Dev Confirmed Allies = Power Balance

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by BathroomPapi, Apr 16, 2024.

  1. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    I can't disagree with the premise. The challenge I see with it though is that the resources and manpower they can afford to allocate towards Ally development is quite finite. Even if they were to decide to separate power fixes in to rare/epic allies and make Legendary allies exclusively with "cool, unique and/or playstyle enhancing abilities, it is most likely the case that they wouldn't be able to develop and release allies much faster if faster at all.

    If they were to focus on the former, we'd only see 1-2 Legendary ally releases a year which is quite underwhelming for those who have saved up their favor and source marks and are looking forward to them. It would also negatively impact D.I.'s revenue which businesses tend to avoid as they gotta cover their expenses or risk layoffs, impactful cost cutting, liquidation, etc.

    If they focus on the latter, those who play powers that need help but don't end up at the front of the line for their power fix ally could still be waiting a year or two or three. They would most likely feel even more unfairly slighted than they already do and no doubt will be understandably voicing their increased disappointment and frustration.

    It's a tough problem and it seems there probably6 aren't a lot of great solutions that fall under the umbrella of being realistically feasible. But we're all in the same boat of hoping for a better tomorrow.
  2. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Sooo to have your power "up to par" you gotta grind with it sucking for a while lol
  3. FluffyCloud99 Committed Player

    Show your allies
  4. kallader Committed Player

    I only use 1 on each character and i have 20/20 only main main use legendary since other are just alt to run stuff so i'm not gonna take 20 screenshot XD if i post you will find another thing to ask about like asking me for my 20 characters artifact screenshot etc :rolleyes: at some point keeping an off topic personnel conversation will count as spam my name is Kallader in the game if have more back and forward conversation just msg me in game :)

    sorry for bad English I'm French :/
  5. BUDOKAI101 Committed Player

    Think outside the box they didn't just confirm that allies were a Power Balance systems. They just totally confirmed that alot more pay to win systems are underway to assistant clamp by adding modifiers to the game. Soon enough will have a new system. In place for iconic powers alot like allies because the iconic tree is imbalanced. Next we'll see a progression system for movement modes which will add modifiers. Next off weapons are extremely unbalanced we'll see a modifier added to those as well boy oh boy the list goes on. The clamp is going to make some hella cash flow for DC Universe but it's going to push a lot of players out at the Sametime because it'll be way too pay to win at that point. Let's not forget superchargers are completely unbalanced so we'll see a progression system for that as well to add modifiers. Iv been saying this for years and ppl think it won't happen. but I can guarantee you we will see another three progression systems to address balance and add modifiers to the clamp. The game is insanely unbalanced and they're going to make money off of it by adding modifiers to the clamp
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  6. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    I'd like to add to this; it's the same exact situation as when players tell you to "wait until 2x bonus arti XP" to upgrade your artifacts... Where you just gotta deal with sucky artifacts until that bonus actually happens (or if it even happens). Heh.

    Imagine having to rely on monetized systems that you have to grind out for a long *** time (or pay) just to have your character power "up to par" with other powers. RIP balance.
  7. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Yup, and I won't even bother to say "atodaso" to the doubters when it happens. A lot of us called it years ago, yet there are still people arguing that our stats aren't being sold back to us. It's comical, really.
  8. BUDOKAI101 Committed Player

    It's insane cuz you got to be extremely careful with modifiers on one end of the spectrum it makes underpowering things overpowering and on the other end it makes overpowering things extremely overpowering. And only players with the knowledge of things that are already overpowering are going to use these things to get into a group with experienced players and break the clamp elite content and survival mode which is already happening. It's unfortunate that stats revamp was a nasty revamp it's definitely put a lot of dirty taste in everyone's mouth especially the PVP community. Well we're on the topic of PVP I suppose we're getting modifiers to balance PVP now wouldn't surprise me
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