DCUO Census Data

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Mepps, Sep 10, 2014.

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  1. VintageWine Dedicated Player

    1. I must have been not paying attention for if they have been talking about getting this app on forums.
    2. Who is this "we" you speak you of? In other threads about this another guy on here is just as shocked as I am about how the Devs didn't give us a heads up.
    3. Just because it's from the census team or whatever, doesn't mean that they can't give us the heads up on what's going to be coming in for the game.
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  2. StarshipAwesome Well-Known Player

    In-game cyber stalking. One time, I made a girl toon and someone just kept following me around everywhere I went.
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  3. Feenicks New Player

    I've been playing on my alts, not Feenicks. And will continue to do so until I get an opt out option.

    If the league needs Feenicks I'll log him on and play him. But other then checking my mail, Feenicks is no longer a part of the community.
  4. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    If you seriously haven't heard about the app until now you're just not paying attention.... I can't help you there.

    This is like a BETA run. The census team finally made all the information available to us. This might have been what's been holding up the app for such a long time, and now that the census team finally got the information to be able to be queried the rest of the team at SOE can move forward with their mobile app.
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  5. Char Well-Known Player

    "Because" is not great detail. When you're about to get on a flight, do you refuse being checked by security? When you go out to have a drink, do you refuse to show ID to a waiter/bartender because it has personal information on it?
  6. VintageWine Dedicated Player

    Read all of the other pages, he went into great detail and so did everyone else for who are against this app.

    By the way, bad analogy. ;)
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  7. StarshipAwesome Well-Known Player

    I agree. If we have the option to simply have just 1thing removed...our name...when our toon sheet comes up, that would probably solve close to 99% of the problems people against the census have. It would solve all of the ones I could come up with at the present time.
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  8. Feenicks New Player

    My reasoning is much deeper than "because". In more than one thread in more then one instance I laid out in greatest detail why. If you don't understand then I cannot help you.
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  9. Char Well-Known Player

    The problem with that is you have your forum activity restricted - am I supposed to magically know?
  10. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    What you're saying is I'm not going to retire no matter what the outcome is of this.... That's the point. No matter how much information is shown, when your league needs you you'll run with them. If that's the case, why not just use your main the same as you always have? They've temporarily removed ones that show how often he is on, so nobody would know if you're playing him or an alt.

    If the developers stick to their guns and make the current information available what then? I now know that you'll never be completely retired from the game, so if they just have the current generic info will you still be only playing Feenicks "only when the league needs you" or will you still just play with the league like you always have?
  11. chubbychase New Player

    Pretty much. It would be more of a census if it didn't have names. When the populous receive census information, we usually don't get everyone's name with it. Though that will take away the usefulness of seeing player stats quickly and easily, but that can always be added to the game (it already has for leagues, could be added for friends). Talk about which, why is this the one game I've played so far that if someone adds you as a friend, you do not have them as a friend on your own list, and vise-versa? A bit off-topic but it just seems odd.
  12. VintageWine Dedicated Player

    As someone who...well...likes to think she spends a good enough time on forums, did they talk about this in Announcements, WIP, testing feedback? Hell, threads in Gotham Discussion popped up not too long ago, a few days or whatever so I guess everyone else knew about it?

    All I'm saying is if you're going to bring something in game regardless of whatever team is dealing with it, tell us ahead of time, not that I'm mad at them or anything. Just tells ahead of time so the community as a whole can talk about it to see if this is really needed or not, not because every other MMO uses it and not because people lie about their stats and you end up believing them ( you as in you in general )
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  13. winter13 New Player

    That is a great idea. I'll be doing the same as long as I log off with that armory, that is all anyone will see. Maybe I'll go no armor, supply drop, and limrs in that armory. It'll still show your cr most likely though, because your cr does not drop even when you take off your gear. Not sure if it will display stats though.
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  14. BB Ren New Player

    I really don't see all the fuss about this, bottom line is even when you LFG being a 108cr with 180sp, I will inspect you and I do know how much a 180sp tick for HoT and PoT... So in the end whether I do it fast or once we start the raid, I will call your bluff and kick you... just like everyone else in DCUO who wants to do a smooth run with higher tier experienced players... Don't like it? Get better, work on your feats and don't skip content because all I've seen lately are posts from people with 100cr complaining about being kicked from 108cr groups running lockdown... Quit your yapping, grind some feats and run TD couple of times until your gear stops looking like a skittles bag... We all did it, we still do it, so there's no need to complain for not being able to do it... In the end some of us took a year to grind our stars and all I see are players that have been playing for 3 months and think they deserve special treatment... One word for you... "pampered"...
  15. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    That's my point. They DID tell us ahead of time this app was coming... LONG ahead of time.
  16. Feenicks New Player

    I'm missing your point. Are you trying to point out to the world that I'm somehow full of hot air or something? Why do you even care?

    I'm just here in the forums now to see the outcome of this disaster. Is that ok?
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  17. VintageWine Dedicated Player

    Long...long...long...so what happens to telling us now? What can't they tell us a few days before it happens? Some forget, some don't. Doesn't matter how long they said this, they could have still said something.
  18. StarshipAwesome Well-Known Player

    I don't know about the friends list thing. But, as to my point you quoted, as far as the census being a thing that can be used to find like minded individuals, if a player is someone that wants to be with others that have no problem with their name attached to their stats page, if they look up my name, they'd see they can't find it, so they move on. Everybody wins.
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  19. Feenicks New Player

    Use the app. Check out my stats. :)
  20. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    You can look at his toon now. It still shows CR and SP, but all his stats are all way down. It is pretty funny when you look at it. :D

    Hate to be the bubble burster though, doesn't it refresh frequently though? So if you're playing that toon in content and helping your league when someone looks you up it should have all your correct stats no? Not bad if you want to limit people to only looking you up when you're online, but doesn't hide the stats permanently that I'm aware of.
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