Devs. A simple solution make novice Nexus & Parradox raids....

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Pumped, Aug 3, 2013.

  1. blazeing fire111 Devoted Player

    name one person who is begging for gear? NOONE HAS SAID they are begging for gear! The only person who said they want gear was you! Who is the one making up stuff?
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  2. Pumped New Player

    By asking for easier content is like begging for gear.

    Best regards!
  3. blazeing fire111 Devoted Player

    Seriously I don't even know why I am replying to you, raids are getting nerfed weather you like it or not. Don't like it? Tough luck.
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  4. XODUIS Committed Player

    If we get a novice Nexus & Wave raids, 81-84 gear would drop. 147-165 wpns would drop. With that rate you might as well run the alerts and solos
  5. Galaximus2013 New Player

    I don't understand the big deal. There will be more challenging content down the road. I am slightly new to the forums but not the game itself as I am fully T5 with a few 87 gear pieces. It just seem to me the devs are making the T5 Raids more fun and less painful. Don't get me wrong, the T5 Raids were challenging and had me drink plenty of Mountain Dews lol.
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  6. Pumped New Player

    So you proved my point. Players want the gear but want it easier to aquire it.

    Best regards!
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  7. blazeing fire111 Devoted Player

    Why should the devs cater to the small percent of people who want the hardest content so they can prove nothing? A large percentage of the player base are not beating these raids so their best option is to make the raids a little easier. I have said this a lot of times before but you are too stubborn to hear it. THE DEVS ARE ONLY INCREASING THE TIME TO RESPOND TO A ONE SHOT. It is still going to be a hard raid.
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  8. Sectumsempra Dedicated Player

    omg accidentally bumped this thread. Oh god.
  9. Furious Wind Well-Known Player

    Novice t5 raids????? Simply, NO.
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  10. XODUIS Committed Player

    So less gear, same amount of marks, and easier raid. NOOBED OUT. But seriously why would they novice this, be serious
  11. Epic Wins New Player

    This post is so ignorant, what about the enrage timers? Not enough burns = Wipe, Not enough HP as fire tank = Wipe, gear matters when you are blocking with fortified blocking/ full T5 moded with expert mods and bosses are still tearing 10k-14k into your hp
  12. XODUIS Committed Player

    I changed my mind, they should make Novice t5 raids... only if you get rewarded in Marks of Triumph. Only on the last boss you get 2 MoR. That makes it even, now go run BIA 78 times like the rest of us.
  13. Dump Truck New Player

    I would say thinking otherwise is. All of the examples you have listed, minus playing without home turf mods, equate to the player's ability - not the raid's difficulty.

    The raids have already been completed with T4 groups - as evident by the leagues who beat it on release without t5 gear. Also, leagues are now completing it, and posting videos, of 5-manning them. So while you may like to say it is ignorant to think so, it's clearly true.
  14. Pumped New Player

    Dump is correct that teams are 5 maning this raids at this time. Also they 're giving everybody 86 gear for doing the alerts. So players want a Nerf & better gear in which most did with raids in t4 gear. Casual players should just wait to you get the 86 gear hand out then do nexus.

    Best regards!
  15. ARI ATARI New Player

    novice would work if it dropped
    5 marks of reality and scaled the gear.

    What i mean is 85 gear drops as often as 87
    84 gear drops as often as 86
    83 gear drops as often as 85

    if it was set up like that, the reward would be fair and the casual player could begin to learn raid strategy.
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  16. Owl Devoted Player

    I would like to have T4 versions of the Raids that reward Marks of Triumph and Item Level 72 gear.
    This would allow lower geared players to experience the content.
  17. Dump Truck New Player

    I can understand the novice T1-T3 raids. It offers everything n a learning curve so that players can understand how the game plays. Call me an elitist, but at some point, players should learn how to play the game. Don't get me wrong, novice version of these raids makes sense and is fine, but toning down the expert difficulty so players who cannot beat the content have the same stuff as those that do seems too socialist for me.
  18. Owl Devoted Player

    And how is Item Level 72 gear the same stuff as Item Level 85 - 87?
  19. Pumped New Player

    EXACTLY whay i've been saying. The issue is that players want the same gear but cant beat the orignal content. This game has such a issue of bad players that they are giving everyone 86 gear for nothing. If that doesnt speak volumes thatn I dont know what does??

    Best regards!
  20. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    A lot of players are beating the t5 raids, they are toning them down because most are not replaying the raids because it's like goin to a job you hate, you don't wanna do it but it has to be done