Episode Spotlight - Ep 29: Riddled With Crime!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by MiguelDaybreak, Feb 28, 2024.

  1. GianEsquizo New Player

    Nice! Another reason to be offline one more week...
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  2. GianEsquizo New Player

    Our game is dying. Lots of people stopping. It's boring to play every day to do the same thing over and over again... We, the old players, have been waiting for more than 6 months and asking for a new double xp artifacts and you don't listen... You prefer to recycle spotlights that happened less than 3 months ago and they are not at all transparent with the community that keeps the game alive. If you are no longer going to have the double xp event, let us know instead of ignoring the requests that have been happening every saint for over 6 months...

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  3. KiraDanvers Well-Known Player

    Wait, have they actually officially announced that it's in maintenance mode now? I must have missed that one. Or was it just statements that were made that allude to it being in maintenance mode?

    Either way, it definitely feels like it's in maintenance mode right now! Especially considering, like you say, how quiet they are about new episodes and the PS5 update etc.
  4. The Fairy Well-Known Player

    Disappointing and boring. Another week without dropping a penny in this game, the only thing I'm glad about. Worthless events in dcuo should be looked at with indifference, as it should be.
  5. TheMikeB Active Player

    I'm the first one to criticize the Devs for unengaging content, money grabs and overall poor quality but.....

    I remember the days before we had a bonus week every week. Not every week is gonna be useful to everyone. Stop being entitled and appreciate the fact we even get bonus weeks.
  6. Ryll Committed Player

    My favorite posts justifying 2x art xp are the ones saving us time and money.

    The devs want you to spend time in game. They don't want you to save time.

    The company doesn't want you to save money. They want you to spend, spend, spend.

    Bonus weeks are called 'bonus' weeks because they are extra.

    Choosing whether or not to play a game because of not liking the extra stuff that week is nuts.

    Continually stomping your feet when you don't get what you want is hilarious.
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  7. Dharmatorn New Player

    No1 NEEDS anything in this game. Every one WANTS double XP. Easy spoting bd players - they are crying about 300000000 sp that every one need. No. No1 needs it. No1 cares about it.
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  8. Great Architect Loyal Player

    So... what did you do in the past when Bonus Weeks were occasional, not perennial?

    Back then an Episode Spotlight would have been considered a waste of a slot, for sure - since Bonus Weeks weren't very common, and we expected something big from them... but getting something every week is better than getting nothing most weeks, and yet people still ***** and moan and sulk if it's not the one they were hoping for.
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  9. Metallix Active Player

    Can we get a league reclaim
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  10. Sollace Well-Known Player

    Do we agree that x2 of DLC content is getting more and more boring for people and 'is no longer enough to bring people back to the game?
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  11. Lumpy New Player

    And in a completely unrelated story, somewhere in the world, a tree has fallen in the woods.
  12. Oltron New Player

    Everyone wants it. Double xp is valuable and everyone can use it. It’s been forever since we had it. A ton of people are asking for it and Day break can make us happy by doing so. They will make money off of it BELIEVE THAT
  13. Captain Catalunya Active Player

    What is the job of "Community Relations"? Curious the non-existent interaction with the community