Do ppl realize PvP Gear will reset again in 6 months?

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by Nekron 99, Apr 26, 2013.

  1. Pew New Player

    Personally i think microtransactions can be good.
    I have a full time job and would have no chance to play competetively in any game that requires 24/7 nolife grinding.
    A lot of games nowadays allow me to spend a comaparatively very small amount of money (speaking in full employment income terms) to be able to play with people who have lots more free time.
    The problem with replay badges is that it doesn't allow someone with more time, but no money to play on the same level. Replay badges should be "triple mark badges" and not a binary all or nothing thing. The best microtransaction systems don't leave the loyal all day players in the dust, while still allowing the dayjobbers to play by skipping some of the required grinding.
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  2. Nekron 99 Loyal Player

    I agree to what I believe is your point of people spend replay badges because they think they need to have the top gear to be competitive. Last night we faced a full Vengeance T4 PvP set team. We mostly have T1 and a few T2 currently. Although we didn't win, the match went to the time limit. When we get fully geared we will wipe the floor with these teams. All will even itself out in around 3 weeks. Then we'll have around 5 months of being at the top level of gear. These teams will be so lowly ranked by then that it won't matter that they replay to gear up quickly. Their ranks will still put them fighting lower ranked groups.
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  3. Nekron 99 Loyal Player

    Or you are blind to the things that I see SOE doing and deaf to the things SOE is saying. I think you are just seeing and hearing what you want and that makes your beliefs obvious to you.
  4. Ice Lantern New Player

    I finally like the direction that DCUO is heading. However, it's really hard to just ignore their past, which includes other games past and present. If it was another company, perhaps I would give them the benefit of the doubt. But SOE has shown that they don't deserve it.

    But as for DCUO being considered a competitive game, there are many things going against that happening that I simply don't see it happening.
  5. FaLeX Dedicated Player

    I hope for PVP Season 2 that they make the new armors more easily accessible for people, its very confusing to have to go here then hope they know that they must BUY everything (including rings, trinket, mask) before you see the next level of armor....

    PLUS when they released DLC 6 - Home Turd, it got alot of people out of the Watchtower, now with this new update, everyone is back in WT (major crash / freeze zone) - please include a PVP robot base amenity to clear out WT again

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  6. Volaron New Player

    ^ This.

    Loving this new system. Even with 1500 sc u can get to tier 3 so you're not mile stones away and even those without replay badges can gear up. No excuses.
  7. CheckmateEnjoi New Player

    I'm saying I spent time and real money to become a god in PvP, and now a free player can buy gear that is statistically the same as Checkmate gear.
  8. Xainexus Well-Known Player


    I don't know what Mr Liberty has been smoking but it's clearly messed his head up.

    HOURS of PvP gameplay for 6 lousy marks, I don't think Mr Liberty was using a calculator when he devised his plans.

    I have useless gear which ALWAYS lets the team down, and we lose. Low level gear = LOW STATS and NOT competitive.

    Probably take me about 6 months just to get the chestpiece.

    ....and before anyone jumps on me.... I pay for this and have done for over a year.
  9. Yallander Loyal Player

    That is your problem, the playing field has leveled and gear won't save you now.
  10. CheckmateEnjoi New Player

    If you're implying that my gear was all that put me ahead of other players, we should both go full t0 dps and 1v1 Friday. If not ignore.
  11. Xainexus Well-Known Player


    New Player = Basic gear = Lose Match = No Rewards = No Higher Stat Gear
  12. Yallander Loyal Player

    Nice come're the one who said it was your gear that made you a God if I recall.
  13. Yallander Loyal Player

    I feel for new/returning players, but just throwing in the towel isn't going to resolve this issue. Gear plays a much smaller role. I'm still using my Checkmate and have banked my other gear just to prove this point.
  14. Xainexus Well-Known Player

    DC have made it harder for new players :(

    I only play for 3-4 hours a day if I'm lucky, and it'll take months just to get a few items.
    My current win streak.... 3 out of 21 matches
  15. Yallander Loyal Player

    How? The ELO system is in place to help with this, but too many people are leaving matches early so they never get ranked. Like anything if anyone wants to improve it takes practice. If you are USPC and are a hero hit me up I'll be glad to help.
  16. CheckmateEnjoi New Player

    I don't want to get in a forum-fight. Yes or no to the 1v1.
    Honestly, it just pisses me off that all that REAL LIFE MONEY was WASTED because now a free player can buy gear with in-game money that is the EXACT SAME.
    If you're still confused:
    I wasted real money.
  17. Yallander Loyal Player

    I don't think you are even on the same server, but if you are hit me up--Yziah on the USPC/heroside. Everyone spends money on this game. I spent money too, but don't see me QQing about the changes. I welcome the opportunity for players to have similar tools as me. Then skill will be the tell all instead of stuff.
  18. CheckmateEnjoi New Player

    usps3. What a shame. If you don't care about your real-life money, that's you.
  19. Yallander Loyal Player

    I got what I paid for tbh so why should I be upset? Once again gear is a smaller factor now--I'm all for that, sorry you don't feel the same.
  20. Xainexus Well-Known Player

    I've never quit a match, and the ranking system isn't going to reward me with marks to improve my gear.
    Where is the practice? When I walk in, I get stunned, 3 hits later I'm dead. Game over.