Emote reworking, shame on you

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by TANK69, May 3, 2023.

  1. TANK69 Well-Known Player

    Hey Devs!

    Thank God you are reworking the emote system, because the game is fine and there is none of anything that need to be reworked or redesigned instead of this. Sarcasm off.

    Here is a little list what you have to work on:

    - reworked character selection screen (fixed character name position with switching option)

    - account wide ignore and friend list

    - account wide money (or fix the mailing option)

    - mailing list rework which starts whit own characters, then friends, then league
    - incrase the mailing item capacity from 5 to 10-12

    - organized currency tab (i hate the fact that my every single character has different order in their currency tab)

    - smart que system (I just hate when I have to reque every single thing when one was done)
    Don't let the system to enable to group up 4 dps-es, or 3 healer + 1 anything.

    - reworked feat tab (bigger boxes, forget about the scrolling text, search option)
    - feat tracking option

    - cross-faction invite and/or fully supported cross-faction game at all
    - group finder (its just nonsense to spamming and a chat for forming a group)

    - reworked crafting (laggy, unorganized, can't make multiple items at once, etc)

    - reworked generator and amenity mods (can't benefit as a might user with 6 and 8 elite bonus, doesn't support dual talent)

    - reworked omnipotence gear (make it double socket for dual talent, or give as another one if we fully leveld one)

    - reworked tactical mods (not enough option for some and too much useless ones for some)

    - preview for materials

    - loot cache shows the style of the cache

    The list can go on, and I am sure that everybody has its ideas for qol.

    But thank god, that you are working on the very important emote system. Shame. On. You.
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  2. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Many of your points arent even in the same department of what the UI guys are doing.

    Although i definitely agree on many of your points, i never knew how much i needed the rude ***-shake emote until this update hit.
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  3. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    Not even the same departments, so they can't do anything else that isn't catering to your personal desires? wow. Talk about entitlement.
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  4. K3str3lDC Dedicated Player

    Yeah, if anything, shame on OP for being on such a high horse and assuming they know how game development works. And, I mean.... just because they put work into just fun stuff like this doesn't mean they can't ALSO put work into other, more serious stuff. It's not one or the other. In fact, it's very important to balance these things. I'm no expert myself, but if they didn't occasionally throw in some just fun stuff that just lets players express themselves more and give even more personality to their characters in an MMO that's very much about that...... I doubt things would go very well. We players need just fun stuff like this here and there to keep it from getting stale and giving us something to be excited about, even if just in a "oh, that's neat" way. Think of it like how a good story typically has comic relief and other kinds of downtime here and there, often both giving the audience a moment to breath and providing a good time for some characterization and relationship building. Not to sound like Thanos, but balance is crucial.

    Also, OP, do you know how much work, effort, time, and resources go into this vs the other stuff? Because I suspect you're misjudging how much they're "wasting" on this. Not to minimize the work, but I doubt it's anywhere near as much of a drain as you seem to think it is. Also, they've stated before the material/chroma preview thing is unfortunately not possible with how the materials and chromas work in this game on a tech level (it's different from how styles work). This isn't even me disagreeing with these wishes, just the nastiness. I've definitely often found the currency thing weird and annoying. But insulting the devs won't help.
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  5. Great Architect Loyal Player

    Places I've worked before gave workers an allotment of hours each week when they could work on stuff "just because" to see if it's viable or useful - most people generally used it to make tools to tighten up or streamline work flows (and several of those innovations made it into the workplace toolkit), but some used it to just tinker around and make cool new stuff for the codebase or update areas they personally thought were underperforming / could have been done more elegantly. I'd not be at all surprised if that were the case at Daybreak, or if the new Emotes UI came from that kind of freedom.
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  6. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    you are free to apply for employment at daybreak your self see if you get in and apply your own agenda if you wish.
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  7. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I'm not sure if your goal was to get a bunch of people riled up with your delivery, or if you are just unaware of how your post came off, but it didn't come off well in any case.

    And hey, I'm in the 'oh...emotes...great' camp myself, but some of your suggestions aren't really worth complaining about either.

    You know you can turn off 'role optional' for alerts, right? Now that doesn't mean that everyone will PLAY their role, but you'd need one of each role to queue at least...so no more groups of 4 DPSes queued. And the currency tab? What about toons that have 0 of some seasonal money? Should they display as 0/999 to keep your order clean and in the same order? And they've said several times a preview for materials is a technical issue, which means they likely HAVE worked on it and came to a dead end. Would you rather they quit doing other things to keep throwing resources at an issue that may never be fixed?

    For some reason, unknown or understood by me...people like Emotes. So they added a system to give SOME people what they wanted. It's not for me...or apparently you...but it's an enhancement for someone I'd guess.

    I'm actually down with many of your suggestions (and have suggested the same a few times) but your delivery is lacking.
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  8. Tolly Committed Player

    You're in a game from 2011 where almost everything has been messed up, or at least, a lot of things didn't have to be questioned until such and such a thing was defined as good to be released...

    Why are different names displayed between the stuff and the box?

    Why does a purple equipment at the vendor have no previews and the rest have a preview?

    Why is there a preview for an aura and not a material?

    Why does a lootbox content not indicate if an item is related to a feat?

    Why can't the basic item preview be moved only horizontally?

    In short, there are many things to correct, but nowadays, video game studios don't care about the quality of video games anymore, because they're too preoccupied with profitability...
  9. Korlick Loyal Player

    So they have to do whatever the players wants even tho they end up loosing a lot of money? Yeah...that sounds like a good way to run a business...
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  10. Tolly Committed Player

    No, just make a game more coherent and insightful!
  11. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    I like that we have access to all personality emotes. I do think the system needs a little tweaking. The regular emote list seems to be a mess as everything is in different places on each of my characters. Some of the new titles for the emotes are a little off. I used to do a little basic exiting wave but now when I do it states I'm waving hi which is a little off. Maybe we can rename them to wave + original personality stance so it would be wave serious, wave flirty, wave comical etc etc so it can go back to being a universal wave that can mean hi or bye...

    Would be nice to be able to customize where we would like out emotes placed on the normal list. The emote wheel is nice tho.
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  12. Plowed In Loyal Player

    …and strawberry ice cream!

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  13. Irvynnge Loyal Player

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  14. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Yeah a few seem to have different names due to personality. I don't really mind that fact, more that they end up re-sorted on the standard menu due to the names. As there is only 1 'wave' on the greetings for that list, it should just be 'wave'. Not sure what else has been renamed, but I know I've been blowing a lot of kisses as on some menus THAT is the top entry vs the wave when it's BIG wave.

    I mean, not that I mind blowing kisses to people, but I don't want them to get the wrong idea of my intentions.:rolleyes:
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  15. Proxystar #Perception

    The existence of a list of other issues doesn't justify not working on a feature you see as unimportant, it just means there's other things that also need work.

    Take for example your account wide ignore feature, absolutely don't give a **** about it, should we not do that because I said so?

    loot cache showing the style, don't give a ****, reworked tactical mods, don't give a ****, omnipotence gear, don't give a ****, reworked crafting don't give a ****.

    Are you starting to see how this goes?

    Although I think they're motivated by monetizing the new emote system ultimately, improving the system didn't hurt.
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  16. Plowed In Loyal Player


    :p :)
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  17. Proxystar #Perception

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  18. Cyber X232 New Player

    I admire your post, and I could add a lot of other things! Unfortunately it's a waste of time. This is not the right place, many players ready to do/say anything to defend the developers for reasons that I do not know. But I assure you, they are only in the majority on this forum, any normal player doesn't care who does what, at what time, how many there are, etc. we are simply players behind our consoles who want to play properly. (because we like the game but we are not blind)

    The best thing I can advise you is to stop playing it, don't spend a dollar, and pray that this all ends soon, and that another studio makes a similar game (without keeping a only thing of this one except maybe the customization part)

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  19. Trexlight Devoted Player

    First we got Karen yelling at the manager and not we have Debbie Downer. At least Karen brought something useful to the party albeit not understanding how game development works or what departments within them do what job. Nothing is a waste of time when done constructively. Ive been here for 12 years and given countless feedback. Thats all you can do. Leave feedback, hopefully they are able to implement it and move on. And hey, if you arent having a fun time, move on. Its entertainment. If you arent entertained, find something that is and hey, the beauty of MMOs like this, they are still around. Jump back in anytime. Now, go have fun somewhere you enjoy. Or stay here and stir around in your sad and angry corner.
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  20. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    I've never understood this idea that I'm supposed to be hostile to the developers. In the decade plus I've been typing my little heart away in these forums, I've both praised, and been critical of the developers. But to adopt a confrontational attitude as my default mode, is neither healthy for me, nor constructive for them. It's also weirdly narcissistic to expect everyone in the game to be angry at the developers because you're not happy with certain things.

    With the OP, I remember hearing about the changes to the emotes, and thinking, okay, weird priority but hey, any improvement is improvement.
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