Devs will raids continue to be designed around 5-1-1-1?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Derio, Jul 24, 2015.

  1. Derio 15000 Post Club

    This is a serious question, it seems raids and alerts are moving further towards 5-1-1-1 or optimal all dps alert groups. So I am guessing only elite raids and alerts should require roles.

    I am fine with this, just need to know to start recruiting more dps for my league. Therefore my new norm should be dps gear first, support role gear second.

    I understand content must be easy enough for everyone to complete and to allow enough dps players(majority of population) to enjoy the raid and scoreboard chasing.

    So can we have more raids like this in the future since support role population is so low on all servers?

    Not super easy, but 5-1-1-1 doable.
  2. Derio 15000 Post Club

    I have been a proud supporter of 2-2-2-2 in the past but the majority of the community favors 5-1-1-1 for future raids.

    Since 2-2-2-2 is not viable and the best way to run content, nor is 1-1-1-1 for alerts, should we expect more dps focused alerts and more tank n spanks with minor mechanics in between?
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  3. Swiftduck Loyal Player

    please don't support this 5-1-1-1 mentality.

    This isn't DPS Universe Online.

    sure feels like it though.
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  4. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    more then likely from what ppl say of this new raid on test.
  5. Broken Soui Dedicated Player

    I enjoy 5-1-1-1 a LOT more TBQH.
  6. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    you sure bout that?

    how many GU been for DPS? how many have been for support?
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  7. Swiftduck Loyal Player

    If you read my comment again, I said "It sure feels like it though"
  8. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Think of the last update that didn't involve adjusting for dps, don't worry I can wait. Dps is what funds the game so content needs to be designed around the most paying customers
  9. Swiftduck Loyal Player

    If this is the method they want to go, why not just completely abolish healers, tanks and trolls and give the dps everything they need to survive?

    It's going that way anyway
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  10. Derio 15000 Post Club

    First person shooter MMOs do it all the time, and it would allow dcuo to be more creative with making powers.

    But it would hurt players who only play support role so like 10% at the most would be mad.
  11. BipolarDiva Loyal Player

    Sadly yes, the devs have given up. The game has become a shell a shadow a shallow imitation of its former self. But the MAJORITY wants it this way. This game had greatness but the scoreboard and replay badges led us here.
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  12. Biggdaddycane Dedicated Player

    People always think im joking or exaggerating when I say things like this but the game is heading down this path.
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  13. megamanexe Committed Player

    i wish they would revisit the elite raid system. i can't get on that much and then when i can to beat the normal raid, i find next week i can't do the elite raid because the progress point reset. so annoying -_-
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  14. Swiftduck Loyal Player

    but this isn't a first person shooter.

    That's like comparing an apple to a hand grenade.
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  15. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    I made a thread a while ago about introducing passive buffs to balanced groups. It got over 140 Likes. There is a market for balanced grouping. Regardless of how people play. In it's current form, do you really think people would rebel and kick up a fuss for being forced to use 2-2-2-2 in Survival Mode if it dropped the best gear in the game? Nope. Ultimately, people choose 5-1-1-1 because the game doesn't punish people for going into content without a decent amount of survivability roles.

    The problem with why 5-1-1-1 is so prominent is because the NPCs simply do not challenge our stats and gear. It's really that simple. Look at any raid recently, take out all the 1 shots and environmental hazards and imagine just fighting the bosses/adds. They are simply far too weak to challenge us. There is a dependency on 1 shots and environmental hazards to challenge us, instead of simply giving us a difficult boss to face.

    Prior to stat flattening, they didn't have a system in place to help challenge our stats. Now they do. They can quite easily give us NPCs out of the CR range that the gear in the content grants us and keep the difficulty high, without crippling the casual player base who struggle to understand what 1HKs you, what tells to watch out for etc.

    I was hoping that going forward, they would have introduced tougher NPCs and I gave DLC14 a pass due to how new the tech was. I'm disappointed that Episode 15's Raid seems to be just as easy as other raids, recently but remain hopeful that we'll see change in the not too distant future.
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  16. Dipin Gujral Committed Player

    Actually, it's super easy raids that have the 5,1,1,1 group composition and not the hard ones.

    In any hard raid or for that matter any hard feat people prefer to have more support roles instead of stacking DPSs.

    Currently, the content on test is similar and people can stack 5 DPS since the raid does not need multiple of any support roles.

    I would like to see challenging content where players are forced to take more than one of each role but such is not the case.
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  17. lordexecution365 Loyal Player

    It would be nice if all raids had mechanics that required attention to details like TOTD early release or at least the boss fights in TOTD.

    At the very least have all adds with the special abilities such as healing or power draining, be a lot harder to tank and spank along side the boss or enter like the adds in TOTD on the group.

    Sadly players will circumvent it or find it to challenging and stop playing leaving roughly 3-4 groups in entire leagues to complete it while others will find exploits and glitches then claim to have been beating the content Day 1, three weeks before it was released on the test server.

    I am afraid this community has a severe identity crises when it comes to group play.

    We call for more difficulty but at the same time shortcut everything possible to get the content done, if they did buff the damage Trolls wouldn't even know how to Troll the content, they are so use to being one dimensional, the burn would be horrific as well because support role damage is the worst even with dps gear on, Tanks while there are some great Tanks it just wouldn't work like TOTD early on to much damage on Tanks, to few great Tanks to even run it.

    Then the fact that players who never played other roles can easily switch and be instant what ever and run the content in pug groups because there own league wouldn't run it with them and muck up the content for others ruining other players experience in the content definitely helps greatly.

    Naw they should stay in there lane, the content is fine and just continue to make the content for the majority, that is there business decision, right?
  18. Dipin Gujral Committed Player

    It would be incorrect to say that the majority of the game population wishes to have 5,1,1,1, group composition. The majority plays for efficiency and play according to content difficulty.

    If the raid or end game content is easy that survivability is not challenged, players will not make balanced groups since it's simply not needed but where content ensures that without two of a support role, the content won't be doable, the majority will automatically form balanced groups.
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  19. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

    I think it's safe to say that roles are gonna be abolished.
    It's like that in PvP. It's like that PvE.

    Only one tank heal and troll is just sad tbh.
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  20. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Perhaps they will in gu 58