Eliminate Stabilizers event

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Brit, May 28, 2019.

  1. SkullGang Devoted Player

    A thread/stream on your list of priorities would be very appreciated.
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  2. RealTegan Dedicated Player

    Get Trigon in to present it. That would be a much-watched stream.
  3. SkullGang Devoted Player

    And he could get a suit to wear from Greed.
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  4. recoil2 Dedicated Player

    or the turtle neck and tie combination he wears in teen titans go XD.
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  5. Tygerfyre Committed Player

    Seems like the easiest thing to do is have the Vault give everyone a free Stabilizer every time a user plays it as part of the minimum standard Vault loot. F2P would get one a week, Premiums one every 3 days, and Subs once a day, assuming they ran the Vault. Note that this would still be a per account loot lock on this, not per toon.

    Yes, this is slightly more for subs than what they're getting now, slightly better for Premiums, and less for F2P than what they get now. BUT, it eliminates the instance, for almost no development investment, and offers more of a benefit to subs, something that is often clamored for by subscribers. Vault tickets could also provide an occasional extra Stabilizer under this plan.

    This would also eliminate a currency from the system, as there would be no need for the Stabilizer Fragments.

    With the pace these things come out, it's not like giving out slightly more for free to paying customers should hugely impact revenue. It still wouldn't be often enough to allow people to get everything for free, but it would be good PR and eliminate the problem of needing to run the Stabilizer event for almost no cost to DB.
    • Like x 4
  6. Daddy Dangerous Active Player

    100% THIS ^
  7. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Don't get too greedy now. A daily grant of 6,4 or 3 fragment accomplishes getting rid of the run and keeps things the same level of payout. The vault idea is fine, except I don't see them giving us up to 7 stabilizers a week when we get 2.8 now as members and 2.5-3 a week when we get less than 2 as premiums. If it's going in the vault, keep the fragments, but maybe give us the week with the 3000 bonus...42 fragments for member, 28 fragments for Premium and 21 fragments for F2P....you get it once a week so no change in payout, but the run is gone and there would be little additional coding to accommodate the grant method.

  8. Tygerfyre Committed Player

    Sure, that works too, of course. But taking it a step further does accomplish some other goals, such as finding them another perk for subs.

    For that matter, they could simply deliver the fragments via the gifting system they've been using for recent items like the Aquaman statue and posters.
  9. TheOracle Active Player

    Honestly, how hard would something like the be to implement? You've had developers say they created an entire SM on their lunch break (ofc that was past SMs).
  10. SuperBell Loyal Player

    I think the whole point of the event is to get people to log in. We used to have our pre-Daybreak Cash given to us automatically, but they changed that to we have to claim it within the month. I can't see Daybreak just giving us a money maker like Stabilizers automatically or even in a lump monthly reward.
  11. RealTegan Dedicated Player

    I'm going to chime in and agree with the people who think it ought to be added to the vault, instead of this annoying duo. Not sure how many frags should be in each run, but at this point just giving people more reason to run the vault would be nice.

    I also think stabilizer fragments should be in Prom boxes. But that'll never happen.
  12. Hraesvelg Always Right

    They have to walk a fine line. If they start mentioning things they want to do, and then it gets backburnered/shelved, you have people whinging on the forums about it FOREVER. They announce things that are firm and go from there.


    If you don't think that's true, ask someone about Serums, or the new UI, or the PC graphics update....
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  13. Doc.Doom15 Committed Player

    Easiest solution would just be to give a stabilizer on logon and determine if it's a free player, premium or member and use the same calculation that already exists for how many you get. Don't make things harder than they should be.
  14. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  15. KingGuy420 Active Player

    I like to punish AFKers. I'll just stand in front of them, start a dance emote, and go take a dump. It's a good time.
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  16. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    I get the opposite: people always trying to "outdps" me by trying to be the first to every add.

    I top the scoreboard most times though.