Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Captain JackDaniels, Jan 25, 2016.

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  1. veneficus OP truncus Committed Player

    you beat me to it... lol
  2. Captain JackDaniels Well-Known Player

    No I'm calling the ones who chose not to get them scrubs, not the ones who honestly don't know, my bad.
  3. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    They really need to change that auto correct option for blow to the face to unkind gesture, don't you think? It would make far more sense.
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  4. Backseid Devoted Player

    The only Mod that I would say in "needed" in end game content is the Fortified Blocking neck mod.

    Then again, there are those threads about people not blocking so... :/
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  5. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    I ran into a tank like that yesterday in Demon's Plan. We were only able to get Ghul's health to about 1/2 before our Earth tank was KO'd. I questioned whether he knew how to use a soder, too.

    Oh, and Regenerative Shielding and Breakout Protection help a lot for tanks.
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  6. CrazyArtBrown Dedicated Player

    Wasn't necessary the other day, he just left on his own. Sometimes you get lucky and impatient people solve the problems for you.
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  7. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    again that was the players skill that caused him to die not the lack of mods.. and secondly i have many alts that dont have white mods and get through content just fine.. but again ill say one more time as you just dont seem to understand what im saying.. they arent needed to do your job in this game if someone is doing poorly it most likly isnt because of them not having mods its due to other factors
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  8. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    You know completing all leveling missions give you around 80 MoV. It takes around 50 MoV to unlock the second level and 7 more to unlock the 3rd level. There is no excuse for not having them considering that tactical mods provide a 20%+ increase in damage alone. Something to think about.
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  9. The peoples Badguy Committed Player

    The Bad guy always uses white mods no matter what. The people agree 100% with the captain. this post gets one thumb up.
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  10. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    White mods could be the problem if a full group is without them.

    Let's start with tanks and work out way through all the roles down to finally DPS.

    Tanks: Less healing in due to missing the quick healing mod (10% more heals), no shield from weapon mod - increasing damage in, neck mod to reduce damage by up 80%, again increases damage in, hand mods can provide healing and back mods can increase defense or healing from breakout. All of these small things can help a tank out a lot and over a run missing them in your gear can really have a negative impact to the group.

    Healer: Chest - reserve tank for extra for heals, weapon mod allows player to heal with damaging attacks, neck mod increase in resto improving heals, hand mods -see tank...without these the healer is less effective and will produce less heals.

    Controller - reserve tank for more debuff or power, weapon mod to replenish your own power, hand mod regen shield to increase health with self shield, neck mod increase your critical power chance increasing power out - not as clear as a tank or healer impact but missing them still impact your ability to be a bit more effective.

    Damager - missing the white mods drop your damage out potential by over 20%. So if you are hitting today for 100K you are now hitting for 80K. That is for finisher, each move prior to the finisher also drops in damage lowering your overall effectiveness. The only power that is not overally impacted by missing the white mods is Ice. All other take a good damage hit.

    I'm sorry but with what I just outlined the two roles that seriously need the white mods are damagers and tanks and mostly I see these two roles without white mods. Why, because most tanks are former DPS players that could not produce and are now trying out the tanking role or they are first time tanks not knowing what white mods to use. Either way, group failure could be 100% due to missing white mods.
  11. Zpred Dedicated Player

    The wording of this op just makes me laugh, i know I'm late here with this but these words lol, scrubs, cracks me up, where did these kiddie winks get these words from.

    Anyway on topic, white mods, I recommend people get them an use them they are a great help.

    However, are they needed? No they are not, as others have mentioned the white mods isn't always the problem of X player not performing etc, it's isuslly just the player themselfs.

    Just an example, I could go do a league run of bn or bd or what ever raid, even at tier (meaning not overgeared) on any of my toons, il use my tank toon as an example, with or without white mods we will still complete it no problem.

    Again all in all, white mods are a great benefit to have, but are they needed to complete x raid/alert no, if somone needs them then maybe they should looking at their skill level 1st.
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  12. Thunderbolt Dedicated Player

    You still get a base with generator and mods even if you don't have home turf. It's the Dive theme, but they do get it.
  13. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Indeed. If you know your weapon and power set choices well, the amount of extras you actually need to run content is surprisingly small. Maybe for top end stuff like Survival Mode you'd need all the bells and whistles available to a player, but the vast majority of the content in the game doesn't require it.
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  14. djcrossfade Committed Player

    they do help alot just got my white mods again with my new toon i have in in dmg for my tank
  15. Immortal Kyrro Loyal Player

    Shoot me an invite. I haven't seen you on

  16. Minnion Devoted Player

    So you're one of those stop having fun guys huh? Don't you need to have purchased the upgrade to get white mods?(Pretty sure it used to be part of the Home Turf DLC)

    So basically you're calling everyone who doesn't know about the upgrade, or who has forgotten to put in new mods when they upgraded their gear for the third time in a month, or who considers it a waste of time to mod "Throwaway gear", or who simply hasn't purchased access to white mods a scrub...

    Just relax, play how you want and don't worry about how other people play unless it's causing the group to wipe...
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  17. kawe Loyal Player

    I wonder how ppl have been able to beat content before white mods have been introdued.

    Sarcasm aside. They are very helpful, but it happens that you miss to renew your rent, have an alt who did beneift more from a new gear piece instead of unlocking mods etc. Everyone is allowed to have their own pace.
    If someone is a bad player he will stay bad with mods, and vice versa for a good player staying good with or wihout. Who cares. If someone is doing good nobody whould throw a fit about missing mods, but if they are missing on a person who is underperfoming for whatever reason ... may the gods have mercy on the poor person. :rolleyes:
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  18. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    Or all the players who take breaks and come back to find they don't have the seven marks for it are scrubs?

    At least we have 4-5 duos available to get the marks fairly quickly. Still a bit of an issue to label people scrubs for people who took breaks or even took breaks from certain alts.
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  19. AnonymousEUPS Dedicated Player

    Those why rely on mods of anykind, using them as a crutch to carry them through content = scrub. Don't get it twisted OP. They are a luxury not a necessity.
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  20. Supergirly Dedicated Player

    What is a white mod? Mine are all different colors? If you mean the ones you buy with marks? Why would I waste marks on that? All you need is Betas or Alphas, to get the bonus. What are you talking about?
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