Daybreak, please just put villains and heroes chat together.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Dianatique, Aug 5, 2019.

  1. myandria Item Storage

    Well, in my humble opinion, the reason spammers have found their way around those restrictions is because they are not so *restrictive* to begin with.

    Being able to block those bots across your account would help to keep your chat box a bit clearer AND allow you to switch toons without having to ignore them again. I think having it help, at least a little; it's better than what we have now, which is nothing.

    As I have stated before, it would be *near* perfect to add the account/global ignore to the current restrictions.
  2. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    I would appreciate account bound ignore lists. Since you guys obviously can't, or won't, do anything about gold spammers, give us the ability to ignore them once and not have to do it on every toon.
  3. High Troller Loyal Player

    One I'm sure they wrote for you and me

    enabling versus chat for watchtower and hall of doom would be a pretty neutral start in my books. i would use my hero to queue up in raid groups from lfg to get a few of my villain toons into certain raids. versus chat would let me remain on the villain side
  4. Hurly-Burly Active Player

    DCUO needs to ease up the restrictions players in which players can interact.

    Bottom line, DCUO is not a AAA mmo, nor a super profitable one based upon revenue estimations compared to other gaming companies. So new players will get one sniff of the restrictions, and log into GW2, Black Desert or Final Fantasy XI/XIV.

    Sometimes, you have to do the more "Complicated" things as a business. DCUO epitomizes how not to build a community. I get it though, nothing is ever as easy as clicking an easy button. Now everything players asked for is done....
  5. zor ile Well-Known Player

    you could have option to turn it off and on like you can other things in the chat options?
  6. 1stCmdMent Level 30

    Just use the "Verses channel". Enable it for what ever social function that you need and be done with it. In addition, you can make your own channels to chat it up with your buds on the other side. Because it's safe to say it wouldn't improve any real function in game communication other than to just talk and trash talk at that. Bad enough that can be done on the "Verses" Channel. I do not want to have to keep LFG or Trade disabled when the filth comes on to do their damage. At least they have to hop on their alts to do it. So my answer is no and not only no but a BIG NO!
  7. Vuri Well-Known Player

    Sick and tired of people rejecting great game ideas because of spammers,its not even that serious and the "weLl i CaNT SEe IMPORTANT massages" is a pointless argument literally just resize your chat box/and or SCROLL UP plus if there's a on/off option and the bots are annoying you just turn it off. With that being said, I hate the spammers too and feel there should be a solution BUT the great idea of Hero/Vil global chat shouldnt be rejected because your too lazy to scroll up to see the message you lost or create Seperate chat tabs ect. #WEVOTEYES
  8. myandria Item Storage


    The very presence of gold bots/spammers is a violation of the TOS itself. So yes, spammers and bots are a serious problem.

    You shouldn't have to *scroll up*, *resize your chat box* or *join/create* a chat channel because spammers are taking up space in the chat channels. I've never said that having heroes and villains chat together was a bad idea; taking care of the spammers should come first so that they cannot take advantage of it. Who wants to see double or even triple the spam because heroes and villains can chat together? Since you can create a chat channel to include your villain friends, the devs don't have to work on this issue right away. I rather have the devs take to the time to figure out how to keep the spammers at bay before they implement hero/villain chat instead of just implementing it because of a great uproar about it.
  9. Vuri Well-Known Player

    I understand its against TOS but theyve been doing this for YEARS and we've been reporting it for....YEARS so why even continue to ask for something they obviously wont reminds of the "Please bring back the Og Auras ,its not fair for new players who cant get them!" Argument.
    Its gotten to the point where its like trying to explain to a child why santa isnt real,like I said there are plenty of ways to go around the bots find one and maybe youll realize its not a big deal at all.
  10. Sean1M New Player

    I have an alternative suggestion. Rivals. Basically a friend system between sides. Rivals would be able to talk to each other and race each other.

    But as for talk between sides. We do already have versus chat for that. But something more private and direct would be nice. And after all rivalries are fundamental aspect of superhero media.
  11. myandria Item Storage



    It is a big deal; if it wasn't then the devs would not even have bothered to put in the TOS that spamming/bots are against the rules or even attempt to manually ban those players. Just because spammers and bots have been around for a long time doesn't mean they should be less tolerated; that's like saying "Oh, why do people get upset with those who commit fraud; they've been doing that for years. It's no big deal."

    At this point in online gaming, you should not have to *figure out* how to get around spammers; there is enough technology to implement to make it not worth their while to use spam/use bots in online games. Spammers/Bots deserve no tolerance whatsoever; they siphon revenue away from games into their own pockets. Smaller games like this one cannot expect to tolerate such revenue losses over the long run (15-20 years or more).

    Since you seem to tolerate spammers/bots, you should have no worries or nothing to complain about; even the *children* shouldn't bother you at this point.

    As for me, since I have no tolerance for spammers/bots, I will continue to do my part respectfully until a system is in place that makes it a waste of time to spam/use bots in this game. Guess I'm in for the long haul.:D
  12. Vuri Well-Known Player

    Your example is wrong let me correct it for you,"Oh,why do people still fill out police reports on those who commit fraud,the police know or can know EXACTLY who is doing the crime but wont arrest anyone even with all the evidence we provide to them"
    ^that is a prime example of whats happening ,people are breaking the laws(TOS) but STILL wont be arrested (Banned) and you keep filing out police reports on the exact same people they obviously let fly under the radar. Waste of time and hope.
  13. Dianatique Well-Known Player

    That first statement is totally wrong since raids and alerts are with heroes and villains together, so why should the open world be any different?
  14. Dianatique Well-Known Player

    So let me ask you something really honest.
    What in the heck do YOU do to prevent that toxicity going on in the chat? What do YOU actually do towards people using foul language and insults?
    Oh that's right, you don't do anything, you know what you should do? report those types of people with screenshots, or better, ignore them, the ignore button is there for a reason.
    People shouldn't have to bend knees for you cause you think this is a "bad idea"
    So this is not a they-thing, its a YOU thing, you aren't doing anything about it, so suit yourself.
  15. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Bit of a bold claim to make there.

    The spam messages keep changing, getting more elaborate and convoluted to get around restrictions the devs put into place to reduce or remove the spam. If the devs refused to fix it the messages wouldn't keep evolving (or devolving, depending on perspective) because they wouldn't need to change things.
  16. Sean1M New Player

    Just like to point out that while I agree heroes and villains should be able to communicate more easily hostility is not a good means by which to get what you want. I understand threats and aggression are a tool used by villains quite often but in the real world civility is usually the best way to get your point across.

    I mean unless you are presenting it in video format where you can just use emotional manipulation to push forward toward your goal. XD