Devs, before you leave powers as is...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by punoH, Aug 27, 2018.

  1. CaptainColdJr007AKAFreeJohnson Committed Player

    1. Fireburst, Mass Detonation, anc Celestial combos don't use power either so I guess those are exploits even though Spord changed Celestial to behave in that way on purpose xD

    2.It's funny you left out henchman and consumable clipping that were also in that patch to explain why they were considered exploits which was my point.

    3. Dual Flurry is 1 range tap (normal damage), 1 hold range (4 ticks of weapon mastery damage). 5 ticks total, 4 being wm boosted. 4/5 = 80%. And what do you mean exploiting the 1 lol I guess people using HL or Celestial for single target damage over every other powerset is exploiting the only 2 powers meant for that environment lol Let me exploit Rage for having melee damage that the devs gave to it on purpose that's in test server update notes lol

    4. Because any competitive game has "exploits" in the generic sense, which is often accessed by physical or mental skill. LeBlanc or Annie 1shot'ing in league could be called an exploit by a new player but then run into a LeBlanc or Annie that went AD or straight tank the next game instead of AP and think they're trash champions. It's easy to call Annie's 1shot an exploit until you run into a Dr. Mundo with a Banshee Veil, Spirti Visage, and a Warmog who runs over her with ease. It's easy to scream exploit, it's another to show how it's not balanced or counterable. And noone in the history of complaining about bot clipping has done that because it's not possible. Clipping is a skill gap the same way fast inputs allow you benefits in League. Another example being Ezreal's W gives attack speed and is a cast move in front of him and Ezreal's E is a teleport to a short distance in a target direction. The W is obviously intended to buff his teammates, but if you press E fast enough, you can buff yourself, and if I remember correctly Riot Games even acknowledged that trick and it's become a skill cap and isn't considered an exploit. The difference between exploits and high level play mechanics are often differences in skill to pull it off and if it's balanced/counterable.

    Earth - pure melee damage loadout power advantage
    Rage - pure melee damage loadout power advantage, self healing power advantage
    Atomic - pure melee damage loadout power advantage, self healing power advantage
    Celestial - several strong single target options power advantage, highest healing range power advantage
    HL - several strong single target options power advantage
    Ice - triple dot power advantage, shield rotation power advantage
    Fire - triple dot power advantage, high max range dps power advantage
    Nature - triple dot sustained w/ easy power management power advantage, aoe 35%er power advantage, hot stacking power advantage
    Electricity - non damage splitting abilities power advantage, biocap auto heal save power advantage

    And Earth and Sorcery pets can be given power by another move in the loadout to give them increased damage to be more useful than turret, so I guess that's a power advantage for them...oh wait no, that's just called balance.
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  2. Proxystar #Perception

    consumable clipping isn't comparable to bot clipping, consumables were intended to be used to do a bit of damage and apply a power interaction in lieu of another power so you could carry something else, it was intended to enhance damage output.

    It is clear the natural intention of these items were different. It was however entirely a different thing to clip a power with a repair bot and jump cancel it. intuitive maybe, intended clearly not, I'm sure you'll come up with imaginative justification though.
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  3. ALB Dedicated Player

    My dude you're all over the place. An exploit is an exploit. In most of your scenarios, you are using advantages 1 power have over others. Not exploits.
    Can't believe you used nature, ice, and sorcery as powers with advantages. Nature is doing ok now because of adds in boss fights, but still man. You were doing some major reaching with those
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  4. CaptainColdJr007AKAFreeJohnson Committed Player

    Keyword: Clipping. Consumable CLIPPING. If the sole intention was just to replace a loadout power, how did that turn out after they removed clipping from it? Never used at all. It was used to apply pi's faster if another power was already on cooldown and to squeeze out extra damage from the clipping aspect. The importance of PI's was already killed off by revamp changes to only 10% so when they removed clipping they made it pretty much useless so now you have items in game that you designed that aren't used. You can either have them sitting in people's RND doing nothing but being relics to the golden era of this game or you can bring them back into use with the purpose the community had for them.

    Consumable clipping: "It was intended to enhance damage output". So it's ok if the devs put something in the soder slot that's meant to increase damage, but if I find something else to put in the exact same place, that has a longer cooldown and has the same end goal of increasing my dps, it's a game breaking exploit that needs to be fixed?
  5. CaptainColdJr007AKAFreeJohnson Committed Player

    "If clipping 3 powers in stealth not an exploit, it's definitely a power advantage. Just like if turret not an exploit, it's a power advantage."
    "In most of your scenarios, you are using advantages 1 power have over others. Not exploits."
    Thanks for proving my point :rolleyes:

    P.S. - Currently on track to break 19k+ single target as nature might spec.Waiting on 120 artifacts and 4-5000 more might to get the last few jumps I need.
    P.S.S. - Apparently you haven't seen a sorcery dps that knows how to abuse Grand Summoning.
    P.S.S.S. - Apparently you haven't seen how annoying triple dots are in pvp.
  6. ALB Dedicated Player

    None of the advantages you mentioned put those powers over the top.
    P.s I hope you make it work. Gadgets with the stealth loadout is currently hitting 25-27s st.
    P.s.s nope, I haven't seen a sorcery exploit. A player abusing 100% sc has to be one hell of an exploit.
    P.s.s.s I don't pvp so I don't know anything about it.
    Your comparisons is like me saying before revamp. Nature and electric have advantages because they have multiple dots. Those can be seen as advantages, but we all know they weren't. Nothing you mentioned put those powers anywhere close to stealth or turret. Like I said man, you're doing some reaching
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  7. Proxystar #Perception

    It's a repair bot that is intended to be placed in spot to repair your gear, not a consumable intended to be used to apply a power interaction or even do damage, is your logic always this faulty or just when you find it convenient to twist to suit your argument?
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  8. CaptainColdJr007AKAFreeJohnson Committed Player

    correction: Gadgets with 350+sp, 3 160 artifacts, with precision spec is hitting 25-27 single target* Show me a Gadgets Precision breaking 40-50k on 8 target like Elec Might ^_^

    You can't compare it before revamp because before revamp we had AM which had even more burst/more burn than we do now. The reason that logic doesn't work is because the same argument has been tossed up about Elec being broken. It's always broken when there's content with a lot of adds and it needs a nerf, but when we have Doomsday and similar content, those complainers are nowhere to be found. Every power has advantages, it's a matter of whether the content allows that to shine. It's like Rage having amazing melee dps but you're running SM. Of course it's not going to perform there.
  9. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    Fire and ice both had the damage of their dots nerfed prior to revamp release because the devs took into account how they were intended to be used.

    Nature had its dots corrected to split correctly after revamp.

    You're not defending natural power interactions that have been known and considered by the devs and had their damage adjusted to match.

    You're defending systems that were not intended to work the way you make them work (the definition of an "exploit" since you're so up on dictionary terminology, lol), which you use to make them do more DPS, or behave in other unintended ways, than they're designed to.

    It's not pushing a power to its limits. It's finding bugs and exploiting them to your advantage. And again, if that's not it, then why the secrecy? If you're not afraid of the devs correcting these clearly unintended bugs, why hide it?

    This thread is full of glitches that players are taking advantage of. Or maybe gorilla beach ball was intended? Lol.
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  10. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    Waaaaaahhhh!!!! I want my broken powers!!!

    Normal power balance issues have absolutely nothing to do with bugs and glitches purposely hidden from the devs. Nice strawman though.
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  11. ALB Dedicated Player

    Your logic not working because you're comparing weak powers with advantages with strong powers advantages that put them over the top. I don't understand why you're trying so hard. If you perform or have performed any of those exploits, I'm not judging. But at the end of the day they need to be fixed. Fyi gadget pftt single target is hitting that hard. Gadgets last dlc before 160 artifacts was hitting 21k st.

    I haven't seen anyone asking for an electric nerf
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  12. CaptainColdJr007AKAFreeJohnson Committed Player

    Funny because in my entire response I never asked what the intention of the repair bot was. Way to deflect lol
  13. Proxystar #Perception

    The intention is everything when considering whether the clipping is intended.

    I'm not anti clipping but it's rather obvious to any reasonable person clipping with a repair bot isn't intended and was simply overlooked by development.
  14. CaptainColdJr007AKAFreeJohnson Committed Player

    Your logic isn't working you're calling them weak only because of the current content. Every powerset has an advantage. Whether that powerset is weak or strong is defined by whether that advantage is useful in current content. And if gadgets PftT single target is hitting that hard, you should get someone to post that considering I just talked with Hollow Gohan and Memoriez and they were getting that with precision spec. So either precision and might spec gadgets are hitting the same, which debunks the prec spec is op argument since everyone wants to use gadgets as the xample, or you're getting your loadouts mixed up. And go to the forum search and do some research since you haven't seen it. Plenty of threads and complaints dating back to electric on test asking for nerfs to elec which eventually got made.
  15. CaptainColdJr007AKAFreeJohnson Committed Player

    So in regard to pi consumables, would you rather have something intended that's useless or unintended but useful?
  16. CaptainColdJr007AKAFreeJohnson Committed Player

    You know "purposely hidden from the devs" is a contradiction if the devs play the game like they say they do. As everyone has said before, these have existed in game for years, been on youtube for years, but are just now getting "fixed". You can't purposely hide something done in every if not every other raid run and is front page on youtube xD
  17. Proxystar #Perception

    If it's useless then development needs to look at it and consider whether they want it to be useful, if it's unintended, even if useful then it needs to be fixed and corrected.
  18. CaptainColdJr007AKAFreeJohnson Committed Player

    "consider whether they want it to be useful" -> Said every game developer ever.
  19. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    Sorry, you're telling me players weren't hiding the means and ability of bot clipping, etc. from the devs for years? Yeah, right.

    After one player made a video clearly showing how it was done, etc. it was fixed immediately (prior to revamp even started) and the outcry was enormous.

    They have not been on YouTube for years (prove it if you want to try, lol), unless you mean videos where you can't see what's happening on the screen, the loadout used and only the final damage to brag.

    You know how I know these things are exploits?

    Easy. Because you're here. If it was intended, and above board, you'd have nothing to worry about, would you? Your vehement defense implies otherwise.
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  20. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    Useless because it applies a pi and leaves you another loadout space for a different power?
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