
Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Balton hero, Jul 6, 2018.

  1. Balton hero Committed Player

    This right here. Let the new or lazy have the feats, but give those of us who did the grind a further bump so we didn't go through that tedium pointlessly
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  2. inferno Loyal Player

    Wow, I am really quite surprised at most of the reaction about this news about feats being given freely.

    We all know that stats barely matter in the level of difficulty of the content that we are given. Cr and gear are easy to get, even elite gear is not that elite with the easier version of the raids.

    Op items are a matter of luck or how much money your willing to spend in the broker.

    Feats by definition are accomplishments by the player. And although a lot of the feats now are being tied into TC. There are still some feats the celebrate the player's personal accomplishment.

    Difficult feats in raids and alerts are even possible for the weakest player when they are being carried by good players and league-mates or by returning once you are OP in later tiers.

    These types of feats being given; the ones dealing with grind and deals with a player's stubborness, will and determination to get over 400 essences to deal with equipment mods and generator mods, these are the feats that is just purely reliant on the player's personal sense of accomplishment.

    So I guess, yeah, I'm a gritting my teeth a little at the news there.

    I had suggested that the developers should count the feats and skill points involved, write a program that searches our main toons to which of these feats were already accomplished, count them and provide a box that allows players to unlock any other feats that they may not have done yet. As for players, that actually have the full feats accomplished, said box could be used in future feats.

    But since most players here seems so cool about these feats being made pointless. I'll just shrug my shoulders and go on.
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  3. bigbadron alt Dedicated Player

    Nobody is losing the rewards. You will still have the Feats, and the SP from them, after this is done.
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  4. bigbadron alt Dedicated Player

    Ah, so you're asking for extra bonus Feats or SP that you won't need to grind for? Wait, isn't that what started this thread in the first place... the fact that some people are getting free Feats/SP without grinding for them?

    As somebody who got all the Reaper Feats, playing solo, I have no objection to anybody else getting them. Too busy worrying about my own SP to be concerned about anybody else's.
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  5. DCUO SmackThem Well-Known Player

    I mean I get it, I had the R&D feats as well so yeah it may seem unfair, but at the same time it doesn’t affect anybody negatively if they’ve gotten a free feat.
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  6. xXHeadlinerXx Dedicated Player

    Let me ask you this OP:

    Would you rather they didn’t give the feats away and took them and the skill points you have associated with them out of the game?

    PS I think I have all of these feats. Since the method of obtaining them is leaving the game, I personally don’t care that they are being given away. I’d be pretty mad if I lost the feats and the sp though.
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  7. bigbadron alt Dedicated Player

    Also bear in mind that this isn't a new thing. For example, all the Feats from the original Valentines Day seasonal were later awarded to everybody after that seasonal was abandoned in favour of a new format. It's a thing that happens - they change something in the game that makes a bunch of Feats obsolete or impossible, so they give the Feats to everybody so that nobody is disadvantaged by the change.
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  8. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Well my forum friend, you're in luck...because the FACT is you will not lose the rewards of that grind just because others are being awarded those feats. Isn't it fantastic??? All your worries gone.

    Seriously, let this go. This isn't how life works. You earned the feats at the time, and you enjoyed the fruits of your labor. You (and the rest of us) are owed nothing more than we've been given. If they gave us extra feats to "compensate" us for the feats being given out, it would cause a small but real imbalance stats wise, and would just open up a new unneeded ridiculous argument on the forums. People to this very day are STILL begging for the Back from the Hack feat, which is only half a skill point. You really think people wouldn't rightfully come here demanding the undeserved feats you're requesting???

    Either way, doesn't matter...the Devs would never consider this selfish and silly request.
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  9. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Cool story bro. Cr235 is only achievable with either full Deluge vendor gear or a mix of regular and Elite vendor gear and possibly some OP pieces...all of which is recent...not years ago. As I said...cool story bro.
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  10. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    You didn't go through that tedium pointlessly. You got the stats it gave you at the time you got it. That was the whole point. You deserve and are entitled to nothing more than that.
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  11. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    You are incorrect. The feats are not by any definition being made pointless. Only the grind associated with getting them is being rendered moot. Either way, this is something everyone needs to just get over since there is no other painless way to transition into this new system without leaving a huge mess behind.
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  12. BumblingB I got better.

    Question for OP, would you prefer them to remove the obsolete feats from the game, completed or not? That is the alternative after all.
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  13. Schimaera Devoted Player

    You should not agree with the op because of this...

    You should just leave your league which - if they behave like you described - are a bunch of arseholes anyways. Then get a new one, get some feats and enjoy the game. Let the new ones have these few feats. Who really cares?
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  14. Schimaera Devoted Player

    I'm kinda waiting for a thread about all new players with the LL-DLC will get this Pest Control 10pt feat that can't be done anymore. I mean c'mon I did it back in 2012 and I alone desere this one! It's this 10 points of achievement that makes me so much stronger than anyone else who does not have it! Because I am defined by 5 SP more or so... Seriously this thread is a joke ^^

    And to anyone who is against it: Everytime the devs remove a system that renders an achievement impossible to get, ppl will get that one for free. So just brace yourself for the next time and let this one slide.
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  15. inferno Loyal Player

    Feats by definition are accomplishments. What accomplishment did any player do when they receive these feats from the DEVS? Nothing. These are hand-outs. So when you highlighted my text and say I am incorrect, I believe you are incorrect.

    Now when you say,"Only the grind associated with getting them is being rendered moot" you mean the method of how this feat is achieved? The method on how a player received this feat is rendered moot. Interesting. Yet, when somebody just asked about the "back from the hack" feat all responses was get over it and a resounding "no". How about any of the feats from US Elite or Darkseid Elite? Why not sell those on the broker and render the challenge associated in getting them be made moot? Who cares, right? Other players can grind, some can be the best dps, or support or be in a league that helps with feats OR lets just buy it off the marketplace. Why should we care how other players get their feats?
  16. bigbadron alt Dedicated Player

    Exactly. You took the words right out of my mouth, so to speak.
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  17. calvin_0 Dedicated Player

    Maybe the Dev should remove the feat from everyone, including those like you already done it.. maybe if they do that, this post would make more sense..
  18. LastSonOfEarth Committed Player

    Like someone above said, this is my payback for losing 200 wins PER arena and legends match. I’ll take these feats and thank daybreak very much.
  19. |The 3rror Committed Player

    devs can give them all the sp they want i’m still gonna be doing me get in a raid and see someone terrible at they role/constantly going down/dont know the mechanics simple click they name and “add to ignore” and vote to kick them out same goes for high sp
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  20. LastSonOfEarth Committed Player

    That’s funny. Not to be argumentative, but so many endgame non-pug players think you’re downright terrible at both trolling and tanking, and a cancer to the group because of your screaming type attitude. What a bizarre coincidence...
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