Free Character Backstories (I need the practice)

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by Lantern Landen, Oct 22, 2013.

  1. Spoofer New Player

    Can I get onboard?

    - your character's gender and other features (hair color, tattoos, etc etc)
    male, spiky hair and no tatoos, clothes mostly white with details in green and yellow
    - your character's name (super hero/villain and secret identity, if applicable)
    name: PadreKevedo. Hero
    - their age (or rough estimate)
    30 years old
    - personality (dark, humorous, determined, etc etc)
    - their power and preferred weapon
    power Nature and dual pistol
    - race (human, kryptonian, Daxamite, so on and so forth)
    - alignment (good, evil, or somewhere in between)
    - and anything else you feel is important about your character
    from Amazon rainforest Brazil (related to nature). Former father/padre that lost faith in God. Fights for what he "thinks" is right. Not necessarily the right thing to do (lol)
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  2. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    Forgot to mention, she's sided with the Villains, not because she's evil, but because she thinks the heroes have it all wrong.

    Her current look:

    Picture this with no shoulder pads and her shoes/buckle matching her hair:
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  3. Lantern Landen New Player

  4. Lantern Landen New Player

    I'll write Your bio as soon as I get the chance :)
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  5. Lantern Landen New Player

    Has the verification email been sent yet?
  6. Lantern Landen New Player

    This message goes out to everyone who hasn't received their backstory yet:

    I apologize for the delay and the inconvenience. I've been very distracted since the release of Batman Arkham Origins and I got caught up refining my own backstories so I could post them on the characters wiki, located here:

    Starting tomorrow, I am going to continue focus on all the characters that have been requested. I tend to evolve concepts and stories over time as I write them so your character may not necessarily arrive in the order they were requested.

    Just wanted to update everyone :)
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  7. Drifting Dreamer Steadfast Player

    Lantern, which one is you??
  8. Lantern Landen New Player

    What do you mean?
  9. Drifting Dreamer Steadfast Player

    on the wiki :) which toon is you??
  10. Lantern Landen New Player

    Oh. Currently just Aridian (and I am editing him as we speak) but soon all of the characters in my signature and a few more that I don't presently play with. I'm also trying to get pictures for Aridian but my computer seems to hate me right now lol
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  11. GeoShock New Player

    Still nothing :(
  12. Lantern Landen New Player

  13. Entity Committed Player

    Hey Lantern!
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  14. Superskull85 Devoted Player

    I am looking for some ideas on the backstory of these characters. I would love to read your take on them. :)

    The Pilgrim's are the two sides of Klarion The Witch Boy released by Klarion's unwillingness to accept that he is a Pilgrim. They are only seen around Halloween.

    (Backstory pending but seemed good for an initial start. Good Pilgrim is Klarion's good side with Klarion hating to be in this form and Evil Pilgrim is Klarion's evil side with Klarion overly happy to be in that form. Good Pilgrim only uses Blessed or Cleansed powers and therefore opts to mostly be a Healer. Evil Pilgrim on the other hand uses Cursed and Corrupted powers and opts to be mainly a Damager.)

    Good Pilgrim


    Evil Pilgrim

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  15. Lantern Landen New Player

    Haha that's awesome ;) I'll be sure to give you some feedback! Along with a short story
  16. Lantern Landen New Player

    Hey Entity!
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  17. Entity Committed Player

    How the backstories going, need any colaboration? Im always here!!
  18. Lantern Landen New Player

    Well starting tomorrow I'm going to go full steam back into writing them. I took a break because it was impossible for me to balance creativity with Arkham origins lol, but now that the campaign's finished, I can wind down and be creative again.

    As for input, I think there are a few things I'd appreciate you assisting me with. I'll private message the details for one or two of my rough concepts for peoples' characters and see what you think.
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  19. Superskull85 Devoted Player

    I forgot to add their weapons. They both use Hand Blast as it best shows off Celestial and their magical origin.
  20. Lantern Landen New Player
