DCUO Census Data

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Mepps, Sep 10, 2014.

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  1. Ghaladh Dedicated Player

    Elitists will be happy of that. Beside having an arbitrary way to kick someone out of a session, I see no benefits by introducing those visible stuff. You will see horrors like:
    "you don't have that power in your load-out, so you suck" -kicked-
    "120 SP minimum, you have 118, not enough" (like you would notice the difference if the player is good) -kicked-
    "Synthetic mods only?" -kicked-
    "Less than 2 hours per day played?" -kicked-

    On the other hand, the elitists will finally form their private parties and will not be seen anymore whining about everything in teams that don't meet their expectations. That would be certainly a huge relief.

    However, seeing someone's stats it's totally immersion breaking.
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  2. Ninja'd Dedicated Player

    Last time I heard a lot of us disagree with our PSN id being shown on the inspection window. It should be since many players who are members could put their personal credit card information to pay for legendary.
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  3. Starbrand Dedicated Player

    So much people affraid of... information.

    The truth will always set us free, fellows :)
  4. Hraesvelg Always Right

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  5. The Lone Stranger Devoted Player

    This +1

    The "temporarily removed" items could be added to the stats tab under inventory.
    Some people enjoyed seeing how many days or hours they've logged into a character...
    I could see this being added in a tab on our inventory (like the current stats tab)
    It would also be interesting (not useful) to have a total time played across all alts field for us to view our own stats.

    But, unless and until equity is achieved, I am opposed to this app.

    There are feats I cannot get (Back from the Hack) and certain PvP maps that should not be held against me

    Also, now that I'm on PS4, I'd like to be able to buy feats from my old PC account. Only fair, since people who have been on the same server for less time than I spent on PC can buy their feats.

    And put certain styles BACK into vendors. I'm looking at you, Sharpshooter!
    I'm old, fat, and ugly, and will never cheat on my wife, but I have a better chance of sleeping with a supermodel than I have of getting Sharpshooter legs from the vault! Some players actually bought that style and didn't have to beseech the fickle and sadistic gods of RNG to get them!

    Otherwise, you could just remove the Kick function, and I'll shut up.
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  6. Echo Blue Committed Player

    I think you might be confusing your Online ID with your Sign-In ID. Every time I play my racing game, the community can see my Online name. Every time I play my FPS, the community can see my Online name. Most games I play have a results chart after each session and the community can see all sorts of game related information, includding my Online name. My Sign-In ID requires the password. This is the one that should be kept private.

    Not all information out there that relates to you is necessarily risky to you. While it is good that you are concerned about what others can/should know about you, I think if you step back and really look at what is being presented about you, as a gamer, it's not that big of an issue.
  7. YellowToenails New Player

    Only low sp players don't want the apps? Look up Stormsonswife. The deleted one was me, I quit because I didn't like that a league of two people wouldn't be able to stay as competitive as someone in a Walmart-huge-you're-just-a-number-type league and how the healer role has deteriorated. The new one is the doing of my handsome best friend/spouse.

    I don't like the app because I only pugged and I saw what the community is actually like, not from the insulation of a cliquey league. I oppose it, not for myself, but because I'm the nurturing-put-myself-in-others'-shoes type of person.

    The ideals that I try to (sometimes unsuccessfully) live up to make me see this app from the eyes of:

    a person who queues in and gets kicked after the app is consulted;

    from the eyes of the girl who used her mic once and is now being stalked by mouth breathing boys who make new toons to harass her;

    from the eyes of a deployed soldier whose name was taken because someone saw their preferred name hasn't logged in in six months and they got a gm to give it to them;

    from the eyes of the disabled person who plays all the time because it's the only thing he can do, then he gets tells from people: you played for 10,000 hours, get a life, loser...there are sooooo many ways this can be misused and protecting those people is better than letting them get mistreated so my curiosity can be satisfied.
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  8. Darkerusaelp Devoted Player

    Nothing wrong with these. Get real people, anyone can friend you and see when you login and log out. It's not a big deal. This info can be used in the near future to delete characters who have not played in 6 months to a year.

    For some people, names are a very important part of character creation and it is not fair to the community for a F2P who hasn't contributed anything to keep a name on a character they have no intention of playing.
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  9. Buckley Loyal Player

    How did you get that number? The only way I could get a count was Last_Saved But thats not accurate. All alts have a last saved. Any way saying that there is 11 million players also distorts the truth, I don't think there are nearly as many players as SOE makes it seem.
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  10. MentosTroll Loyal Player

    problem solved!
  11. YellowToenails New Player

    Anyone who doesn't like the apps: respec your name to a combination of capital i's and lowercase L's. In game they're almost indistinguishable, good luck to anyone who tries to look you up, lllllIIIIIIlllIIlI.
  12. Buckley Loyal Player

    PS2 uses it, no one there seems to think the world will end or implode because of the stats that are available.

    So here you go, my stats for PS2
    Planetside Univers

    The only players that will be afraid of this is players that have something to hide. Also there is the "do onto others" scenario, if you have been a A-Hole to such an extent that you fear retaliation, well then maybe you should have been nicer.

    This will do more good than bad, and to all the players that just see the negative, well that just says a lot about what you think about other players you play with!!
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  13. Anhur Committed Player

    I agree on this point - the details as a whole are harmless, it's the ability to misinterpret the data that can cause issues - hours played does not indicate that this is your cumulative total experience with DCUO and so on, all the metrics needs to be more complete and robust if it's going to be out there.
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  14. bareheiny 10000 Post Club

    Seriously? That's your argument? smh...I expected better :(
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  15. Buckley Loyal Player

    or have been di** heads to other players, or liers. Would you like to see a list of good things you could use this information for?


    and thats your counter statement Smh..... I did not expect any better.
  16. bareheiny 10000 Post Club

    I have outlined my reasons for disliking this data release...and they seem reasonable to me, and I assume others based on their feedback. Simply brushing away their concerns as being a case of "having something to hide" is asinine and simplistic at best.

    Still...one good thing has come out of this discussion. There are some people with whom I have agreed with in the past that I now disagree with, and I still respect them. There are others with whom I have never agreed with nor respected, and my view of them has been re-enforced. And sadly there are others who I have lost any respect for.
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  17. StarshipAwesome Well-Known Player

    CR doesn't matter because people can still be carried in this game. CR is also only an accurate measure of if you can get into the content. SPs don't matter because they can be bought via replay badges that are used to buy feats. Thinking things like these are accurate measures of someone's ability to play the game is an error.

    The idea of when created/last login is a bit of a gray area when it comes to personally identifiable information.

    And I'm not in your league or anyone else's, so what business is it of yours when I created my toon, how long I've played it and when I last logged in? Just because you want it doesn't mean you're gonna get it. It doesn't mean you deserve it.

    Some of the info in the census profiles I would not find objectionable, if they were accessible by other league mates only. Leagues have a stop gap measure of needing an invite before you can join. I'm not in any league, so what business is it of anyone when I last logged in? If I join someone's group, I'm obviously logged in at that point, so what does it matter when I was in last?
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  18. StarshipAwesome Well-Known Player

    From what I've seen, outside of "it's not your peronal info being shown", the other major call for a large amount of census data is coming from the idea of being able to tell if you are on the same level. However, it's all arbitrarily defined. People can be carried for cr and sps can be bought with replay badges. To be able to tell if someone is on your level would require (from a stats point of view), knowing everything about all the toons created by an individual. This feature is not happening. This would also require video footage of the player's game and an analysis of how they think/plan for their gaming. And that's not gonna be an option.

    If an opt out/limited data option is made available because some (including me) are uncomfortable with being treated like dirt, I say let them initiate a kick to get rid of me. And if they send a tell, saying "we want you to come back in", I'm not gonna.
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  19. Buckley Loyal Player

    what would be your thoughts if the devs announced that all non league players will get a 2% stat boost to all there visible stats(restro/vita/might)
  20. YellowToenails New Player

    What does a ridiculous, not gonna happen hypothetical have to do with anything? If elephants were all pink with rainbow colored poop, then I'd like the app better. ;)
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