Getting Help with Old Content

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by TwilightsInferno1701, Mar 27, 2024.

  1. TwilightsInferno1701 Level 30

    That's really very kind of you! Thank you! I hope to link up soon!
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  2. TwilightsInferno1701 Level 30

    I'm a decent tank hero! But healers are always needed! The feat says it can be done on normal and I wouldn't want to do Elite I'm not that kind of player either I just really want the title from this feat gotta be honest lol Maybe we can link up in game? Friend request or message and try to get a group together?
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  3. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    If we were talking about elite you would have a point. Personally, I think elite (non-plus) is pretty easy but I understand a lot of others don't as we're all on different places on the skill spectrum and that's perfectly fine. So I generally refrain from making those kinds of comments about elite content as it's kind of douchy.

    But reg? You can close your eyes and button mash through reg when it's the most current. Seriously, try it. Just crack open an eyelid when moving from one spot to another so you're not running in to walls. But when the orbitals start going off, just close your eyes and hit buttons. You'll still get your loot.
  4. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    I get that making the group is the issue. But many chimed in saying the clamp is the reason. In reg, the clamp makes it so that you have to button mash for 30 seconds to beat a boss instead of button mashing for 3-5 seconds.
  5. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

    Oh dear gawd... :rolleyes:

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  6. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Tell that to the hundreds upon hundreds of omnibus queues that had 120+ minutes and an endless list of players on the scoreboard lmfao
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  7. ItsMeAgain Well-Known Player

    Tell the Devs to remove the stat clamp so people would have interest in running the old crap again. Nobody runs old stuff like that as much because they don't wanna deal with the bs all involved in it with wipes, mechanics, drops, etc...
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  8. Wiccan028 New Player

    I understand the point of clamping stats because power creep exists. Several games do things to try to help solve alleviate the problem.

    That being said though most other games don't have the same systems in place this game does. Feats exist in this game and they help with progression, which means you do need to go after them to make your character "stronger". Due to how they rolled out the stat clamp in this game it just makes it harder to get some of those feats if you didn't get them when they were current. Which would effect either returning players or people just joining the game.

    I could understand if they wanted to keep something to keep folks from one-shotting content... but the way the current system works I doubt anyone just queues up for older raids to just to run the content (and I mean random queues, not put together groups).
  9. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    Guys, OP asked for help getting a group together. Why has this become yet another clamp argument thread? Does that help OP get a group so they can try for a feat? Does it help anybody in any way?

    Take it to one of the other threads that are supposed to be about the clamp.
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  10. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    I've added you to my friends list on both my main (TI99Kitty) and my healer (Captn Sparklefingers). You can send me a DM here, or a tell or mail in-game.
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  11. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    Omni is different. Even still, a couple competent players can carry an omni group. Did Prime Battleground the other day. Five players couldn't figure out how to get in the fight. I along with two others 3-manned it without much trouble.
  12. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Welp, wouldn't be an issue if Omni remained but there were, you know, other options to entice people lol. And that doesn't only mean an option for you-know-what.
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  13. thedemonocus Loyal Player

    Actually, before the clamp, people were more willing to help because they knew it wouldn't take that long. It would be a quick run and done but after the clamp, there's a lot of stuff people won't go back and do. The clamp actually made it harder to get help for old content. In my case before the clamp there were a lot of times i would see people looking for help in LFG and i would go help them because i knew it would be quick and i enjoyed stomping old content anyways. Now i don't help as much because i don't want to spend 2 hours in an old raid.
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  14. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Exactly! I even helped people get to 700 SP prior, now it would take 10x as long and people are quitting (even the people I helped). Post-clamp, even when I finally found people interested in feat hunting, they quit a week after I helped them because the game got overwhelming to them because of it. It's a vicious cycle.
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  15. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    People are making the case that the clamp is what significantly affects group building for feats. And maybe there's some truth in that. But I've noticed a very sharp decline in LFG shouts for feat runs even for the three most current episodes compared to years past.

    Personally, I was able to go from like 150sp to 450-500ish sp in about a year and a half or less (2018-2020) and that's mostly attributed to always watching LFG in the late "dead" times of DLC's and jumping on every opportunity to join feat runs that I could. And there were always a TON. Sure a lot were from non-CR relevant content but a lot were from the recent (at the time) DLC's too. I still keep LFG open most of the time (tired of CTe+ and looking for ANYTHING different lol) but I don't see anywhere near the amount of LFG feat run shouts, even specifically for non-clamped content.

    So sure, the clamp might be part of the problem. But if there's a huge decline in feat run groups for non-clamped content too (which I'm certain there is), there certainly other factors at play here.

    My guess at one such factor is that it seems to me that more people are utilizing custom chat channels than in years prior. I've encountered a lot of custom chat channels that kind of serve as a "secondary league". Leagues typically either have a low end cap or no cap at all. Low end cap leagues typically only do feat runs for E+ featsor the most difficult elite feats as they tend to have all the others. I imagine it's difficult to organize feat runs in no-cap leagues since what feats people need is probably all over the map. So feat run custom chat channels have really become the best way to feat hunt. But if you're not in any, then yeah, good luck these days. At least that's my guess as to a primary factor.

    Of course, the anti-clamp crowd is nothing if not opportunistic. :p So the clamp has GOT to be the alpha and omega of any problem in this game, right?

    Reinheld here is essentially saying the same thing without specifically mentioning feat run custom chat channels. it's good advice. But yeah, these days those "grinders" he mentioned often organize through custom chat channels and even discord channels. And usually the way people get in those is when those players organize a feat run through those channels but can only get a partial group, they have to LFG for the remaining spots. If the people they get seem like competent players and/or good listeners and communicators (being mic'd helps a ton) they'll invite those players to the channels.
  16. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Idk about other platforms, but I've explained this for Xbox. Players just "cba" to bother chasing the feats anymore. For one, they don't "help" as much as they used to (passed a certain point?), which directly leads into; Two: if they "can't bother to chase the old ones what's even the point in chasing all of the new ones?" is also a question I've been met with when trying to gather the community for feats.
    The drive and motivation is just not there anymore.
  17. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    I fly solo so where team oriented feats are concerned I go with the flow. Seems to work out for me in the end. There are some feats I haven't even attempted yet or only tried once or twice. I love the FV raid but the elite feats can get tricky even if you get the mechanics down but I do know that we're very capable of steam rolling it even without the clamp. Timing is also key.You're far more likely to find a feat hunting group at night than during the day, more on weekends than weeknights.
  18. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    I think this is more due to the length between new dlcs. At this point I'm working on d list alts and only running the weeklies. I've only run actual HoM content rarely the past two months.

    I still think our powers need some tweaking since the revamp/clamp but in terms of content difficulty I don't know about anybody else but its starting to feel like were back to AM's how quickly old content melts down.
  19. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    The clamp is PART of the reason...not from difficulty in getting the feat...but getting the group. I'm sure there's a few like Proma's where it's also part of the feat difficulty, but I don't think 90% of them are any harder if you have 8 good people who already know the feat. This guy doesn't have 8 good people it sounds like....most don't.
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  20. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I don't mention custom channels as most die out fairly quick unless it's a league channel. I've got a few alt accounts that have 7 or 8 custom 'feat' channels I got pulled into at one time or another, and I guarantee I can go in and hear crickets in every one right now. I've deleted most on my main accounts once they go dormant, but a few of the people who I know were in those channels I still see.

    Discord is a different I don't delve I can't comment on those, but I find in game channels come and go quickly as other channels are set up when the group dynamic changes (infighting, the channel organizer quitting or a few people come in new with new channels).

    I mean by all means, he should join them, but to me LFG (at least for in-game use) and then connections you can make from those groups, are more reliable.