Dev Discussion Episode 29: Rewards

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Mepps, Sep 21, 2017.

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  1. Hollow Gohan Well-Known Player

    Quantifiable Street Cred - Wear equipment pieces that grant you at least a total of 8 degrees of Insidious Insight. Grants a chance to find Rare Collection Items in Riddled With Crime content.

    I feel as though the highlighted portion should be elaborated on, or ultimately done away with, since the drop rates for rare collections, especially the drop rates for the "Jokes Versus Riddles" OP collections do not change at all with the addition of this feat. Individuals without the feat have gotten multiple drops since the first day of the DLC. A leaguemate of mine who completed this feat last night has not noticed the slightest change in drop rates since completing it after running quite a few duos and raids.

    It leads me to believe that the drop rates are the same for individuals who have the feat or don't.

    On a sidenote, I'm hoping to hear back on a post I made earlier. I have yet to see a Man-Bat Commando trinket on the broker since the last hotfix:

  2. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    Devs is it intended that the riddler elite style has no title?
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  3. Heywiar Committed Player

    Not entirely sure if this is the best place to put this but considering the rewards give us Affinity Mods, I will put this here.
    Several of my friends and I have completed our renown with the Gotham Goons. While we appreciate the fact the renown was 200/400 (seriously, that was super refreshing) we have also noticed that the Elite Affinity "D Mod" does not activate even with the full Elite set. A few friends of mine have the full Elite Riddler set (with the exception of the OP head/back/waist from AOJ) and are not getting this affinity bonus. It is pretty discouraging considering we spent that time and money for it to not work.
  4. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    I was told by some forum members that the vendor gear is supposed to give you the "Blood Bat" Style for heroes if you bought in the vendor, but that's not what I've been getting.

    Instead of Blood Bat, I've been getting the Tech Ninja Set instead.


    Is this intended?
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  5. Jade Rebel Dedicated Player

    I noticed this on my alts below 197, I think you have to be 197 or above to get the purple gear to be blood bat
  6. Korlick Loyal Player

    Once you get to 197, the gear in the Vendor is the 183 Riddler Gear.
    Blood Bat is the purple 181 gear that drops from the content.
  7. Jade Rebel Dedicated Player

    I know :) just saying for people below 197 the purple gear will be tech ninja
  8. Vesper Dedicated Player

    I got the Riddler Question Mark Emblem yesterday. I then crafted the Enhanced Riddler Question Mark Emblem. I then went to put my new RIDDLER emblem on my RIDDLER chest.......and found there is NO SLOT FOR EMBLEMS on the RIddler Chest!


    Please add an Emblem slot onto the Riddler Chest & Elite Riddler Chest. A small one on the lapel of the vest or a large one on the back-----either way. But seriously-----Riddler gear that can't take the Riddler emblem???????
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  9. Aqua Surge Loyal Player

    I have 124 Victory Marks and cannot Buy the Power or Restoration Goons Plan for the generator. Does anyone else I have this issue?

    I already have the might Goon plan but I made 3/12 mods. Only need to make 1 more Might Gen mod then I move on to Power next then Restoration. That how I do my generator modding.

    Can this be looked into or do I need to retry re-logging?

    Edit: I went to the vendor at the Hall of Doom, but the vendor in the Amusement Park didn't work correctly.
  10. PoKTLi Active Player

    Vendor trinket for controler when you use it the efect dont last 1/4 of cooldown, only like 3 o 4 secs
  11. light FX Steadfast Player

    Just like the green arrow TC gear that we couldnt place the green arrow emblem on :confused:
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  12. Cica New Player

    Is it intended drop rate of OP Collections? Let me rephrase it, is it intended that OP Collections never drop?
    All i get is Candies from seasonal! <3 .(.
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  13. Aqua Surge Loyal Player

    I think op collections need to be update to mention which boss they drop off of or what boxes from solos or duoes. That way, you can use the broker and also read that info from the collection. Also gives people an idea on what to replay and reset.
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  14. Kal-L New Player

    Hello everyone:) Devs please revamp/revitalize the PVP system! It took a half hour or more to get a 4+ player pvp and waiting on the legends and the wait became overkill. In my opinion the only other viable alternative would be to make sp's negotiable? Nonetheless a revamped, revitalized, and new rewards PVP System sounds awesome to me. For instance a adjustment to mechanics that correlates to map navigation and all exclusive rewards could be the break we've all been hoping for:cool:

    Hi there everyone, some of you may know me as Future Kal and Superboyistic. :) The rest is history. LOL. Have a look at my new Water Power Avatar Kal Waterbender's level 30 Mentor Mission!:cool: Enjoy;)

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