and documentations like you asked.... now the feds cant touch us
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  17. Web Well-Known Player

    I never said we didn't use replays.
    If you ever used a replay for any reason, you are an absolute hypocrite.
    You act as if we didn't run massive amounts of content, you don't just cash in replays for prestige.
    You act as if we bought any replays or station cash at full price, we didn't.
    If your mad your league doesn't have a hall disband and join Loot, problem solved.
    Be Mad and Be Jealous.
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  18. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Wow 300+ US dollars, not worth it buddy, especially on PC server.

    PS server is where the real race is ( drops the mic)
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  19. Proxystar #Perception


    You're the one making this discussion about emotion not me, I'm merely trying to understand the math behind your achievement, I'm simply wanting to put the achievement into context by knowing how much money or replays you used.
  20. Mad009 New Player

    A majority of the player base uses replays as soon as the new content drops to gear up as fast as possible. Some people did it to get a league hall. I don't see anything wrong with that. Also, they did not buy the leaguehall from the marketplace, they had to play a lot of content for this. The game is pay2play and not pay2win.

    I buy nearly 20000+ replays every year and usually spend it that very year. I am going to freely reset what I feel like and do the content when I feel like. I am a casual players and don't care for the weekly resets and don't mind spending replays when I want. I do not play 95% of the content because I have no need to run any low tiered content having completed almost every feat in the game. I have not run the vault in years and I only play the new content and complete feats and nothing else. The point is spending replays does not demean the work put up by players.

    Respect the action and not the players and give credit when it's due because being a naysayer is not going to get you anywhere. Acknowledge their will and determination and stop counting replays.
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