Fire Update!

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Guilty_iNNOCENCE8o8, Jun 10, 2014.

  1. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    Not even going to mention how terrible Two Handed split damage is.
  2. Buckley Loyal Player

    And thats why fire needs to be fixed. I use Enflame to star, Backdraft to pull all adds around me, Fiery Weapon while attacking and Wild Fire to keep adds burning. Its probably not the best rotation but I like it and is not so heavy on power. All 3 powers after Enflame heal me and I use the others as a "oh crap" when the healer misses a heal on me or I am out of LoS
  3. UnleashedBrevard Committed Player

    Hnm got plenty of fire characters in my league they don't get one shotted in fact they do just as well as earth must be you are not as good with fire as you claim to be its ok you will get better in time and not my fault you get slapped around by earth I nevef askef for an update I'm to busy playing on my gadgets controller to care about top dps its a dream today the old dcuo wad thd best now all you have is a community of boys who called nerf omg there so op no were not op we just have this thing called Skill Points and experience
  4. lukelucky Devoted Player

    yea bud i was on dcuo life support since armories. how can they slam us with such a fee over a feature so needed. i mean u do the dailies in strykers, wastelands, and now new matropolis as a healer, tank, or troll. then redo it as a dps and tell me which way is better. t5 was insulting to the paying custome 5xs over and i was all but gone. i barely can log in currently cause well i cant find a challange at all.

    i said i was on life support because i look at the powers and the changes and also the new content. the powers are built now in a way they should be able to be actually balanced. even steven almost and that is nice. i is weird seeing sorcery dps or earth... well an earth toon at all.

    bud how can you not love the teleporters and new features? i mean yes we are limited in base amenaties but come on they upped it for us. the teleporters have given us a way to advoid so many load screens and man its nice. FINALLY the content. how can we not be beyond happy to hear the next dlc has 3 8 man baords and two 4 man alerts. 1 almost has to be a hard raid i mean doesnt it?

    oh yea they even put iconic items back in the game. 2014 versions of the cc hood. its been a yr atleast but i am actually geared up for dcuo and what the future holds. i would not mmind a change in power but the ship seems to be heading down a good path. by the time this next dlc wears off we should be getting close to a day ps3 is no longer part of the game. future could actually be bright in dc
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  5. UnleashedBrevard Committed Player

    LoL crying About one little sheild yet you havd to exaust your who loaf out and power bar to heal your life when I can tank with out my pet and shifting my damage don't complain get a real tank least mine isnt nurfed and hate to tell you my other alts gadgets , sorcery all 106 cr are not dlc characters must be arguing with a f2p player my bad and its easy for some who sits in front of a spell checker to talk about grammar it stands out like a sore thumb that you use one be real and if you think I care about my grammar I wouldnt using my mobile phone I would be on my pc fire boy who gets one shotted mt guys in the league are laughing hard they set learn fire and you wont die so much lawl
  6. UnleashedBrevard Committed Player

    Yes fires health buffs with the heals a 14k health fire tanks can buff up to 30k health
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  7. D3vi1 Dedicated Player

    Interesting enough lets wait till they put fire on update 39 test.
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  8. Guilty_iNNOCENCE8o8 New Player

    Right off the bat, you DO NOT know of me or anything about me, so your assumptions are invalidated, no matter if you are painfully WRONG or luckily right. I'll just let that sink in. Lol I mentioned your bad grammar because seeing that just speaks bounds on your lack of attention to detail, or your lack of knowledge, to me and causes me to basically think you of something close to a nitwit. You don't need spell check to write in good grammatical form, nitwitish dude. Now, on to the real stuff:
    Have I ever been one shotted? Dumb question, WE ALL AVE!!! Thing about getting one shotted, over time it teaches you techniques to avoid it. I could sit here and argue with you about my skill set, how versed I am with FIRE, or explain to you how I've played FIRE longer than you have been Earth because my first toon ever, back on PC before Earth launched, but I'm not. Why don't you just dig yourself a hole and sit in it, Earth boy. I aint cryin' 'bout no shield, okay punk? Go ahead, POP that shield, transfer, shift your damage in, WHATEVER. That's how u stay alive! Because I am FIRE!!!
    I take damage from EVERY SINGLE HIT, and by using skillful blocking, precise counters, CC, processed power management with forsight and forthought, I can HEAL IT ALL BACK UP. Also to negate damage, I'll send enemies FLYING off the screen. I don't need no stinkin' sheild. I'm PROUD OF THAT. Cry nerf? I'm SCREAMING buff!!! Why not? You yourself got a buff Earth boy, and we're all receiving updates. I'm fine tanking or dpsing. Raid with me. Then you will see what I mean and how its' done, FIRE STYLE
  9. Guilty_iNNOCENCE8o8 New Player

    You know not of anything you speak. I will be FIRE for life. You want to make half cocked assumptions about me? Well I'll make one about you. I bet you switched to Earth after it got updated. And you do so so you can compete with players of greater skill than you. Skillpoints and what power you use aint skill boy, get that straight.
  10. Guilty_iNNOCENCE8o8 New Player

    I did not know about what you just mentioned or haven't thought about it in that way. Wow. That's great information brah (808 'bro' translation lol), thanks. Okay that right there just amps me for DC's future. Teleporters are that cool, but that new content is what I'm looking forward to! And you make a point about the whole ps3 demise and all. You're right. There may be reason to stick around after all, in fact it took me about a year to get Skar up to where she is now. Did it with just my one friend too, oh them FOS glory. Dual tanking FOS2 with him (he an ice tank) was awesome, and I hope more content like that comes out, but even better! :D
    As long as Fire doesn't get nerfed a state worse than now. Because then, tanking new raids would be just a pain. And shows me as a consumer how inconsiderate the dev team is to their loyal customers (like me). Like I've said, Fire for lyf! Lol. Thanks again. Great info
  11. Guilty_iNNOCENCE8o8 New Player

    Idgaf about you or anyone else in your league. Peace out. You are now beneath me.. "I'm over it"
  12. Guilty_iNNOCENCE8o8 New Player


    lol..bored waiting in line at the dmv
  13. blazeing fire111 Devoted Player

    Seriously, why are you even here? Your not fire. Why do you even care... This thread was about what fire users think should happen not you and some other guy arguing about earth.
  14. Saybro Committed Player

    Lol it was bound to happen. In other news...can't wait for our update. Looking forward to our PI actually working. Though i dont like the sound of our advanced/awesome mechanic, i am interested to see how it will turn out. Fire brothers and sisters unite!
  15. Korlick Loyal Player

    Aggro affected by
    How do you pretend to give proper feedback to fix a tank power when you say something like that?

  16. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    So we are not going to get a WIP thread?. They are just going to put what they believe should happen with fire straight into test?. Seems legit. Another age of neglectment is upon us.
    The only thing i hope for is fire gets stronger but not to a rage extent where its stupidly easy. Or like Earth/Ice tanking...
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  17. Saybro Committed Player

    Agreed. I like the attention to detail it takes to play as a fire tank. Abuse your powers and no power bar...thus no healing and death (unless a healer of course). We better get a WIP thread. If they know it is under-performing they need to get the correct feedback to fix it. Now what they feel works because that was a fail the first time.
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  18. Black Raiton New Player

    So what your saying is that if I have 180 skill points and you have 100 skill points and we have the same level of skill that you should do just as good as me. Yeah. That's sounds like balance to me. o_O
  19. Del Maestro Well-Known Player

    no im saying you shouldnt need more skill points to have fire on par with ice. ice needs much less to be effective. a fire tank and ice tank with the same sp should be relatively equal, but thats not the case fire requires much more
  20. Black Raiton New Player

    Understood and I agree. Thanks for the clarification. Looking forward to how fire gets improved.