Fire Tank Improvement

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by ApolloMystique, Nov 22, 2013.

  1. YoloKytten New Player

    Actually less true then you would think, thanks to update 31. <_<:

    Ok guys, I have already shared my opinion of Fire, Ice, and Earth. First that fire are not alone in having problems with defense.
    ^^^ you should read it

    1) However, if you guys continue to say ice is "easy" or overpowered, so help me god I will post the entire 6 page (when printable) post so you can read it. ICE IS NOT EASY, its called perfect imbalance. So get it right Jamie. 'cause I did factor in (bleep) (bleep) blocking!

    2) Second that let remind ourselfves fire is offense specific, while ice is defense specific and earth is a balance of the two. If your going to make fire more defensive then then you need lower fire's dps or raise the dps of ice and earth.

    3) Third, that fires is especially not alone in having problems with crowd control. In fact, I am making a bug report about it:

    4) Fourth, ice is defense powers are only passive because people don't notice thier animation. In fact, all of ice's greater defense is animated in the game. For example, when you run our fly you notice with an ice player their body sometimes gets a blue glow around their weapon. Its the reason, I have a blue aura when I pvp as a tactic. For example, in winter ward, its other player can see it as a very subtle mist around your body and their body. Of course, you have your graphics settings high enough to see it. If you look at your hands, you would actually notice it originating from them. So our defense if more active then you think! This just has really horrible animation.

    5) Ice player and Earth player would like to have 12 second buff especially defensive buff as much as fire players would!! Winter Ward last the same amount of time as burning determination, which a believe is around 4-6 seconds even though the timer lasts for more. You being a tank is a reason to complain about buffs, but you being a fire player isn't.

    6) Get over yourselves and start helping lower level players and using the buffs you have. I am tired of not seeing fire players use breakout or burning determination. However, I am more tired of higher level tanks not helping lower level players. So, I am going to tell the T5 fire tanks the same thing I told the T5 ice tanks. Stop be narcisstic jerks and get out there and help lower level players especially those in your league. Raids and alerts are about working together not marks!
  2. 13igtyme Devoted Player

    When in block you are only taking 1-3k more damage then them with 10k+ more health.
  3. YoloKytten New Player

    7) According to isamunore, alot of the problems with tanks abilites are due to nerfing that occured in the past. Alot of your control and defense problems thus fall in the same category. If what isamunore says is to be trusted, then prehaps, what is need is to rethink tank role in DCUO. Why not make the Tank more like tank class in Planetside 2, which is called a max.

    So if we do introduce new powers to fire tanks, maybe the cost could be movements instead of say something like damage, defense, or anything else. Oh and you have to be carried around the battlefield. :)

    Could you imagine it? Have this giant bulky tanks having to be carried around by tiny healers and controllersbecause they cannot move fast enough? I would be new meaning to the speed force feat. being a duo requirement.

    8) Number 7 being said, I feel like we are too negative about our suggestions to the game. We need to be more positive. This emphasis on being positive is why I wrote number 6. I want to shock you guys into being a better and more socially aware community.
  4. TheRealDeathern New Player

    See I disagree. I was fire and beat both instances fine before I flopped to ice to see what the fuse was about, and to keep from constantly being kicked from groups before I ever got a chance to tank it. I played ice, and again, didn't have any issue in the instances themselves. After a month or so I changed to earth. I played it that way. I have tanked the instances as all three powers. All have some issues. All can be used to complete the instances.
  5. GrumpySnot New Player

    the quote was awesome, "ice is tanking with training wheels, go pro and go fire, nice one
  6. Jamie New Player

    I would have to say more true since the update. GU31 did no favors for the PS3. Rendering takes longer and you are more likely to miss tells than before.

    A tank should never be about doing damage so stating that ice has superior defense to fire does imply that you are saying that ice is a better tank power. The only time I do any real damage is in the tunnels anyways. I have no problem with nerfing fire tanks offensive abilities as long as they bring up the defensive abilities to match ice.
  7. GrumpySnot New Player

    I like fire over anyother tank power. If you want some of my tips for fire tanking. Send me a message.
    I always finish my raids/alerts/duos
    Pffff.... Precison buff..... Bring it.

  8. Dump Truck New Player

    There is also a pretty good guide to fire tanking (Needs some updating though)
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  9. GrumpySnot New Player

    Also for the extra input. I only pug..........
    Me an my wife run solo.
    Nice choice on acro, Dump Truck. Same for me.
  10. TOnlyOne97 New Player

    if you work twice as hard, for a power you like, you will become a better player, if it's too hard, switch.
  11. Dump Truck New Player

    Some of the items posted here make little to no sense. Fire is an offensive power and should have its dps needed??? What the ----- is that? C'mon man
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  12. Minx New Player

    Fire tanks are beast...they really don't need anything but a good healer...just saying. Lol ;)
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  13. EzioNight New Player

    All i know is that it needs a buff because nothing is funner than running a raid and being half dead almost the whole raid.
  14. Cycl0ps Devil New Player

    I do agree that fire tank need a slight buff to its survivability. I have read posts about effective health and I do enjoy the challenge of being a fire tank. However, the abuse of being a fire tank sucks big time. Once I was asked to leave nexus as raid keeps wiping at ninja, steam and gcpd combo. I am cr99, sp 117 and they brought in a cr 100 ice tank I heard. Well the raid still wipes according to my friend who is still there.

    The point is that fire tank is too dependent on healer and I do believe a slight buff to our self heal will bring lights back to us. I do not wish to nerf ice or earth as they are what they should be indestructible without any help from other roles. Pvp won't be op for fire tank as current debuff system can easily wipe our hp buff and heals to nothing.
  15. 13igtyme Devoted Player

    You just said it yourself. Even with the 100cr ice tank the group was still wiping. The issue isn't the power, it's the player and team.
  16. Poetic Play Committed Player

    The only problem with Fire Tanks is when they try to play like an Ice Tank and have a broken block button. XD
    • Like x 1
  17. Cycl0ps Devil New Player

    I was just trying to make a point that we lack some tankish survivability in t5 pve. Yes everything still can be completed as a Fire tank which I did as well but just more challenging and lesser biased comments as a fire tank.

    I do raids with my league mostly but I do pugs as well. Yes replay badges victim here.

    Well we have to refresh our aggro every 12s, everyone has to come out of block sometimes.
  18. 13igtyme Devoted Player

    Fire tanks have huge health pools. If a fire tank and earth tank come out of block and take a 15k hit the fire tank has 3-5k the earth tank absorbs at most 7500 and more than likely dies. The earth tank would take a slightly smaller hit because of the dominace added to defense but with armor piercing at 65% it won't be much smaller.

    Edit: FYI 15k hit is the ravager's third swipe. I found this out the hard way.
  19. Spike New Player

    Ok so 15K dmg without previously hits, and hp bar of fire tank ? i mean 15k/20k or less
  20. isamunore New Player

    I read the last few pages and besides the mechanics that all tanks need fixed I'm getting the impression that that some of the fire and earth tanks posting probably don't have the skill points needed to survive or have points allocated in things they could wait to get. Before i quit the pve content in this game a while ago and switched to legends healers used to hate me, not because I took a knee often but because I seldom needed them. Pro tanks don't rely on healers, they rely on wit and tactic and basing an argument on what a powerset is lacking based on two flawed raids is asinine at best. The league I was in didn't have ice tanks, they all quit that role or switched to fire or earth. As BigAl stated before the three tanks play completely different from each other with ice being very defensive like a brick wall, fire being a healing juggle master, mobile and highly aggressive with the idea of knocking enemies around to keep them off balance and if you get hit the heals balance you out. Earth is similar to both ice and fire in that they can play both styles of tanking.

    On a personal note I personally think fire is the better tank, then earth followed by ice and my grievance isnt with the idea of what fire tanking is, but the constant breaking of powers, nerfs and the fact that breakout powers for all tanks were broken over a year ago.

    P.S. I always preferred sorcery healers and electric first before having a nature as the primary healer because nature healers numbers are insulting. They put up the same numbers as a fire tank just more often. When I'm tanking in any MMo I can do a HoT ( heal over time)and small to medium heals for myself, I expect the healer to hit me with an impressive number to instill my confidence that they have my back. If your a fire tank running a nature healer in the T5 raids as a solo healer your a dam fool and you deserve to wipe for putting that much stress on a healer that's primary power is a HoT and not an impressive burst heal like sorc, especially if your going to be stationary for some of the battles.