Free Character Backstories (I need the practice)

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by Lantern Landen, Oct 22, 2013.

  1. Lantern Landen New Player

    Anybody interested in a short story based on their characters? I need the practice (aspiring creative/conceptualist character design type thing) and it would be neat to flesh out characters other than mine. If you're interested, all I need is:

    - your character's gender and other features (hair color, tattoos, etc etc)
    - your character's name (super hero/villain and secret identity, if applicable)
    - their age (or rough estimate)
    - personality (dark, humorous, determined, etc etc)
    - their power and preferred weapon
    - race (human, kryptonian, Daxamite, so on and so forth)
    - alignment (good, evil, or somewhere in between)
    - and anything else you feel is important about your character

    Note: I take no ownership of any characters whatsoever and if you dislike what I write, feel free to critique or disregard.
    • Like x 5
  2. Buckley Loyal Player

    Ill bite.

    - your character's gender and other features (hair color, tattoos, etc etc)
    male, bald, skin is pink
    - your character's name (super hero/villain and secret identity, if applicable)
    Hero. Buckley, cant hide the fact that im pink so no secret identity. Also known as Michael
    - their age (or rough estimate)
    late 20's
    - personality (dark, humorous, determined, etc etc)
    - their power and preferred weapon
    - race (human, kryptonian, Daxamite, so on and so forth)
    - alignment (good, evil, or somewhere in between)
    general nice guy that helps the little guy
    - and anything else you feel is important about your character
    I did not put a power, Buckley was experimented on by Lex and his scientist witch turned Buckley pink.
    By sheer will and determination Buckley escaped while helping a mortality wounded lantern. Buckley inherited
    the unknown lanterns ring after his death. (handblast, flight and constructs, HL shield. that is why my DPS is squishy, no exobite power)

    have fun with it. and thx in advance.
  3. Zuse Loyal Player

    I'll show u mine


    But you're welcomed to make your version of Zuse :D
  4. Lantern Landen New Player

    Just want to keep you updated. I'm close to finishing the origin story and I should have it up in a few hours. I haven't had time to constantly work on it, but it's coming along nicely. Some things that I wrote may not be what you envisioned so if there's anything you don't like, feel free to criticize (constructively, of course :))
    So far, he's proving to be a fun character to work with! :
  5. Drifting Dreamer Steadfast Player

    Be sure to then take these wonderful back stories and create a wiki site with me Zuse and a few others. It would be nice if we could get a big population on the characters wiki :D
    • Like x 2
  6. Lantern Landen New Player

    I will with my characters. I wasn't even aware that existed until zuse posted.
  7. Drifting Dreamer Steadfast Player

    yeah, there are a TON (well, a couple ... weeeeeell, more than a couple, but not really a ton ... not a metric ton anyway) of great profiles up! Some are very detailed and have a lot of pictures and other goodies. Others aren't so ... hmmm ... 'artfully' done but are still amazing! ALSO @ZUSE:New stuff up in My bio!! (Not much, but its coming along, I just have no free time this week with the fam in town)
    • Like x 1
  8. Buckley Loyal Player

    thank you , I eagerly await.
  9. Buckley Loyal Player

    I will be doing that, I was not aware that there was such a site. Thanks
  10. LL New Player

    Always make the protagonist either likeable or amazes me how many people don't get this....I read a script today it was beyond horrible, but a semi finalist in a pretty prestigious contest.

    I don't get why people don't get it...
  11. N4TURALKILLER New Player

    This is a villain I just came up with.

    - Male, Bald, Completely black skin (like he's been burned)
    - Fallen Prometheus
    - Immortal
    - Dark but not necessarily evil, Very similar to Kratos in God of War
    - Fire, Dual wield fiery axes
    - Race, uh he is a former god of Olympus.......
    - Anti Hero
    - He used to be the god Prometheus. He was cast out of Olympus and had his godhood stripped from him for giving humanity the gift of fire. To be cruel the gods gave him power over fire so that every time he had to defend himself against humans he'd be reminded of what he did. Now he's after revenge on the gods.
  12. GeoShock New Player

    If you have the time:

    - male, lost of tattoos, short black hair
    - MadMechanic / Jacob Hex
    - around 30
    - insane, villanous
    - gadgets, acrobatics, any weapon
    - human
    - evil but he wasn't always like that
    - trained soldier, extremly inteligent, ex WayneTech worker.
  13. Zuse Loyal Player

  14. SonOfKalel New Player

    Male, Liverpool hair, no tattoos
    SonOfKalejr, hero, Rol-el
    Ice, brawler, flight
    I am the son of Kal-el Jr lost to us n the great war of Apocalypse. Raise by my Grandfather Kal-el himself. Born half human half kryptonian I have none of there weaknesses. When Brainac and Did we're loose in the Fortress of Solitude it was I they answered too, make no mistake I am the Last Son of Krypton.
  15. Korvyne Committed Player

    Korvyne, male, hero, age unknown, flight, ice, shield, serious with a disturbing temper.
    Born into the immortal family's and has a strong feeling of self loathing and the never ending battle to please the elders.
    TheoRmite, male, hero, aged 19, superspeed, HL, serious and cocky.
    Born into the ferocious clans of fire and watched from birth by the lanterns, thought of as the perfect assassin and knows only to kill, never backs down but has a weekness to disregard danger and jump straight in.

    Either or both would be great.
  16. SonOfKalel New Player

    Spell check
  17. Lantern Landen New Player

    yeah, ill work on it. It may take a few days (This week ended up being busier than i expected) but ill try to get them up realtively soon.

    Is he by any chance a relative of Jonah Hex?
  18. Lantern Landen New Player

    ill update you once ive started working on him
  19. Lantern Landen New Player

    ill do both, it will probably just take a few days as im working on other peoples stories as well
    • Like x 1
  20. Lantern Landen New Player

    Seriously. My biggest personal beef is when the character is literally invincible or without flaws.