Fix the battle for earth t2 duos' treassure boxes

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by BomombRook, Feb 17, 2013.

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  1. BomombRook New Player

    I know I am not the only one that has seen this and I apologize if there was another thread about this(did not see one on the new forums). Every time I break one of the treasure boxes in one of the battle for earth duos, all I get is the money but the other guys gets the items. Does not even let me roll for any of the items and that has been robbing me of several pieces of gear I need.
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  2. BomombRook New Player

    People still disliking without stating why....
  3. Jockin Jay Well-Known Player

    Happened to me too
  4. GhostKilla79 Active Player

    The lower CR toon doesn't get any loot except money with the exception of the final boss drop. I have tested this with many league mates. Before anyone says they are not don't have a high enough CR as others did on the old forums, I ran this with an 86cr Tank and I am 89cr and I got all the loot except for the main boss which we could both roll on.
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  5. REEEPR New Player

    I can't even get money from those chests, and i solo those duos. The OP is right though.
    I think the forum mods need to catch on to serial downvoters and treat it as trolling. It might not matter to alot of peeps but it matters to an already frustrated member who makes the topic.

    +1 from me
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  6. Supremo BR Well-Known Player

    For the last couple of weeks the military waist only came for tank and heal... Frustrating since i am hard light. Oh, the military hand too.
  7. BomombRook New Player

    Hope they fix this soon because it will be almost impossible to finish the styles for any role if you're on the wrong end of this bug.
  8. RSL New Player

    is this by any chance because yr cr isn't high enough to get the gear and you're being walked in? if so i'd say it's by design?
  9. BomombRook New Player

    my cr is 51, and the gear requires 43 to use. So it's not because of my cr. Also read the other posts because you would see this is not the problem.
  10. CandyCanes New Player

    Been running these everyday for a week now, usually getting the speed feat for the random partner. This is always happening to me everytime... Luckly, Im almost always the higher cr, but still I feel bad for those guys who actually need it. A fix would be very nice!
  11. Wilder Midnight New Player

    has anybody tried running these with two toons of equal cr?
  12. Neclord New Player

    This has been happening since I can remember, I thought it was whoever got to chest first received the loot so I always made it a point to look for the chest as soon as I load into those duos but I guess this explains why sometimes I would receive the item even if I didn't break it. lol
  13. BomombRook New Player

    That is a good idea really. If a league or 2 people can try this, it will be greatly appreciated since it will help out more to understand this bug for the devs to fix it.
  14. Goony New Player

    this must be a new bug when did you first notice this was happening cause everytime i did them it was working but havent been in there for like a month
  15. game007dad Well-Known Player

    The military style for Controllers drops from the older duos or at least did when I collected the set back in the day.
  16. BomombRook New Player

    It kinda started about a month ago really, kinda explain why you haven't noticed it. I suggest you try it and see. If your cr is higher then the other player, you get everything from the box without rolling on it.
  17. glow New Player

    Are you guys sure it's just the treasure chest drops? I ran several of these duos earlier this week and I'm pretty sure I got all the trash drops as well as the stuff from the treasure chest.
  18. BomombRook New Player

    Haven't seen that happen. But it's good you posted this as it may be another form of the this glitch, so thanks for saying something.
  19. GhostKilla79 Active Player

    1. It is all drops including trash with the exception of boss loot. It will all go to the higher CR.

    2. I tested it with a league mate who has the same CR and the loot was normal. We could both roll.
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  20. BomombRook New Player

    That's weird since I was the higher cr in the duo today and yet the lower cr guy got all the loot.
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