Do you prefer short quick raids? Or long and dynamic raids?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Derio, Jan 14, 2016.

  1. BipolarDiva Loyal Player

    Too true
  2. BipolarDiva Loyal Player

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  3. Malachyte Devoted Player

    Hmmm, depends on my wife's mood....oh wait we talking about gaming aren't we...:p
  4. TheDarknessWithin Loyal Player


    Yes I'm getting sick of this bs also, we pay less with our sub with the quality.
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  5. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    I'm raid out....too many raids. We use to see almost 50/50 for alerts and raids. With monthly content it is now a 2:1 with raids winning out.

    I want more alerts and less raids. I'm an alert player. I like getting together with three other players and running alerts. Raids....they take longer to form groups, less likely to complete, great chance to cause in game spats / community disengagement, etc...

    Alerts are a a nice balance between super easy duos and raids.

    Bring more alerts to the new monthly content design.
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  6. Tannen Committed Player

    Long, if the group works together well and/or learns quickly from mistakes. If the group simply isn't capable of improving and making progress towards finishing, then long raids become the worst
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  7. Elusian Crowd Control

    I wish I could ever experience Genetic Archives or Datascape (on release versions) in the DC environment. Last one took literally 3/4 years to be beaten first time. That satisfaction of when the last boss dies a DC player will never be able to imagine.
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