Electricity...new clipping option

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Original Empress, Apr 24, 2017.

  1. Ant Tao Well-Known Player

    Start the rotation with egen/wired. Electrogenesis starts the power back mechanic and damage is the same whether enemies are electrified or not. Leaving out electroburst is good for the long run. Save this spot for the supercharge.
  2. Ringz Dedicated Player

    For bosses, yes. But if it comes to adds, you might as well have electroburst to get straight to tier 3 damage since the other powers are gonna tear through. At that point having 2 armories or switching the ability before hand will be optimal. Both abilities are good for the long run, but are also situational.
  3. The VL Active Player

    For starters, Supercharge damage isn't very consistent nor is it very high. Maybe if you're switching armories back and forth sure but even then it may not work out too well. Having to rely on supercharge build up as well as the fact Electric Supercharges are nowhere near as effective as things like Biggun. "Long run" in SM but still doubt it. You're having to wait for the cool-down of Electrogenesis to have all your DoTs out, and during the time that you're waiting, you miss out on damage. Factor in scenarios like doing pick ups, dying, needing to reapply DoTs for whatever reason. Toward the end the results will show and they won't be as great as they could have been.
  4. Rockdaddy099 Level 30

    Fact Still remains that this is a lot ,more work for a lot less damage out, glad that revamp is addressing this. one of my favorite powers visually but play wise mostly a headache for me atleast.
  5. Ant Tao Well-Known Player

    You do more damage clipping sf with shockwave while waiting for egen to cooldown than using eburst and you save loadout space so you dont have to use 2 armories. If you run both eburst and egen, the adds will already be dead before you hit voltaic volt. The mix of precision damage and shockwave does more damage in the short term.
  6. Ant Tao Well-Known Player

    You're not just waiting while egen is on cooldown. You can can get in about 2 sk/shockwave clips in that time. This does more damage than building your dots quicker with no burst moves. The peak of electric damage is when max dot is set and you clip precision with burst quickly. Electroburst is never touched again after the dot is set, not counting reapplying dot to others.
  7. Ringz Dedicated Player

    I say its the other way around. The adds will already be dead by the time Egen is ready or even as soon as the 2nd it hits. Adds die fast, but not that fast to where you cant pull off a Eburst and Egen. Either way, as long precision dmg is being done during that period. And I don't use Vbolt for adds. For power point and spec build reasons, I have 2 armories for adds and boss, and found it to be better on my end than the usual.
  8. Original Empress Well-Known Player

    More often than not I am less worried about doing damage in raids. If I am with others more than likely I'll be healing. But for solo events Duos and occasionally even alerts this loadout has allowed me too do some damage quickly
  9. SUPERMANPRiM3 Well-Known Player

    an intriguing idea but don't see it working. now i use

    1st rotation: WC, Electroburst, Arc Lighting, Electrocute clipped with wired, WC, Voltic bolt, Tesla ball,
    2nd rotation: WC, Voltic Bolt, WC Voltic Bolt , WC, Electrocute clipped with wired, WC, Voltic bolt, Tesla ball

    and keep repeating 2nd rotation untril new adds then start on 1st rotation.

    now tesla ball is optional. i some use different supercharger there. but tesla ball does a better job in my opinion
  10. Original Empress Well-Known Player

    Thank you Rigby for trying the idea before tearing it down theoretically.
    "Ok so I tried this out last night on my sparring target and in the Hades duo and I liked it. First of all it's fun because you stay busy, and secondly my damage did seem to go up. Not sure if I'll be moving too far up the scoreboard against the hard hitters but I like the idea of this load out a lot."
  11. Original Empress Well-Known Player

    I recently tried taking out arc lightning and adding shock wave. So, rotation
    Electrogenesis/wired - Solar Flare, Electrocute/Bio surge - Solar Flare,
    Shockwave, Voltaic bolt/Bio surge - Solar Flare
    Shockwave, Voltaic bolt/Bio surge - Solar Flare
    Shockwave, Voltaic bolt/Bio surge - Solar Flare
    After 2nd run with Electrogenesis I skip it going straight to Electrocute/wired.
    At CR 188 about 14k might shockwave crits as high as 110k and tics from Voltaic bolt as high as 95k. Weapon attacks routinely crit 130k+ with my precision at about 5k+.
  12. DemiGodRick Active Player

    xD to me wired sames useless now.i only really used it cause it would set a pi n a might buff. now just a prec buff i dnt think its worth it. u could use a bot to clip instead of a waste of a power point. i made a lil video displaying my l/o and the reason y bow is the best weapon after the patch thts if dc doesnt decided to mess with it.been using bow clip from idk how long now its better :). l/o holds up pretty well just for specing 11sp into power.i tested it in a raid came 2d mainly because of lag log cooldown not frame drops.
  13. Maxwill Committed Player

    It increases all damage by 35% only if you don't have active max damage mod ! which most of good players have, only noobs don't.
  14. Original Empress Well-Known Player

    Ok....So I finally figured out a way to video these loadouts with BIO-SURGE clipping. Not a great video by any stretch but at least you will all get to see what I was going for.