Elite Brimstone Excessive Stuns and Some Blocks not Counting to Survive Explosion

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Iconic Simulation, Apr 17, 2022.

  1. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Lol sounds like fun to me haha
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  2. CCPONCHO Well-Known Player

    One of the main reasons I've switched out of fire. Why hasn't this bug been fixed yet? We need to get a upvote started lol.
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  3. DeathBreaker New Player

    There's definitely some BS going on. The window to block his explosion seems shorter at times versus others.

    Also, every once in a while instead of spreading his nice volcano circles around a room, he'll cram them all together in one area making it almost impossible to escape it.

    The hands are annoying but if it's between hands and his other moves I'd rather he be hand clapping me.

    That said I've never failed this duo so it's not anything other than annoying.