DCUO Census Data

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Mepps, Sep 10, 2014.

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  1. FameYack Committed Player

    I love playing on alts,
    As i go T1 and T2 is so easy to beat others and make a difference with very little resources,
    When i Que i take my chances and it is frustrating how cluless try to make sense of information at their disposal in very mediocre ways
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  2. Frost New Player

    We would like to be able to Opt out of appearing in the search results of this App completely!
    Thank you.
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  3. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    Thank you guys for responding so quickly to our concerns.

    Few questions I have.

    1. Can you also remove last known location?
    2. Anyway to opt out? (assuming not, but I thought I'd ask)
    3. If we cannot completely opt out, could certain things (like mods in your gear) be censored?
    4. Are you guys planning on adding other features like being able to see in game cash/marks/whatever?
    5. Can those who inspect see the allocation of said SP?
    6. And lastly, how are you guys holding up with all this stress over this app? I can only imagine how tough it has been. ^.^ (edit: realized that might have sounded snarky...but I am being genuine.)
    I would like to add that I would be against allowing my loadout to be seen.
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  4. Jamie New Player

    The last log in was probably removed so people cannot find out how the population is actually doing. In 1 day they had somewhere around 120,000 toons log in. Was it a slow or busy day? We won't know and we won't be able to see how that changes over time. Is DCUO dieing or expanding? We cannot use this as a way to find out. That was the only aspect of it I liked besides confirming that some people treat DCUO as a full time job.
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  5. Agent JW New Player

    I like it so people cant lie about their stats anymore i have no problem taking a under geared or low skill point person into stuff as long as the group knows about it so we can watch them and help them. But when they lie people get frustrated with them and they get kicked so be honest it will help the group.
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  6. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    Mepps, with Last Login removed: is there any way for the League Roster to be tied into the information the census used to get more accurate information for Last Online?
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  7. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    I saw it as a way to stalk someone. Hmm when did he last login in? When does he usually log on?.
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  8. Sodam Yat Dedicated Player

    I cant imagine why anyone would have a problem with this app unless they were lying about their stats.
    If ppl are worried about others kicking them because theyre "not CR x and not SP x", they need to look up the word "A**h*les", put those ppl on ignore, and then realise they've been left with the decent ppl in DCUO.

    All seems a bit "Mountains outta Molehills" right now looking at some of the reactions.
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  9. Sorwen Well-Known Player

    While that is standard yes the ability to query that directly isn't and most have the ability to opt out. A lot of games have Armories now, but while you can look up some of that information(or all of it rarer and rarer cases) you can't query to collect large batches of it. That is my biggest concern is that someone looking to cyber stalk/bully can easily obtain specific data and then find the person(or persons) where in just about every other instance they have to have selected the person first.
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  10. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    I say opt of of the items temporarily removed, but the remaining stats are mandatory....

    Personally I just wish the time logged was on my account and not my toon. People may see 200 hours on my toon and think I don't know my roles when in reality I have thousands of hours logged in game....

    Are there any other stats the dev team feels should be shown always?
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  11. Dedith New Player

    I agree with the above. However, we (developers) need to be able to identify when a character's data changes for caching purposes. Recently, within EQ2 census, we had to move from a last login timestamp to a crc field to identify if the character data changed.

    Can we please have something like this?
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  12. Dedith New Player

    This is another reason for an opt-out feature.

    However, I would love a character's skill/power choices be made available. I can already see a dynamically live build planner for this.
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  13. WickedRhys Well-Known Player

    Dont see a problem with these being visible, its stats and times in a GAME not your real life bank details
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  14. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    One thing I do not understand. Why in the world does the forums have a opt out feature [Where you can limit who can view your profile] and this cannot.
    Both of which makes sense.
    If I do not want people to see my recent posts, recent likes, people following me/vice versa. I can opt out and not allow anyone to see it.
    There should be a way to opt out of your information being publicly released for anyone to see. What if I do not want players to see my stats/league members/ time spent Etc.
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  15. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    I've posted in the other threads on this issue. I don't think I need to quote myself. I would like to add, though.
    The last login and the total time spent are stats that relate to our current real-world behavior.
    If they are to be made available, they should only be available in game. At the very least, they should be protected by requiring an SOE username and password.
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  16. Hraesvelg Always Right

    So that all voices are heard and aren't totally drowned out by the people whinging, I'm completely fine with the temporarily moved stats being put back in. I even like the idea of seeing someone's friend list, to be honest. The MOTD was a bit much, as a lot of us keep voice comm information in there.

    More info!
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  17. areacode8O8 Committed Player

    This is going to be great. I like how rockstar's social club site works. Shows crews, stats, favorite weapon etc. don't know why people are so worried about their toon's stats? It's just a game?
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  18. Dedith New Player

    I'm doubting SOE will put last login back in as one could, in theory say.. track the number of character logins per server per day or even per hour easily. Which is data SOE does not want to give out.
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  19. MattTheViolator New Player

    I'm all for being able to see skill points. I think the phrase "intended and fundamental" says it all. It can, in most cases, make your pugging experiences much more fruitful for those of us wanting to run solo or remain with small leagues. You will have the ability to choose who you do and do not want to run with
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  20. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    When I log on and how long I play are real life details. It would be easy for my boss to find out how late I was playing the game last night, and exactly how much of my spare time I use playing the video game. That's personal information.
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