Evolution of Origin Crisis Loot

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Spytle, Oct 16, 2013.

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  1. CAAR New Player

    Your saying 2 Different games, I never said games are the same.
    I said Runescape can take up to 3 years and not one players has a problem with rare items and days of farming and grinding

    I'll explain for you to Understand.
    Grinding And Farming.
    Players on DCUO Are complaining, and DCUO actually doesn't take as long as Runescape does
    Rather game is different, in which your off Context of Subject and Genre and Intentions of MMORPG's
    Game Differences doesn't Matter. I'm speaking on par of Subject and Situation of
    Grinding and Farming and Rarity that both games have as "MMORPG"s"
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  2. Zuse Loyal Player

    ok this maybe isnt the thread...but the "harder" raids only force players to go range...

    and what was the motive of this game="play your way"

    so what i would like to see in future "hard" raids is ... another way to make the raid harder... that will require more Crowd Controlling... more thinking...different strategies every time you walk in... make it challenging not in this way, not only by making the bosses have more health and do more dmg. We want a raid where we are active... we need to think... and most importantly where we play our way...ranged or melee
  3. Liongale Dedicated Player

    As for Difficulty
    I am pretty mad about people who exploit content, it really calls to the quote "This is why we can't have nice things".

    I've never been against a challenge, as long as it works properly, and there's something glittery enough at the end to obtain. As of late, I've seen less complaints about Nexus and Paradox being too difficult. I don't think it's because the players are getting better or the 86 gear, I think it's just because some things just work properly. A lot of mechanics that were broken against the player's favor seem to be working properly now.

    So I think difficulty would work is a design you fashion, when everything works. And not everything always will work, but if it doesn't and it takes time to fix, maybe just let the players know before they get too rabid, haha.

    As for Replay Badges:
    I've seen people complain that there's some conspiracy to sell replay badges. I know that isn't true, and other people too just ignore those comments when they come up as something people just spout when they're angry. So don't take it too much to heart.

    RBPs remind me of the old arcade days. I keep putting in quarters because I'm having fun, though I do like the time and effort invested to at least make me feel accomplished- and taking out those gum-blasted crummy loot items in the end bosses is going to help a lot with that.

    In Summary:
    I think when a lot of people are angry about this or that, it can be a good thing. It means the players are passionate about the game and want it to work. On the other side, you can't take every player idea (like you said Spytle, there are bad ideas too), because too many cooks spoil the broth. So there's always going to be voices, some less rational than others, but don't worry, we all don't feel that way- like you said, we all have a different definition of fair.

    Thanks for voicing this, Spytle. Hopefully it will douse some flames.
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  4. Radium Devoted Player

    I like how some of these changes are coming in very rapidly, but I can only assume the reason for that being that game activity, more on the T5 end, has finally shown to have dwindled significantly.

    Hopefully these go a way towards bringing players back. Also with the new DLC following the same suit it should bring back the real sense of progression again.
  5. Spytle Executive Creative Director

    I know you want that. And as I said, when we try to meet those expectations players eventually find a way around them. There are limited amounts of things we can do to make things strategic without stripping away major parts of your character, and there are so many player package and group combinations to consider. People are compelled to do things fast in this game and look for ways to accelerate their way through a raid. Stats are something you cannot wiggle around unless you find an exploit. Therefore, they will always have a major presence in the difficulty level of content to make sure there is at least some challenge to the players. We will continue to strive for inventive and compelling ways to make strategy and tactics a major part of play, but we can only go so far if people are actively looking to undermine the content and simply cross the finish line as fast as possible.
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  6. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    Thanks for the explanation.

    One question though, what about the head/shoulder/chest drops? They didn't exist prior to the giant uproar from the community, why is that?

    When they went in the head/shoulders were changed to 88 and drop in paradox. Chest I still haven't seen anyone get so no clue.

    But why were they not in game for so long?

    The explanation is all good, but it fails to hit what IMO is the biggest issue.

    As for the selling replays, money has never been the problem to me. I'm paying $15 a month for a sub, that's the same I paid in 1999! of course it should cost more now.

    What my problem has always been is that it detracts from the game with how it is done. I'm asked to do too many transactions. If my brother asked me for 50 cents each day after a week i'd punch him in the shoulder, give him $20 and tell him to stop bothering me.

    Maybe it is the best way of doing it but it just really breaks the fun when you're constantly asked for a couple bucks.

    that was the point I was trying to make the other day, but my inner forum troll was showing:D
  7. The IQ Active Player

    The mechanics of the raids, and game design, a lot of times is exploited. Take Khandaq for example. Gate keepers can easily be accomplished with two trollers crowd controllers, with a simple stun. Crowd Controlling to me being a troller is the fun part.

    But how often do I get some selfish DPS saying MO POWER, this is faster if I have MO POWER. Um, seriously, you can run Nexus with 2 tanks, and 1 less dps, breeze thru it. Or you can Run with 3 trollers with the Raid built around the DPS.

    At the end of the day, it will be your team, or league that determines the mechanics. Look at Gates Run, How many people like to just Fly past the adds in the little tunnel and kill the final boss at the end of the tunnel, thus by passing all the adds to be Crowd controlled.

    As the OP Spytle said, people like to find ways to EXPLOIT the game features. I don't think people sit back and realize the CONCEPTS of the Game, and just what Players change the design of a raid and to accomplish. IT's NOT the DEVS turning the game focus around DPS. It's the players. I play the way I WANT. I like trolling and healing, I rarely DPS, I like being the support-foundation. When Dps yell for me to in a sense be a battery, I ask for the Kick. Most, not all but Most who play with me Loves my Crowd control,and power output. And we have fun. I set up a raid, I kick the ELITE.

    I went Legendary just because of DLC 7. Great work DEVS. I just yesterday finished Nexus with me trolling at 1600 Vit, and other troller 1500 vit. And we had fun. Got this elitist Garra healer complaining we not gonna make it, kick other troll. I kicked him. We don't need you. This content was set up, hard, and for the strategist. Not the whiners. This is what I like. Nexus is set up to be RAN as a ROLE Played TEAM. Not DPS mashing away. This is how it should be. And I don't have to worry about getting NINja'd for my LOOT, or end up with nothing like when FoS came out. Plenty of times run 45 minute in a raid, get ninja'd and have to wait a week for the reset. Now, i'm guaranteed something. Some ppl' cry to much. And I don't buy replay badges, That's for the Give me Givem I want it now Group. I can wait 2-3 weeks. LOL. And while i wait, I play some of the PLENTY other ASPECTs of the Game, Ganking noobs=fun for me. Legends, scrimmage, pvp, or w/e. Some ppl need to have FUN again with this. DCUO is a FUN game.

    Spytle, Love the feedback, Love the Loot change. And Glad you guys put some thought into have well designed DLC Raids. I expect much better since this was ya'll first time far as this type. As long as you learned, I can feel confident in buying a year pass next month. Keep up the Pride in your CRAFT!

    "The IQ" out. US-PC
  8. SonOfKalel New Player

    I would just like to complete those raids every week and a chance better gear is it any chance that all those bosses will be nerfedo_O
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  9. Zuse Loyal Player

    i know that you try...and u do have good ideas...for ex: the last boss in Paradox...the possibilities of finishing it...or the team work that is needed for the last boss in nexus...we want more that kind of raids...where we wont only care for how fast to do it and not see it as a job( we already have jobs). We need raids where we test our skill... were not only the over-geared could beat it with no problems and where we will stop getting those "GLF xxx role for nexus cr 99+(100+cr). We need raids where the whole activity of the group will result into having to work together to achieve victory. Where we wont only need to go kill the boss and get loot.

    I know that you get what i am trying to say here Spytle... I and appreciate that you and the other Devs listen to us and gave us a hard raid, but not every heroes/villains go range... thank you again
  10. Twisted Titan Committed Player

    I agree with what BumblingB said in regards to the time put into those raids vs the rewards. I'm one of those players that has never seen/gotten an expert plan and only received 1 piece of 87 Time Traveler in all of my runs. I'm looking forward to the changes you a;; are going to make. I'm sure it takes a lot for a development team to admit they made a mistake and attempt to correct it to appease the community.
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  11. YodaDog New Player

    I just dont understand why it took this long to make these changes. DLC seven dropped in May. And its October.
    I dont understand what they were expecting the outcome to be when they dropped it like that in the first place.
    And I dont understand the notion of wanting to sell badges and make a profit... but not tooo much. I just cant buy that whole schpiel.
    But hey. They fixed the loot, so bravo.
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  12. SonOfKalel New Player

    SonOfKalejr here I'm a Tank full T5 1400 Dom mods everything 98cr and be in raid where everyone is gear 98 99 and those bosses sub bosses adds hit hard. I like the armor, just would like to finish those raids on a weekly like I should be for a chance for the better gear. I would use replays if those raids I could get the best gear.
    US PS3
  13. Spytle Executive Creative Director


    The design team burned weeks of time trying to address constant exploits by players in Paradox Wave who were looking to get around the difficulty, so they could post a "First" video/screenshot. I'm sorry, but the reality of what happens is different from the ideals you propose. Believe me, I share them, and my hopes get dashed each time we try something too far outside the box that presents a real strategic challenge. In the places where it has been successful, we have been forced to remove major parts of a character (like movement modes) and we can't resort to that all the time.

    Thanks for the comments. I really appreciate your enthusiasm on the matter.
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  14. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    I wanted to add, Ya'll did a GREAT job at scaling gear for the raids.

    You see a lot of people complaining about the luck of the blue balls in para.. at 5.1k hp you no longer risk death.

    The roll from Tyrant also around 5k

    Sparks from Sentry around 6k

    I know Tharkis bumps his HP up to i think it's 6.1k hp at this point, which is enough for him to survive basically anything that would randomly hit him. Of course deathshots he has to avoid, like the red ball.

    Personally I use the HP SP still because it keeps me above the blue ball threshold.

    It really does work what you all did with the gear as far as scaling goes.
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  15. BumblingB I got better.

    "Play it your way." Is the buisiness model of access, not an enabler to let you do whatever the heck you want. In other words, if you want to remain f2p, you can stay it. If you want to buy all DLCs, so be it. If you want to be legendary with a year subscription, more power to you. If you want to be legendary for one month through game cards, you have a right. That is what it means to be "Play your way."
  16. Zuse Loyal Player

    as for the ways you try to make money...

    I completely agree...the new Sp buying is a great idea... it just adds another way to get sp

    and the RB... i like the idea of that too.

    People need to understand that they can enjoy this beautiful game if they dont spend some money on it. As we may see this as only as game for fun, the devs see it as a job and a place where they make money. Dcuo's life= game's profit

    so stop complaining and play it the way you're most suitable with.
  17. The Klepto New Player

    Why did you keep the TRACES IN TIME head chest and shoulders out of the loot system? You and your team cannot say it was in the loot tables because you all know it's just been put in with the hot fix on October 11th.
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  18. Zuse Loyal Player

    I only want to see the best of the Game i love the most... i do know that thinking the raid and the strategy is hard stuff...

    Just do as you do...you're doing perfectly...but if it is possible try to find another version for "hard" raids where it will require more skill then gear
  19. xMALIC3x New Player

    All i have to say is that when a controller runs OC raids and receives nothing but tank gear 8 times in a row there is a problem,or a healer getting tank gear constantly , and so on . I know toons that have either quit playing because of related instances. I know toons that have SPENT the 10$ to re-spec powers so they can utilize the Off Role gear they were awarded. The worse part is DCUO players SPENT their hard earned money to replay the content in hopes of obtaining gear for their intended role only to never see that happen.

    This is outright wrong. It is a SPEND a little , get your hopes knocked down , and SPEND some more situation. If anyone is to believe that it has nothing to do with the money that is being spent on this game to try to advance , and the 90% of toons that never do because of garbage loot/off role , then you need to wake up and see that SPENDING of money by consumers is what makes or breaks a company.

    It is sad, that so many loyal DCUO players have become DCUO payers, and get nothing in return. Thus why the population has decreased , and others have moved onto games that IF they have to put 15$ plus a month into , it will hold its value.

    The DEVS will say it has nothing to do with money till they are blue in the face, but facts are facts , and with out DCUO players continuing to be DCUO payers, they will have to SPEND their time looking for another job. ;)

    ...................I doubt this reply will be up longer than five minutes, and i will probably be banned, but this needs to be said.
  20. Zuse Loyal Player

    i dont think that the wrong gear we get is that bad...i mean the raid can be done only in 85 gear moded with V Exp's

    the thrill that u might get an item u like is what is making you replay the raid...of course after the fun.
    and the RB are your solution
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