Free to play what a joke.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by HeavyHip, Feb 23, 2018.

  1. stärnbock Devoted Player

    i see... so they can place and use one free armory too.
    guess the base mods and trinkets are included aswell?
  2. Gimpy Loyal Player

    It may have changed since I was on but........
    No, you can place and move items but you can't use the mainframe to power amenities. Also, if I remember correctly, the mainframe would let you pay for charging the batteries and stuff even when you couldn't use it. You can imprint on the armory but you would have to use the menu from the armory itself to use what is imprinted.

    Someone could check the MP but I think the "Shield Bundle" was the best buy for using your "Lair".

    Hey, I have 1 remaining brain cell that only functions properly when it misfires so my memory could be wrong.
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  3. stärnbock Devoted Player

    i see... freemiums can only use one trinket and put it into the trinket belt slot if they don't buy base and belt...
    also they can not have base mods for theyr gear, only the mods from time capsules would work if they had...
  4. DCUO SmackThem Well-Known Player

    The free to play aspect of DCUO is pretty much like a demo except you can continue playing without progressing unless you do the events.
    Then think of a membership like it’s rent. You pay the rent, you get to stay in the house, once you stop paying rent you get kicked out.

    You buy the membership, you get full access to the benefits of being legendary. Once that membership runs out, you lose access to all of the benefits. You also lose everything tied to your toon that was accessible when you had your membership such as utility belt, powerss, Shield, and extra slots if you never bought them in the marketplace.

    You want sub benefits, best bet is vuy buying another sub. :D
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  5. Earth742 Well-Known Player

    Yes, the Lair System is in the Marketplace.
    ALL PLAYERS can get The Dive for free, via a Lv 12 mission that is available once a character completes the HQ tour mission & The Vault Ambush & R&D Intro.
    The Dive and its limited amenities is essentially a demo for the Lair System. The Dive is not considered a proper Lair but a Hideout, due to its small size. Lairs available have 2 more levels, which are much more spacious.
    The Dive does not get a Telepoter, but there is still a lot you can do with it.
    Also, owners of the Lair System can have multiple Lairs, in addition to the Dive.
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  6. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    The trinkets are the same: you still have to pay to buy the first two of each category permanently for Marks, and then the last of each of the three categories there's a 7-marks-every-two-months rental to keep up.

    Base mods, though, you need to purchase separately if you don't already own them. You can do this through either in-game collections or for all your characters with one purchase on the Marketplace (which is worth if it if you can spare the money).

    I'd say it's also worth purchasing at least one of the base styles to have the full three floors, unless you just don't care much about bases, which is fine. But if you do or want to collect much furniture, you'll want at least one style of full base.

    I particularly like Penthouse, Tech, and Eastern, myself, but they all have their pros and cons and everyone's character conception is different. Cave is very traditional. :) (But some of the wall spots don't work.) Sewer is good for villains.
  7. bigbadron alt Dedicated Player

    No base comes with a teleporter. However, the owner of any base can add a teleporter to it (even if they only have a Dive).
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  8. velvetsanity Loyal Player

    I’m guessing by ‘base mods’ you mean amenities...BTW, I think the Marketplace versions don’t count towards prestige. I’m not sure though.
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  9. stärnbock Devoted Player

    i guess the item i have from the MP wich is the most usefull to me is clearly the portable RnD station!
    i like the industrial theme ^^ also of course: i like the henchmen of the industrial style the most aswell
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