DEVS... Quantum Ninja Neefed?

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Chewy Stuff, Mar 26, 2015.

  1. Nemisor Committed Player

    that's how I picture him every time he logs onto the forums to answer any question.:p
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  2. Biester New Player

    Since I haven't once complained about melee dpsing, I'll chalk this debate up to your reading comprehension problems. We're done here.
  3. Absolix Loyal Player

    I've seen three tests, only one used Berserk, and the rest of my points still stand.
  4. btoom New Player

    sorry to tell you mate either he is right and btw its something alot of ppl think or you guys are doing something wrong it can't be that its not tactic or you are really slow and either way you have to agree that something is wrong in what you are doing and i think it's a good tactic btw to bad you are not using good tactics in other places like when customer is saying something that you don't like you go and muck him thats avery smart way to run successful mmo to humiliate your customers sry but i do respect you as a dev and a human too bad you are not given the same treatment to your customers a good example of this pattern is Smile Before death (i know you can get me banned but i am a man that says what he thinks and do it without using bad language ):
  5. generalzod Committed Player

    Spytle always seemed like a st8 shooter as far as I can tell ! So as long as we get feedback like this it works for me ! And just so you know Spytle its not scoreboard chasing , because when i run with my league and friends im fine . but i do alot of puging and man them damm pugs ! ppl are reckless and yes you don't have to pay attention .. but when we spend alot of money and i mean alot of money in this game we just wanna feel we are helping out in the raid don't need to be top dps but feel close enough we helped .. we grind skill points and we know how to use our powers and mod ! but when the other 3 dps are quantum or celestial and they have double or tripled you and there not as skilled or have way less skill points and gear .were grinding and and paying for badges it gets disappointing and frustrating ! the new DlC I like the set up of the gear drops and how you have the elite raid ! The best DLC yet to date ! but i agreed when you said not everyone is elite which should be based on skill and skill points not that you have a op power ! well anyways please keep us informed ! nerfing never is good just a good balance is what hopefully comes ! oh my main electric with way better gear im barely using i use my quantum with less gear same skill points but in those t6 raids i feel i contribute now dps wise ! but i love to use my main in pugs again lol
  6. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Players are only following a trend. That trend is
    1. Devs buff power X
    2. Player pays to switch to power X
    3. Month later devs buff power Y
    4. Player pays to switch to power Y
    5. Devs bring power X into line with powers A,B, C(forum users call this a nerf)

    Cycle repeats itself.

    Its idiotic i know, but that is the current trend in DCUO whether devs like it or not. Not all powers are brought into line as they are already in line, but players just tend to think, "oh man this power was doing so much more damage yesterday, they must have nerfed me overnight".

    Hopefully this cycle will end in June.
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  7. Radium Devoted Player

    I'm not going to jump into a defend the devs type rant, but how the hell can you bring up Smile and respect in the same sentence?

    That is a bad dude, he is in no way a good human being with the vitriol and hate he spews.

    When a guy spews racist and bigoted rants about people, and just simply hate tyraids against the devs, he deserves absolutely no respect.
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  8. btoom New Player

    i don't think smile is a good human but at that vid he was right i think that they are are a company not a bully's even if he was rude there is no need to humiliate and go to his lv...
  9. Saybro Committed Player

    Not saying you aren't speaking the truth as I believe you have the community in mind when making decisions. But, don't you think a better tactic would be to address the powers already suffering than move on to the next? If you are scrambling as you say, then couldn't earth, sorcery, fire, and mental receive the attention they need before you move on to other projects like SM or munitions or other things of that sort? Don't get me wrong, I love the new stuffband I'm glad you are bringing it out, but I would also prefer stuff that is already in game be fixed first. Like power balancing, PvP, the broker, simple scrolling in rnd station, missing items etc. I personally don't like to leave things unfinished and start on the next project because it doesn't speak volumes on completion.
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  10. btoom New Player

    hammm yep you are kind of right but earth will never get love :(
  11. RachaelRay New Player

    It's true though, trends don't lie.
  12. RachaelRay New Player

    The problem is, they have none.
  13. xXS0EXx Committed Player

    And that's why u guys need to communicate or at least let us know when u guys are going to make Changes out of the blue like this one or ninja nerfs all together.

    If u communicate all of this even if is an absolute change where not even God haves a word on we wouldn't be making conclusions because u would actually be telling us whats going on and why are u making this changes out of nowhere without us having any knowledge of it whatsoever.

    So please sir if u want us to avoid this conclusions than let us know when u make this changes. We might hate or not those changes but we will always let u guys know about it.

    We have no knowledge of those kind of changes so don't let us amuse u with our conclusions. Is not our fault that having no knowledge leads us to this conclusions. U should know better.
  14. LadyLightning Issue Tracker Volunteer

    Balancing was less of a problem 2 or 3 years ago.

    But the reason it got harder to balance the powers is: We now have many more of them....

    I also think the devs got better at it (experience I guess) despite adding even more powers :)
  15. MrHoiPolloi Well-Known Player

    Looks like I may have touched a nerve there. Let me explain this in simple terms: You are asking the developers to nerf another power set so you can feel better about your own power, which apparently is under-performing. That is your idea. My post was a comment on the validity of that idea. I do not feel it is a "good" idea. Therefore, I was asking that you, the person who was promoting the idea, perhaps try coming up with a better idea.

    As for the idea itself, it is equivalent to someone saying "I don't like that my neighbor makes more money than me so instead of finding a new job or increasing my own skill set I'll just burn down his house." Put the pitchfork away and focus on campaigning for rage to get some ranged DPS love.

    If that doesn't work then maybe you need to step back and re-examine whether or not this game is "fun" for you anymore.

    And that, in a nutshell, is my "underlying" point.
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  16. Biester New Player

    When one powerset is clearly superior than the rest, how is nerfing that powerset an invalid thing to do? It's not just my powerset I'm defending, it's every powerset in the game.

    Maybe the devs should just go back and re-revamp every powerset to bring them up to quantum's level, that would be way more of a valid thing to do. You know, spend another year or so doing this is definitely more valid than spending maybe a week nerfing one powerset. When will it end?
  17. Dieceptor New Player

    Havent read through the whole thing but from what i understand some ppl think quantum has been ninja nerfed why because earth is a beast again or because you dnt get 100k seriously there is a full power back in the rotation and even if you miss the rotation you still do damage and get the power q is what it's supposed to be and so is every other power except earth and sorcery imo
  18. Absolix Loyal Player

    Because your support for how the one powerset is "clearly superior" is an anecdote that actually provides no support for your claim. You provide almost no context for your story, and even then its just that, a story.

    There are people who take the time to support their claims and to think for a second that you deserve to talk down to other forum members in the way you do when you don't even bother to put in the work that others do is preposterous.
  19. Biester New Player

    You again? I can assure you that I put in the work to test out loadouts and powersets, I spent 6 hours testing all of rage's powers yesterday. I havent seen any of this evidence by other players that you claim they give. I've seen one video on youtube that compares rage's melee am vs quantum's am and the poster of the video wasn't using an optimal quantum loadout. I looked at all of the dps charts in the testers' thread about rage and I have still not found any "evidence" of rage's melee am or any other powerset's am with the exception of celestial being able to compete with quantum's am.

    Should we continue providing evidence? Or should we start providing evidence? You yourself are telling me to provide evidence and not stories but I have yet to see yours. I'm done here, this is a waste of my time. The day I see any powerset outperform a competant quantum dps then I will retract my statements. If you don't like what I have to say then there is an ignore function to fix that. Peace out.

    Fyi, I talked down to a forum member who talked down to me. I have the freedom and right to do so. 'Murica rocks.
  20. Marek Committed Player

    So does celestial need a nerf too then?