Free to play what a joke.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by HeavyHip, Feb 23, 2018.

  1. Comixfan Committed Player

    If you were truly a loyal paying customer then you wouldn't have ended your membership.
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  2. kingmasternova Loyal Player

    If you brought hands of fate & Battle for earth back then they remove shield & utility belt from those dlc's.
    If you stop paying now you have to rebuy the shield & utility belt that's stealing from people.

    Someone could sue them but there's a term of service, but to go around that is to else someone who didn't agree to the term of service.
    Just saying
  3. GalaxySniper Loyal Player

    Cant wait for venus open world update with Warframe
  4. TestReporter Loyal Player

    Wasn't talking about membership, was talking about free to play. For example, paladins is F2P, you are able to run everything in the game without any problem and paying gives u advantage. DCUO "sells" the game as F2P, but you don't have all that freedom, yes, you can still play if you don't pay, but you are very limited just like in a demo game.
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  5. JustPeaches Level 30

    So many broke a*% entitled people that haven't either played an mmo before or don't work. I'm on a break here at DCUO from Black Desert Online, you'd probably have a stroke from their paid content.
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  6. myandria Item Storage


    Free To Play is a permanent trial period that many MMO's offer in my opinion; remember, in the late 1990's and early 2000's there WAS NO FTP and you HAD to subscribe in order to fully play the game. Every once in a while MMO's back in the day offered a free trial period (about a week or so) to try out the game and/or to try to get former players to come back. After the trial period was over, you HAD pay for the membership in order to keep playing. FTP is another way to attract new players and to encourage former players to come back and try the game again. Free To Play has become a basic, profitable business strategy for MMO's and I don't think this trend will end anytime soon.

    I agree it is annoying how your characters can lose some items and ranks if you do not keep up your membership; however, as others have posted before me, the game needs to create income in all ways possible to stay viable. This is true for MMO's in general; very few (like Final Fantasy XIV Online) have stuck to their guns about subscription only memberships for their game(s). There are ways to retain/regain most things that are lost when your membership lapses; it all depends upon how much you want to play this game and how much you are willing or can spend on it.
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  7. BestPlayerAfrica Well-Known Player

    PvP is free to play

    PvE u can reach a high amount of cr just by doing daily event but it gonna take age since scaling gear is slow to upgrade

    other than that yes the game is a money grab that target DC fanboys :) unfortunate but what can we do :)
  8. Harlequin Devoted Player

    I'm sure there are other examples of f2p games that don't try to screw their players. I didn't mention Smite because I don't really care for MOBAs. The only one I have put any time into is Heroes of the Storm and that was only to earn a mount in WoW. Even so, I have spent zero dollars on HotS and I have a ton of characters unlocked.

    Every weapon and frame on Warframe's cash shop can be built by farming the components and buying the blueprint with in-game currency. The only items exclusive to their shop are cosmetics.
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  9. Harlequin Devoted Player

    I wish it were still like this, tbh. It's less expensive.
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  10. Frank Zarjaz Committed Player

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  11. BestPlayerAfrica Well-Known Player

    Path of exile is the best game ever made by any human species out there :D
  12. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    Man, this post is so offensive to talking dogs and horses.
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  13. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    This capitalism, welcome to society. Cant do anything about it. It's not just DCUO and it will keep going with every single game released.
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  14. useless Well-Known Player

    i play this game for almoust a year now (my first anniversary in couple of days from now),did my homework from the start and informed myself what can i do as f2p,premium and legendary....
    was never f2p since i was given for free that were you get green aura (cant think of the name atm) premium from the begining.
    also TC were there already,i'm not here from beta,not Elitist etc.,so how it was and how it is i'm not competent to say
    this is my opinion and my point of view
    had so much fun so i decided to subscribe and became member in july
    everything unlocked,monthly gifts,unlimited use of ingame cash etc
    found a great league,so it's more fun to play,just socialising every night and runing diferent stuff
    dont buy stabilizers (opening TC for free every couple of days)
    dont buy BB,not caring much for auras and materials,and if i do want one i buy it ingame on broker
    dont care what other games give you and this one doesn't,
    i play only games that i like ,no matter if they are f2p or i have to buy them and aditional contest and i like this one and to be a superhero
    i bought a thing or two on MP (thanks to black friday and xmas sale i have fully equiped penthouse base)
    like i said it's only me and i know many will not agree
    but for $15 a month to support the game that gives me so much fun
    it's f2p for me
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  15. DCUO Addict Committed Player

    I agree that would be stealing, but you do not have to re-buy shield or utility belt. If that happened to you, put in a ticket. Everything that was part of any DLC you bought (e.g, power set, legends character) still belongs to that account after they broke things out into episodes and separate purchases.

    My general opinion on the thread is that DCUO is one type of F2P game. You might not like the approach, and that's a perfectly legitimate perspective. But the approach itself is a form of F2P, one that they're working to improve (events) without lowering the value of membership.

    Uneqip your utility belt and equip you trinket. Assuming they are the same item level, your CR will be 224 again.

    True, but they did add tier 4 duos. It used to be that the only available tier 4 content was inner sanctum.

    This depends on your goals. You can work on feats. You can create alternate characters to try other powers/roles. You can run seasonal and event content.

    I don't understand the point about getting gear without spending money on the game. Are you talking about replay badges? I've never personally had a problem with the cash cap, but I understand some find it frustrating. You are premium, so you can trade items but cannot trade money.

    I think DCUO just isn't for you. Almost everything after level 30 is queue-based, and their F2P approach doesn't meet your expectations.
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  16. kingmasternova Loyal Player

    I have over 10 times and still none thing happens.
  17. Earth742 Well-Known Player

    1. The f2p and premium accounts could be better, I agree. I have and will outline what simple changes can be made to make the experience of these players better, thus making DCUO more attractive, and therefore enticing for them to take the next step (monetarily).

    2. Free-to-play did not kill Marvel Heroes. Anyone who, like I did, looked into that game and its demise, would have found its development and administrative issues were far deeper and more complicated than that. Blaming their f2p model when their issues started well before f2p was implemented, is both inaccurate/incorrect and foolish. Using them as an argument against f2p AT ALL, isn't just a weak argument it is a non-starter because that is wrong information from the arguer. People are entitled to opinions but should not be confusing opinions with facts.

    3. DCUO/Daybreak has been very clear on what Subscription offers, and what features are covered by subscription or a fee. When you were subbed, you were essentially paying for all the features you enjoyed, some you may not have even used. But those features do have their costs listed clearly in their descriptions. If you were TLDR, that is on you not Daybreak. Daybreak took on the burden of keeping the game open and running, when SOE was ready to kill it.

    4. Daybreak has, by and large, improved the game. Made it better than it was when they took it off SOE's hands. Do they deserve to get paid for their hard work? Yes. More than a few commenters from the community have done a nice job of pointing this out. Thank you for the common sense and laying things out clearly.

    5. You are angry. I get that. But take some time to chill out so you can be objective. I have had anger issues my whole life; learning to deal with them, or to at least deal better, has helped me immeasurably. I am sure you will get more favorable results when you are clear-headed than when lashing out. Just my 2 cents to help.

    6. I have been 100% f2p for nearly a year. So I know your pain better than you may think I do. I finally made the upgrade when I purchased Light and an Aura, around Christmas (or Earth 3?). I would like to sub and probably will as soon as I can afford that commitment. I am certain I will buy more upgrades to the account; Inventory & Bank space, then Stabilizers, is my plan.

    7. I hope this is helpful to you.
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  18. GingerOnTheRocks Well-Known Player

    It's free to play in the same way WoW is free to play. The "free" game is basically a trial, and if you want to do anything actually serious you need to get a membership. The problem arises when even with a membership, you get a miserable about of replays and stabilizers where others can basically outspend you. The membership model is broken and DC has resorted to scummy lootbox/pay2win mechanics to generate an income. And yes the ques are extremely bad because the game is dying. On a saturday afternoon there should be more people in LFG chat than bots.
  19. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    Oh I totally agree.... They can call them anything they like but one way or another all those "Free to Play" games have some method set up ton bring in income... Any player that thinks just because they chose not to us those methods so the game is F2P is just kidding themselves.
  20. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    Perfect example Nice job Steve........ Nothing to add THAT says it all:D