Devs will raids continue to be designed around 5-1-1-1?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Derio, Jul 24, 2015.

  1. Immortal Kyrro Loyal Player

    Stat flattening is a step into fixing this issue. Sadly there is no quick remedy. Had they taken stats from us there would have been a uproar. Now they can slowly level our inflated stats off. It may take 6 months but they can wean us back into it. But then it's tough because so many dps are more like dpm(damage per minute) that content would take forever with pugs and be to easy with good burners.
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  2. Mint Stiletto Loyal Player

    I always made my tank gear my main priority and used drops for dps. That has changed tho, I now make dps gear priority and tank gear is whatever...saddens me.
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  3. Trexlight Devoted Player

    I feel the Devs DONT build around it but its the Community that push this setup, not the Devs. I may Solo Tank but Im always okay with the usual 2-2-2-2 setup. The Community have the burn mentality and are always rushing through things so they stack the DPS because god forbid they stay in a Raid for over 30 mins....damn Young MMO kids these days. Back in my day you sit in a raid for 2 hours and you damn like it! lol
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  4. X-zero Loyal Player

    You should train them around how your league wants to do raids. If you have them work in league raids with 2-4 dps then they will be stronger when and if they PuG content.
  5. TheDarknessWithin Loyal Player

    Fixed that for you ;)
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  6. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    This is a developer answer. The devs don't push it, but they don't design content that requires 2 of any support role (besides tanks in HH and TotD). ALL content from OC and onward has focused on the individual players ability to recognize and avoid 1 shots. This has lead to a decrease in all support roles, and rightfully so. The tank takes the single boss to a corner, the solo healer heals the solo tank taking all non-1 shot damage and the controller feeds power to the healer and tank without any control effects because they aren't needed in any raid. Putting it bluntly, the developers aren't good at designing content for support roles. They are HORRIBLE at it, to be frank. Absolutely horrible.

    Their philosophy seems to be "Good groups will run this 5-1-1-1, but having 2 of each role makes it easier". Obviously. But if I can run things effectively and far faster with 5-1-1-1 then why run things balanced? It's all on content design. Stop making every threatening attack a 1 shot. Stop making controllers nothing but batteries. Stop making tanks turtle in a corner.
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  7. MetalMario Loyal Player

    There is a quick remedy. Make enemy health scale with the number of damage role players in the instance.
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  8. TheDarknessWithin Loyal Player

    Back in the day, the last Raid I ever did with 2-2-2-2 or 1-2-2-3 was Nexus and Paradox. Then came WoLpt1 which gave very excess amounts of stats, which started this all.

    I do blame excessive stats, but I also blame lack of mechanics, mob types, overpowered dps, etc.

    The removal/nerf of certain mechanics also took a load off, such as removing Counter Immune/proof mechanics with bosses.

    Edit: Let me add, WM and High powerback AM's gave controllers the opportunity to solo troll.
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  9. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    well if they didnt build content the way they did there will be more support no?

    or if there wasn't AM there would be the need for more trolls in raids. but nope we get AMs.
  10. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    lol sad but true

    DPM = love it because theres sooo many DPS out there that this fits perfectly.
  11. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    eh not me, I gear my troll side before DPS. I will only DPS in duos, alerts and solos.

    never a raid regardless the tier.
  12. ErnieB Loyal Player

    Thrones and HH already use 5-1-1-1, I haven't been in either but I know from seeing LFG that they already do, even if devs try to make a mechanic around 2-2-2-2, eventually players will find a way around it, not being the optimal way, but the fastest.
  13. SSeid Committed Player

    You have the wrong idea about 5-1-1-1. The people that "always" played in that way, the ones that created this way of playing are the people that see the group as 8 support roles that can also do great dmg.

    But that old saying : Monkey see, monkey do! This basically describes the game's community. See a video of good people that make it look easy and repeat it to death even if its a fail every single time.

    Don't take this the wrong way, i sure as hell don't want it to change.
    The problem is the way roles work rather that raid design. For example PW. Sure you could use 2 healers in the beginning but in due time the second healer turned into a troll. ( well trolls are now irrelevant god bless AMs -.- )

    In this game healing and trolling work automatically. You don't have to target people in order to heal or power them. So having a second one is unnecessary. As a healer you press a button and the one that needs to be healed, gets healed same for trolls. It doesn't take a person of incredible intelligence to do it and yet people still suck.

    *Sometimes i wonder how some people managed to turn on a PC, let alone get on the internet and download-install a game.*

    As for the "balanced" setup. Well like i have explained double support roles are for the most part unnecessary therefore no point in having 2 of a kind active at the same time.
  14. ErnieB Loyal Player

    What's really sad is that I only have 1 main DPS, while my other 8 toons are developed mainly on their support role, yet as soon as they reach high tier content, for the majority if things I have to DPS anyway.
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  15. Immortal Kyrro Loyal Player

    Do you have any idea of the code strings it would take to do that? That is not simple. Abd it would be broken frequently. No fix the other issues first.
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  16. Ariyana2015 Committed Player

    As long as the dps role is the most powerful role there will always be the 5 dps raid groups. So it will last this way indefinitely because the only role that gets updates seems to be dps.
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  17. ErnieB Loyal Player

    I remember the first time I did FoS 2, back about 3 years ago, it was hell to do, took me 5 hours and didn't finish it, but I didn't leave I stayed and with time I did it, but as I was there for so long the one thing I noticed was players getting frustrated, they felt all their work was for nothing, but even worst was the high CR players in the raid pretty much telling them how much they sucked because they couldn't finish something they already did. Now I said somewhere else that we needed those easy raids, the reason is simple, not everyone will be at the same level, people who start today don't need to do FoS 2, or Prime or Dox, I had to do all that, I learned this game the hard way, but now days there's so much to teach players, but the majority of tools teach them the fastest way to T7. Those new players won't stick around long enough if they can't beat the content, and most of the players that did only do it with players they know, their leagues or only do it until they get that certain item to show they did. I'm not saying hard content is bad because we needed it too, I did loved FoS 2, I hate Dox with all my heart but only because there's so much in that raid that makes no sense, but I do like hard content, but all content can't be the level that only a handful of players can beat. Even back during the FoS days we had novice and hard mode for raids, then we had specific hard and easy raids. Now the devs are doing the same thing, the problem is with the amount of time between hard raids it's a lot more than before, and yes I understand it's not fair to the hardcore players they have to wait 2 more months for a hard and elite raid, but it's also not fair to make the only new raid a level not everyone can beat, when the current elite raid, which is still relevant, hasn't been beat by the majority of the community. Also remember that the hard raid when it comes finished the set of gear, so if a player ever wishes to finish his style, he needs to do the hard raid like it or not. Hopefully what I'm saying is understood, oh and in September is also the first elite alert, meaning it's something even the average player can get into.
  18. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    wouodnt be at all surprised if the devs did away with support roles and removed all powers from each power set and gave each powerset a pre set loadout like legends ... Which would basically be that powersets am ... If they do this they should just remove the score card
  19. GalaxySniper Loyal Player

    I made a thread with this exact same idea months ago. I was shocked when majority of the dps players was against it
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  20. TheDarknessWithin Loyal Player

    I just entered an NGN raid group with 2 healers, everyone 126CR except the 117 Fire Tank, and the Controller left because he didn't like the fact there were 2 healers, utter morons on these days.
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