Enough is enough: What's being done about speed hackers?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by STsource, Aug 10, 2022.

  1. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    Look, based solely on very minimal research on my part (googling this topic, and reading info on the first few links that came up) it became obvious to me why DCUO's Devs can't stop the Speed Hacking. It's because the hackers constantly develop updated software to keep it working after each DCUO Game Update. The Devs of DCUO figure out and close one "back door" used by the hackers, so the hackers just find another one and kick it wide open!

    It's a constant, never-ending battle between the 2 sides... just like with the DC Heroes and Villains themselves.
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  2. ItsMeAgain Well-Known Player

    Let me give you a tip, Lazarus pit and eog together in a whole raid along with art swapping in a group makes the impossible possible, but I guess you will cry about that too right? I will leave it right there.
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  3. ObsidianChill Community "Trusted"

    Stopping speed hacking completely won’t be possible the way the game is currently designed, that is a given fact. However, what these posts are about isn't about stopping the speed hackers from being able to use their 3rd party software it is actually doing something about it either proactively or reactively in game. There is no discouragement to speed hack presently, if a speed hacker account gets banned it doesn’t matter to them. It’s just a bought account or a cr skip with minimal gear/arts/allys it can be easily replaced. If the developers actually took action against the other players in the group and made it public or made it known enough to where word of mouth would travel in game then I would strongly wager the amount of speed hacking would decrease substantially because players would not be willing to risk their accounts just to get some quick easy gear and feats. But that hasn’t happened and that is what needs to happen to at least reduce this epidemic of speed hacking in DCUO.
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  4. ItsMeAgain Well-Known Player

    I'm more concerned about all the broken crap in DCUO, especially PVP. The more they bring out the more broken it becomes. They need to take a chill pill and pause on new content and tackle the old broken stuff first.
  5. GermanM Committed Player

    Speedhackers also damage the PVP.
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  6. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    We've already seen "new blood" implement things we had previously been told couldn't happen, such as 2-tone capes, so maybe we'll get lucky and a newer addition to the team will come up with the solutions for this problem! *crosses fingers*
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  7. Darkness611 New Player

    Just take off PC players thats all to stop the hacking
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  8. Amoxin Well-Known Player

    So are you saying to completely eliminate the PC platform as the only way to stop speed hackers? What about the PC who players who aren't speed hackers (like myself)? I guess we aren't allowed to enjoy the game on our preferred platform if that's what you're suggesting. And if that is what you are suggesting, please go take a long walk off a short pier.
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  9. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    I just love seeing players exposed and on Obsidianchill video, I saw a lot of them in the comment section lmao
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  10. GermanM Committed Player

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  11. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    He didn't say eliminate. They could put PC players back on their own servers like before and merge the NA and EU PC servers together.
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  12. GermanM Committed Player

    I want a servers merge since a long time, but doing so only to fight the hacker´s will only solve the problem´s for console player´s. What the game need is a anti cheat system that detect people killing a boss in 10 second´s or something like that.
  13. Amoxin Well-Known Player

    Hence why my reply was all questions and posits. The initial post I replied to was vague at best.
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  14. Proxystar #Perception

    Yeah I don't always agree with Obsidian, but on this one, yea, I'm gonna side with Obsidian.

    It might not be "hard proof" as you put it, but on the balance of probability where there's smoke there's usually fire and with that in mind there's so much smoke here, there's absolutely no way there isn't fire.

    hard evidence isn't required when the probability the players hacked or ran with hackers is so demonstrably evident, it's as good as catching them in the act.

    Obsidian is right and personally, If I were a dev, I'd put everyone on that list on a 7 day vacation and remove the feats, that's my view at least.
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  15. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    let YOU give HIM a tip...

    I'mma be over here dying. Of laughter.
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  16. Proxystar #Perception

    Oh I should add also, everyone on that list named iiiiiLLLLLiiiiLLL xxXxxxxXxxx iiiiLllLLL, whatever, they should be perma banned, no one playing the game legit, names themselves something that stupid.

    The only reason you name yourself that inane rubbish in game is cause you're pulling some shady #$% and you're trying to make it harder for other players to report you or for the developers to distinguish your name.

    Devs should perma ban everyone in game with a name like that :), no jokes.
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  17. GermanML New Player

    Well, i have to agree, i cannot see a normal person naming a character like that:
    Look at the sky, is a bird? No!
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  18. FlexVibrant Well-Known Player

    How you gonna be concern with that but not with speedhackers who pvp???? Lmaooooo

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  19. SppeMtoN Active Player

    Maybe my name is "LiL" am i to be banned now? How many characters does it take "LiLi" or "LiLiL"? Maybe I like to be called triple x or "XXX" but that is taken so i do "XxXxX". At what point do i get banned? I agree the "LiLIliIlLLlLliLiL" or whatever is a true sign that someone is going to do some nefarious stuff, but rules/laws have to be cut and dry. Such as "LiL" is ok but "LiLi" is a ban, for example. Otherwise, DCUO has to implement subjective determination on character's name. Maybe they have more data to support ban someone named "LiLi" vs "LiL", but I would hope that when I create a character "Hacker Babe" I'm not really hacking and just found a "cool" name that actually was accepted since a lot of names are not these days.


  20. Amoxin Well-Known Player

    I doubt that Lil or Lili or anything like that is going to be banned, same with XxXxX. However if you're using one of the "bar code" style names or just a bunch of gobbledygook, then I think an investigation is in order and then being banned after that.
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