Customer Service

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by treehunter904, Oct 2, 2013.

  1. CAAR New Player

    We can't or we will get banned from forums?
  2. DatTroll New Player

    Just one question. This looked like the place to put it.

    If trading PSN cards is against the rules, then whey do I see the same people all day, every day selling them? Or offering a Next plan for a card? Seriously, it's the same people. It never stops. I reported once just to see if anything would be done and... NOPE. All night in the Watchtower the same person scamming the heck out of people. For two weeks now, there is one person in particular that just never stops trading PSN cards. What gives? Are the devs just not on?